1 points
Hey Jeremy, thx for the vid; A couple of questions, in the hand when you shove 66 from LJ (26:35), assuming you were on UTG, would you still shoving your range from this position or you mix open/shove here ? Do you have a shoving range from UTG being as shallow as you were on this spot ? There reason behind is bcuz when I’m UTG w/around 15bb I’m still opening my range and not shoving at all. Also, what do you think it is important to have on your HUD these days ? What’s on yours ? Thank you once again! V
April 26, 2020 | 2:36 a.m.
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Super helpful video Owen, like always. I would like to know what randomizer are you using when playing ? Where to find it?
May 18, 2020 | 3:51 a.m.