6 points
Sooo, as promised: here is the first video
I hope the quality is okay and YouTube didn't f* it up too much. I might have to reupload though, but we'll see. You might have to wait an hour or so for it to be available on 1080p.
Anyway, please comment on spots, talk about hands, and discuss my lines! It helps you and me :)
Also, if you have any questions regarding basically anything, just ask them, I'll be happy to answer!
Hope you enjoy & gl@ the tables :)
Jan. 24, 2016 | 3:55 p.m.
Guten Tag! :D
Soo, I'm back with a few updates: I tilted a bit, started playing 4 tables which didn't end well, as you guys can imagine; dropped a few stacks over the course of not too many hands :D I just thought: well, I'm playing 4 tables of 10nl easily (for the challenges from stars) and make a lot of profit, so why shouldn't that work with 50nl? Well, for me it doesn't. ...yet!
Anyway, I thought about changing my blog a bit: I always record myself when playing, just to keep the focus and be able to analyze the hands later, so I thought I might upload some of the sessions on YouTube, maybe you guys would enjoy watching me play and maybe get some insight into how I'm thinking and how I'm approaching certain spots. It should also be a pretty awesome leakfinder :D
As you know, I'm also doing a lot of theory stuff off the tables with CREV and some other tools. I could also record that, if some of you guys are interested.
Basically, the plan would be to cut out the boring stuff and focus on interesting spots. I do have some experience with cutting videos, so it would be pretty easy to do for me.
What are your thoughts about that? Would someone be watching these kinds of videos?
Let me know!
So far, gl@the tables!
Jan. 20, 2016 | 3:25 p.m.
ATo I usually 3bet or fold there, but because of the weak player in the BB I flat there a ton. Having him join the pot just adds so much value. I think the turnbet was close already, but I think BB really is the only one who still has a better hand in his range than my 2nd pair/TK because I expect the BTN to play pretty straightforward and go for pretty thin value on this board with a fish. So betting AT there gets a ton of value from draws and worse Tx, which the BB is all gonna call, so I think the bet is fine. I probably wouldn't always bet this against a reg in the BB.
Yeah, and the river was just too tempting, considering he's probably betting Jx, 2p, busted fd's against which I have a ton of foldequity ofcourse. I think having the T blocker isn't that relevant, because he would've squeezed TT pre I guess. He finally tank called with the 2nd nuts, which was a bit unfortunate. Still like my line though.
The AA hand, yeah, I could've made it 2, 3 BB's bigger, but I think the SPR ott would've been around 1 OTT even without the 2nd caller, so I still could've shipped the turn comfortably. I like a slightly bigger sizing too, though. BB had QQ unfortunately, nothing I could do really.
The AK hand: SB's 2% 3bet was in total, which is extremely weird. I mean, he isn't even 3betting AKo probably :D
As for the overbetting range, atm I'm figuring out what to valuebet there against unknown as a standard and against what kind of range I'm playing really so that overbetting actually makes sense. So yeah, might take a while as I'm analyzing a lot more standard spots which takes a lot of time, but I'll get there eventually :D
Alright, enough of the old hands, lets get some new!
Hand 1 is just for entertainment value, as you could imagine the sweat :D Obviously hated life with the heart river. I guess flopcall is pretty std for his sizing, even with potential dead outs?
Hand 2 is a bit of spewing probably. Pre I think is fine, I'll 3bet or fold in this spot, I think it plays quite well as a 3bet. Flop sucks obviously, as we don't really have much going for us. Also, the jacks are hitting him quite well compared to me. Anyway, in game I thought I block a lot of his Jx combos: there are basically just 16 in total (which is a bit loose already), of which are 7 left after card removal. So I think the cbet in a vacuum is okay'ish, although I think cbetting once and giving up is definitely not gonna make you money there. So yeah, the turn improves JT, TT and gives me an OESD, which I'm gonna continue barreling ofc, expecting him to fold A hi's, 77-99 probably too. River 7 improves 98s which isn't in his range I'd guess. 8s9s might be, if he calls that pre, which I doubt. So I decided to fire the 3rd barrel, also because I'm not blocking any of his potential flushdraws, plus I do have some 98s in my range there. I'd also bet all my Jx this way (I'm basically always 3betting AJo in this spot, sometimes KJo against certain opponents).
