27 points
Hey Robin! I think you should start thinking more about your opponents when making these big decisions... after this video I feel like that many times you just keep betting big because it looks so strong... Yes it might look strong and your range might crush the opponents range but many times all of that doesnt really matter that much. Some people just dont fold enough for whatever reasons...
In the last hand(AT84) the river is very easy checkbehind if villain checks river. You have enough showdown value. When villain leads I don't like raising especially after villain bets so small... I feel that in this kind of spots when peoples ranges are face up and they bet small and get raised they just dont like to fold. Also often times when you see these kind of leads when the river doesnt change the nuts it means that the player might be fishy. That makes me really not want to bluffraise the river.. I think if he has trips he is not folding and many times you'll see that people dont even fold something like AAxx here for you if they play it this way. They dont care if you look strong and represent a fullhouse.. they just call because they have trips :D.
First hand KT75hh. I don't really love the river bluff. Again I just think that people will end up calling too often even though yes it looks quite credible if you have some history and villain knows that you are not a terrible player. Without any history between you 2 I really dislike this play. To me villain smells already a bit fishy when he goes ahead and cbets pot on K63 rainbow. Also it is a spot where against good players I'd go for a checkraise with the nuts if I had them and could also checkraise bluff if I wanted to. This way we can get a bluff out of him and he could valuebet worse hands.
AJJ5 hand: If I wanted to fight for this pot I'd start by betting smaller on the flop so that it would leave me more room for later streets. In this hand I think I would not bet the river with so little behind... people just dont like folding. JTxx missed so thats probably enough reason for them to call.
Again I really dislike your river bluffraise. Villains will be valuebetting all of their fullhouses in this spot and I think they are not gonna fold any fullhouse to your jam after you check behind the flop even though again you are repping strong... Also villains should have quite easy valuebet here with any str8 so those are the main hands that you are aiming to get to fold and I'm not quite sure how well that is going to end working either after you checkback the flop :D. Also one thing to point out is that there is definetely some people that arent even valuebetting straights here so... I would just fold. I think calling would be bad against this sizing by villain without any reads.
I'd go ahead and raise the flop especially after the BTN just calls. You have almost 45% against a set and against a few combinations you'll be in rough shape but for the most parts you are well ahead of their ranges. Also when you see the turn and the river 3-way it is kind of hard to extract value if you just call and do hit. Against most player if you get reraised big on the flop you can be quite sure that you are up against a set and can play the turn perfectly by calling and folding if the board pairs. But doing that you must be very very careful that you read their range correctly. Against some players it would be a big mistake to fold any turn card and against these kinds of players it is probably best to just get it in on the flop. Against this river sizing I would be heavily considering making an exploitative herofold and tbh I would have folded readless. Nice catch!
If you do play the flop like that I would not be continuing bluffing on many turns.. This turn card happens to be one of those that I would have continued on though against some players. You said that that the 2c doesnt really matter because you are repping J7+ but it is actually quite relevant because you now have a fullhouse draw with J2xx and it gives you some equity which is relevant. Also it is card that shouldn't boat him up so it is a good card to bluff. Again you say that you are repping J7+ but I think many people at these stakes dont see it that way and would autocall the turn for exampe with 72xx if they turned a boat. They might think that you reraise the flop with nutfd and now you are valueshoving :). If you play against a spewy opponent who is raising you a ton in these paired boards then you probably would want to start checking with these kinds of holdings. Also exploitatively readless I'd 3bet smaller on the flop as a bluff and bigger as value.
Well played and I do agree with you 100% with the read on the turn sizingtell. Good job!
Hmm yeah I guess this is wp readless. The river is quite close though because we do beat some hands and people are curious...
What do people think about checking the flop? Our hand is equity favorite on the flop against almost any range and would like the get money in. But if we bet the flop and he calls it will be akward on turns. The board is rarely gonna run out so that we are extremely confident in valuebetting 3 streets... I mean if we hit a flush it is going to be 2nd nuts and it is hard to get 3 streets... also with 9x it is hard to get much value from worse. Jx yeah we have a straight but again just 2nd nuts. By checking we give him an option to take a stab with bad hands and he probably will bet his good hands anyway and then we can checkraise and get a lot of monies in good. Also we are not worried of giving him free cards because our hand has a little bit of everything so his bad hands have a very very poor equity against as. If it checks through on the flop we can very confidently bet twice on almost every runout for value.
After watching this I'd like to remind for everyone that for the most parts it is going to be solid play that'll get you the money. And like Phil says: Sometimes it is ok to lose a pot.Oct. 12, 2014 | 11:48 p.m.
Hello Phil!
I feel that you might be giving too much value for people having hands that need a combination of 3 or 4 cards in some situations like the one at 15:00 -> KQJJcc. After a while on the turn you say that he could have hands like T987+fd 7654+fd and u are doing very well against those and then decide to jam. Those kinds of hands usually make a very small portion of villains range because all those hands need atleast 3 cards working together and now that he opened UTG those kinds of hands usually are very well connected like 4567 T987 so they make even smaller portion of his range. He is not gonna have hands like T873. For example if I give him in this spot on the turn a range of 4567-5678-6789-789T that makes only 720 combos and u were talking about those hands with flushdraw so only very very few combos of those. Whereas KK** alone makes 861 combos... K9** 4820 combos.. AA+clubs 876 combos.. my numbers arent properly filtered because I'm not very good at using PPT and those might be a little off but I guess you got my point :) just wanted to point this out because I feel like this isn't the first time this comes to my mind when listening to you talk.
Dec. 30, 2013 | 8:03 p.m.
I was thinkin about the AhAs7h5s hand on Kd9h4h flop. Are you sure 3betting the flop and getting it in with this hand is the best play? I feel like people are checkraising quite polarised on these boards. Hands that they are going with and then some weaker hands like JT82dd(gutshot+bdfd), 7752hh(fd), K775r. I think these weaker hands are not going to continue when we 3bet the flop but we probably would like to keep them in the pot and hope they barrel some turns etc. and we can continue on every single turn card. Also we are not doing that great against his getting it in range with our hand so maybe we should just call the flop with this hand and be 3betting hands like AhJT2h that won't have so much equity against his weaker hands but is doing quite the same against his getting it range. Maybe I'm wrong about the checkraising range though...
Thanks for another great vid Leszek! The way u think about poker and analyze hands I can tell that you have a bright future in front of you in poker if you just keep working hard and putting in the hands. These videos are easily better than many of the elite ones.
Oct. 11, 2015 | 4:55 a.m.