10 points
Or at least someone to chat with in regards to my play. I have trouble deciphering where the leaks are in my game. I have Hold em manager 2 and record some of my sessions on twitch or OBS as well.
If anyone wants to sweat or just talk poker that would be sweet. We can skype or just email its all good.
Jan. 7, 2015 | 9 p.m.
I agree with rukka.
You could be popping this 3x or just flatting. Personally I like flatting here
as you would get much more information on his range after the flop.
Dec. 31, 2014 | 1:36 a.m.
Without any history or reads it looks like villain has AA or KK. Folding isnt impossible considering you did not raise pre. I agree with raising preflop, it puts you in less awkward positions postflop. I think a flat call can be good as long as you know you can take advantage of a certain player postflop.
Dec. 31, 2014 | 1:33 a.m.
The 3h on the river is a great bluff card for him. He probably feels like that board hits his range the most.
If you dont plan on calling 3 barrels maybe the best idea is to raise flop and go from there.
As played you should call the river.
Anyone like a flop raise instead, or are we happy just calling down 3 streets?
Dec. 31, 2014 | 1:25 a.m.
See, I understand your pain.
I would almost always call here and I just never know if it's correct.
According to odds calculator
AKo vs random range = 64%
So is that good enough to justify calling a shove without any reads?
The more I think about it the more it makes me want to say lay it down and wait.
But everytime i'm in this sich I just call and say "well, I had AK".
Dec. 31, 2014 | 1:18 a.m.
So it has been somewhat average for me lately,
but I did play 250 tournaments this month!
My latest cash was earlier today when I took a stab at the $55 90k.
I got 83rd for $190 but I was frustrated to bust so deep.
BANKROLL : $1152
Dec. 31, 2014 | 12:59 a.m.
Always nice to see people spewing that bad.
Dec. 28, 2014 | 1:10 a.m.
On the flop if villain is a nit and calls a 3-bet in position you would have to assume A or Q would be a large part of his range. A10AJAQ, KQ, QJs. I feel like AK 4-bets mostly but sometimes that is not the case especially in position.
IMO c-betting to get hands that are beating you (Medium PP's) to fold is good. AAQ is a scary board for 77-1010. I agree with jizit about sizing. Id probably go 40-50%.
Might be a good idea to look at his fold to 3bet stat on HUD as well. I dont mind 3Bet OOP sometimes to keep the BTN and CO in check from stealing, so if that was your intention i think thats fine. And then Cbet/fold to raise is perfectly OK in my opinion
Dec. 27, 2014 | 10:31 p.m.
For some reason I never thought to just call him down on flop dependent boards. That makes a ton of sense considering stack sizes. Thanks for the insight nog!
Dec. 27, 2014 | 7:16 p.m.
So I finished in 3rd for $540. Not happy with the finish obviously. I could have taken first and
i'm hoping someone can help me clarify if my move makes sense here against a super aggro
villain with history, Thanks!
Here is a link to the thread and HH.
OKAY! Thanks for any insight!
Dec. 27, 2014 | 7:52 a.m.
SB: 684,367
BB: 246,074
Dec. 27, 2014 | 7:48 a.m.
Im currently at the $11 4k final table with 7 left. It's been a good solid tourny so far. I played a couple hands poorly but overall I have a decent chipstack and hopefully I can close it out and ship it.
Dec. 27, 2014 | 6:01 a.m.
Nice fatcat! I'll be checking for updates for sure.
Dec. 27, 2014 | 3:39 a.m.
Streaming on twitch now, sweat my MTT session: EZBakedShovin
Dec. 26, 2014 | 8:01 p.m.
Ill be streaming some MTT's live on Twitch within the hour under the user name:
So come by and chill if you want. Help me with the leaks in my game! haha.
Dec. 26, 2014 | 7:18 p.m.
Nice dude that's awesome. Looks like you're doing pretty well. I'll be paying attention to your
future results for sure. How did the 1.2k hand go down? Interested for details.
Dec. 26, 2014 | 7:04 p.m.
Yoooo what is going on everyone?
I am currently winning. Which is wierd but this site is helping.
This journal is going to be dope, so come hang out and talk poker.
So far, this is where i'm at for December 2014. My job availability allows me to play quite a bit,
so I will be able to get quite a lot of tournaments in for next year.
My goal is to get to about 10 a day eventually but for next month I just want 250 MTTs a month = about 8 per day.
About 3,000 on the year but hopefully more.
Obviously I am on a bit of a heater, but I'm looking to ride the wave and play smart poker.
There will be bumps along the way but thats part of the game and well push through to the other side!
I would like to be able to be a professional MTT player. That is my goal. Chea.
Hopefully we can rock it out.
My girl and I chillin at Canadas Wonderland. Just to add a personal touch to this journal.
Dec. 25, 2014 | 1:53 a.m.
So Its about $30 to call and win $40 on the river. The way its been played it looks like he just has KQ or QJ really often. KJ would probably check on the turn i believe? A10 K10 J10 KQ QJ 108s are hands you beat i think. You lose to 910, Q10, mabye J8, KJ.
After thinking this out Im just not sure what the best play here is.
My gut tells me its really close. Man I wish i had some insight but it seems tough.
Anyone else have insight into this hand or want to elaborate/correct the ranges i put together?
Dec. 23, 2014 | 1:26 a.m.
Just to get involved in discussion, I am also curious about this hand.
I do have some thoughts on it though I am not a pro by any means and hopefully
we can create some discussion to help my train of thought. (first post here)
So if he wasn't 3-betting much vs UTG / MP raisers, I think flatting here is okay considering
a lot of the time he would be having 88+ or 99+ and AQ+. He would fold the bottom end of his range to a 4-bet so I do think it is the better option IMO, plus i think most villains ranges are wider than that. You opted to flat so lets look at postflop.
The flop is strong obviously. Especially if you believe he has a tight range. Since you only decided to flat call pre-flop I believe it is an advantage in this position. You only lose to AA and JJ and maybe AJ. He may be putting you on TPMK or a mid PP as well.
Hes going to CBet a medium amount of time considering your range has got A and J in it alot.
If dont like C/R because the only thing he continues with has you rocked except AQ.
So as played I think C/C is better then C/F or C/R anyways. (someone help me if thats incorrect)
Turn play is interesting because I think he could potentially have KKQQ101099 and have a Diamond some of the time he feels he can bet into you to get you to fold.
On the River you need to call $60 to win about $130 or whatever was in the pot. So in order to turn a profit you need to win 1/3 of the time. (lol I think?.. please tell me thats correct).
Based off his hand ranges I think you win more than that so I think a call is fine.
I dont really like it too much TBH so I think 4-betting is just better so you can avoid these super difficult decisions, but you got him to bluff his stack off soooooo someone give me a reason to not play the hand like this so I can understand why my gut tells me 4-betting is better.
Yes sir this is a dope vid.
Sam Grafton be that man laughin when they jam stacks in.
Especially loved the 88 jam haha you were just that confident. I like seeing non standard plays from pros. Great analysis as always man. Thanks for the insight!
Jan. 23, 2015 | 10:43 p.m.