So yeah, thats basically that spot, I'm not really sure what to make of it. I think bluffing KQo there should be fine? I wouldn't really feel great about bluffing all my busted flushdraws there, so I think KQo should be okay, especially considering the blockers. Sizing wise I'm experimenting a bit on paired boards in these spots, I'd usually bet 1/3rd pot with basically my whole range but I moved away from that a bit.
Anyway, I'm really not sure about this spot though, opinions are highly asked for!
Hand 3 is also pretty interesting: I like to mix in some AK's, KT's especially with BDFD in my flop x/c range, I also dont feel that great about cbetting these boards in these positions, so I like to x/c there sometimes. Its getting more interesting on the turn though, as I'm gonna lead my whole range there for 1/3rd pot, just because he never really has a J in this spot. I basically want to charge him for a card which is not good for his range. I think thats a pretty common concept these days. I decided to pot the river, I was toying with overbetting, but that would limit my range to flushes I guess and I do want to valuebet Jx in this spot. I also dont really have enough bluffs there to overbet, as basically everything got there (except for AK lol), so I'm even a bit unsure even about potting it there.
Also I'd prefer to have the Ac blocker in this spot though, but I guess the K should be fine aswell, it also works as a straight blocker, which is pretty worthy aswell.
Again: please share your opinions on everything! Betsizing, the line overall etc!
Alright, I guess thats it for today, I have a ton of hands more but I feel bad with 3 already because of my walls of text :D Also excuse my english at some points, as you know I'm german and not really used to writing that much in english.
Thx for reading & commenting and gl@the tables :)
Jan. 14, 2016 | 8:36 p.m.
Alright, back with some more. First of all: graph is in the green again and begins to look decent as I removed some leaks. Still a long way to go though, I feel like I'm still leaking all over the place, lol. I don't have that much time today, so I'll keep it short with a few interesting hands.
This one is a bit tricky against a rec because you can't really give him a range and play against it cause they'll just show up with so much random stuff. Anyway, thought the river was kind of a nice spot to turn this hand into a bluff, expecting a ton of folds. Might be spew though, but I'm okay with it.
Hand 2 is another non standard line I'd say. I had some reads on the squeezer plus I knew that the SB is a huge fish who I like to keep in the pot for the most time, so I like putting aces in my flatting range there with some frequency against some opponents, it also kinda protects my flatting range in this spot, which is also nice.
As played I think there is not really another line to pick here?
Hand 3 is interesting in a sense that I have absolutely no clue what this guy had, considering his 3bet% was 2% (!) over a ~400hand sample, which is also the reason I just called AK SBvBTN.
I mean, the only combo which makes sense is exactly AcKs really. I thought for 20seconds about calling, just because his line looks a bit bullsh*tty, but the call would be strongly -EV if he just barrels his QQ, JJ with a spade like this (which he might do tbh). :D
After all I believed in him having 1 single combo of exactly AcKs. Maybe I'm just too nitty for these games :D
Hand 4 is interesting in terms of range construction on the turn. I typically like to overbet these kinds of spots, where I won't be valuebetting thinly at all and polarize my range. As for bluffs I'd choose 9x, Qx, some offsuit Ah combos and on the turn almost all flushdraws, but thats just a rough guess, as I didn't look into that spot yet. Ingame I thought the river might be too thin already, but against a recreational player I don't mind a bet there, especially because you can pick a very exploitative sizing there.
Alright, I guess thats it for today, thanks for reading that stuff and commenting! Love to see that!
Also thanks for the good wishes 1daychip and for the opinions about the hands from you guys!
gl@the tables :)
Jan. 12, 2016 | 4:59 p.m.
Thx @dddogkillah!
Gay Theory I think against population its just a fold there, despite being exploitable by folding JJ there because we certainly would have to, according to 1-A. I've encountered these spots a few times now and so far it seems that they just dont really bluff in these spots. I'll have to look over these kinds of spots with a bigger sample though, my conclusions are based off of ~15k hands so far, which is way, way too less.
Anyway, updating the blog now with a few more hands, I won't post any graph until the end of the month (or somewhere in between when I feel like it) just because it affects my mindset a bit too much still.
I've also went through my database to spot eventual leaks and made some adjustments. I lost a ton coldcalling 2bets on CO & BTN, so I changed a bit about my ranges there. I was folding to way too many cbets in these spots, which led to the conclusion that I'm just calling too wide there (which I like to do with fish in the blinds). Also it seems that the NL50 population is folding a ton to river barrels, but again that might be a samplesize issue. Another thing which I look to improve is my Turn AF, which is extremely low, while my river AF is pretty high (as an adjustment against a possibly overfolding population).
Anyway, lets get to some hands.
Hand 1: I like to attack these boards against wide cbetters pretty frequently so I think choosing the NFD there should be okay. The main reason I'm posting this hand though is to think about hands to barrel on the river as a bluff 1.) when no spade hits 2.) when the spade hits.
For the first one I wouldn't love barreling spades through the river just because of us blocking some of his potential folds, I'd much prefer 9x or Jx to block the nutstraight there. Although the board pairing river is a bit dicy here in terms of what to bluff choosing this line. Any opinions?
For the 2nd one I'd probably choose 9x, Jx with spade blockers, I'm not entirely sure how many of these I'm gonna x/r OTF, but I think having blockers is pretty important in this spot and makes a bluff more +EV. Again, opinions? I may be forced to barrel a few 9x and Jx without spade blockers though just because I can't come up with enough bluffs in this spot, even using a pretty small sizing? About my river sizing, I thought about it a lot ingame and I thought just a bit over half pot with my whole range should be fine there. Although I think I could've gone to 65-70% there with my range. The fold, again, might be exploitable AF but I had him marked as a rec, which means I'm gonna completely exclude hands like QT or Qx for him to bluff there OTR. I just think he's basically never bluffing there, which led to a fold. I also don't think he's doing this with a Tx or a worse flush, so it should be an easy, despite exploitable fold.
Hand 2: Well, this one was pretty unfortunate. He was a 13/8 uber-nit, so I didn't squeeze pre (which I would do sometimes). I think the hand went pretty std except for my sizing. Should've sized the flop to ~30bb to be able to ship turn. The Turn SPR was just extremely awkward and my sizing OTF was terribad. I didn't want to overbet ship the turn, so I chose a small sizing for an okay'ish SPR OTR, but as I said, I messed it up pretty hard OTF.
I think river is just a clear fold though, nothing I could really do. He just has aces there 10/10.
Hand 3: This one is a bit awkward, preflop aswell as on the flop. I'm sometimes squeezing this pre, so I dont really mind it. Plays okay'ish and blocks some of their continues, also I wanted to isolate the CO who was a perceived fish.
The flop was extremely weird, as I like to check this one back a lot (which might be a mistake). I just think, exploitatively speaking the hand needs a ton of protection (esp without a BDFD), so I dont mind a bet there to get him off some random overcard equity. As played just checking down and folding to any bet. Again, I might need some more opinions on as to bet the flop with what kind of frequency with that hand.
So yeah, I think that's it for today, I'm skipping a few days sometimes just because I dont feel like posting or don't have the time to do so.
Also I wanted to mention that I'd love to hear opinions about my thoughts, about my hands etc. Helps you and helps me. I'd love to get some discussions going here!
Anyway, thats it so far, gl@the tables :)
Jan. 10, 2016 | 12:33 p.m.
Alright, I'm gonna make the first update for day one basically. (Sadly this is also the first comment) :(
The session went okay, I worked a ton on improving in certain spots and my game was on point (at least for the first 1k hands). Unfortunately, I made some horrible calls right at the end, where I was kind of tilted because of some pot I lost because I misplayed the hand.
Here's todays graph:
The end is a bit heartbreaking, but its good for me to learn and watch for these tilt-spots.
Overall, I like how my adjustments affect my redline, because I was a bit worried for her to descend that drastically.
Anyway, a few hands of today I found to be interesting (mostly coolers, but i'm thinking about making ridicoulusly bad folds in certain situations)
Hand 1: I guess pre, flop & turn are pretty standard, river should be a fold (against population)?
I was just a bit confused (and tilted, lol) as to why he would be betting his overpairs OTR, expecting me to have quite a few 9x. But as I analyzed the hand, it turned out that his shove there is fine if he expects me to call every single overpair. As for his bluffing range, I dont really think he has enough bluffs there besides some random overcards (he was a recreational), but yeah. I made the call and it turned out to be wrong. End of the story.
Hand 2: This is a spot which I encountered numerous times now. I obviously have to call this hand in theory, but I'm just beat there basically every time. Or was at least so far. Call me a nit, call me a fish but I'm actually thinking of making extremely exploitative folds in the future against these kinds of sizings of recreationals. This might be way too results oriented though :D Also one thing to remember from now on: fishes love slowplaying :D
3rd Hand: Just a small fun hand against what I assumed to be a regular. I have him marked as a horrible regular now. Thats for sure :D
I checked the turn because he's a pretty aggro guy, who does love barreling and I expected him to barrel the K almost always. River was a tough decision, but I guess I had to call. lol wtf is he doing.
4tabling 'reg'... This is just horribad. (He had aces obv)
So anyway, those were some hands, I analyzed at least 20 more today but that would be way too much for that post. I also made some certain conclusions about the pool, which should be pretty accurate. Also analyzed some of my villains stats to spot leaks to exploit them in a way or another.
Thats it so far,
gl@the tables
Jan. 7, 2016 | 5:19 p.m.
Hey RunItOnce Community,
I'm a 21 year old guy from germany who recently finished school and played poker for quite a while now. I'm now free until late summer with basically nothing to do, so I decided to make this poker thing a full-time, serious job. My poker background is mainly Heads-Up, I played up to 200nl on different sites quite successfully. Anyway, I decided to switch to 6max on Stars, currently trying hard to beat NL50 Zoom and not get crushed too hard :D
My approach to this is pretty disciplined, I play at least 2k Hands a day and I'm wrinting a journal everyday about my mindset, my game, my mistakes and so on just to keep track and actively improve on my game. I'm also analyzing many standard spots, aswell as big pots with CREV to get some insight on what the optimal frequencies roughly are. I'm not using GTORB or PioSolver, since I think its pretty much unnecessary at NL50 Zoom. I'm currently struggling to find out, how I should be approaching NL50z, as I still think I bluffcatch way too much.
Also, analyzing my DB everyday, I do a few things which I adopted from HU, like cbetting not enough probably (idk about that one though) and x/c'ing with too many A Hi's on boards I should be cbetting.
My overall stats so far are: 25 | 19 | 7 | 49 | 59 | 47 (VPIP/PFR/3B/F3B/CBET/FCBET)
Positional RFI stats are pretty standard I guess, with the exception that I open way too many SB's because the NL50 population folds their BB way too much imo.
Also, my AF seems pretty low as it is at 1.97, AFQ at 43. Therefore, my WWSF is at 44, WTSD at 22, WSD at 66% (samplesize probably). River call efficiency is at 1.97 so far.
Anyway, enough of the boring stuff, this is the NL50z graph so far (ugly, isn't it?
My goal is to get the effin green line to the top! Samplesize is laughably low though, so I don't start doubting myself too hard yet :D
Plus, after analyzing the hands it was clear, that basically all big pots were coolers or setups or suckouts. (besides 3 or 4 where I bluffed into the top of villains ranges)
I'm gonna post some hands right away just to get this started!
I don't really like this one in hindsight, I think overbetting Turn, overbetting diamond rivers would've been better? My thought process in game was that I'm not really betting any ace there for value anymore so my range is polarized to basically flushes or nothing. Although I dont really know what sizing I'd use with my sets. Might be a smaller one, which makes my range uncomfortably unbalanced. Also I thought that he doesn't have too many diamonds in his Range OTR with me blocking the Kd. Also not blocking any spade made this bluff pretty attractive for me. Looking at this Spot in CREV, I get way more than enough foldequity, thinking that the avg NL50 player's calling range is restricted to flushes OTR.
So this one was played against a 14/9 Nit, so I decided to x/c this Hand in these positions against this guy, which might be a mistake already. I think b/f seems fine too. River is kind of unfortunate, but I talked myself into a call, thinking his range would be exclusively KQs, QQ. Probably not even all KQ's tbh, and bluffs. I think the call OTR was pretty bad against this guy because he won't be able to show up with too many bluffs there probably. I completely discarded KQo from his range, so it was only KQs which I block and QQ or some ATs. Anyway, I think the call was bad after all, simple as that.
So yeah, I think the post is quite long already, I posted some of the hands I played pretty bad imo to get some more insight. I won't be posting coolers/setups and this stuff because its not really interesting. Neither for you nor for me.
I look to keep this thing updated with new hands and graphs a lot, although I might experiment with not looking at my results in the near future because of my mindset, but I'll see about that.
Until then,
gl@the tables! (not against me of course :D)
*Edit: I posted the HH's as a picture because I dont really know how to post them otherwise. If someone of you guys could tell me, I'd be very pleased :D
Jan. 7, 2016 | 9:26 a.m.
Hey RunItOnce,
I've been having an Elite membership for something like 15 days right now and enjoying it so far!
Sadly I got downgraded as of today from my 99,99$ Elite membership to a basic one for no apparent reason, while the membership should last until 5th of january. Sadly, I also didnt get notified or warned about those changes.
Hopefully there is a way to solve this and I will be able to watch all those awesome videos again!
Thanks in advance :)
Alright guys, I haven't posted something for a while now, which is mainly because I'm doing a ton of hand & DB reviewing which takes a ton of time. Basically, my whole day is about poker: I play poker, I think about poker, I consctruct ranges for poker, I analyze pokerhands etc etc, which is obviously fine and fun as hell for me, but in the evening its usually enough poker for the day, so therefore I dont really wanna write about it after finishing the session :D
So thats basically the reason I don't post that much stuff here, I still try to give you guys some regular updates on what I'm doing, what my results are and so on, but I can't promise daily content :P
So yeah, overall the month went pretty well for me: I feel like I improved a ton!
I've drastically re-worked my BB defense, which had a huge impact on my game and my winrate.
Also I finally figured out my optimal session-timing and the amount of tables I want to be playing, which is extremely important too, imo. You're just giving up on so much of your edge if you play too many tables or are not concentrated etc. Therefore, figuring out what is optimal for you is crucial.
Also, I worked a lot on flatting ranges, esp. on the BTN vs all positions, I was flatting way too wide in these spots, where I should've been 3betting.
I also recently started taking a ton of notes, especially of regulars, because I think they're way more exploitable than I first thought they were. So I think taking some notes, especially on sizing, will boost my winrate significantly.
So yeah, there are a lot of other things I improved, or at least changed and I feel like I've made some progress throughout the month! Definitely looking forward to another month of 50nl zoom!
One main focus this month will be betsizing: I still use standard sizings way too often without thinking about my and villains range, therefore I miss spots where I should be betting big, sometimes even overbet or where I can get away with a cheap, small bet.
I also lose a lot of value this way, so thats definitely a thing I need to work on a lot!
So yeah, I guess thats it for now, wish you all gl @ the tables :)
Feb. 3, 2016 | 11:39 a.m.