VIPR's avatar


4 points

Looks like he has 3X or 87 and maybe was trying to figure out a bet size to get most value, but in any case, as played this is an easy fold.

Nov. 12, 2018 | 1:07 a.m.

Comment | VIPR commented on Nl25z KQ in 3bet pot

Without more info on villain its hard to say what's going to be best because we can't make any assumptions about his range or postflop strategy. His turn bet size is odd. It's less than halfpot on a wet board but I don't know what to make of it.

Some lines I would consider:

-Call flop, call turn, fold. As weltcheftrainer says, youre getting close enough to breakeven odds on a turn call. I would be more inclined to take this passive line if I sense that the player is going to play back at me often.
-2.2x raise flop, barrel turn large, x/f river.

Nov. 11, 2018 | 10:59 p.m.

You could probably look more intimidating if you bet less on flop and more on turn (~80%). This will get a good amount of folds from weak pairs and you'll take it down and still have opportunity to bink some rivers.

I would never really consider bluffing this river against a weak reg. Your line of 3bet/double barrel is +EV in itself and imo triple barrel bluffing is going to be splitting hairs and complicated for very little EV gain in a vacuum. Finding spots where you create big risk for small gains can be self destructive.

Nov. 11, 2018 | 6:02 p.m.

This is kind of opponent dependent. There are some players who I know will play fit/fold on the flop and in those cases I'm reluctantly taking your line.

There are other times where my opponents will play back at me. Against those guys I tend to check call 1-2 streets and see what happens and sometimes they show down with KQ, T9, etc.

Then there are times where you can bet flop, and barrel turn heavy and get the player to fold anything below top pair or FD.

Nov. 11, 2018 | 4:29 p.m.

Eh I’m calling river. Only need to win ~1/3 calls to break even which seems fine, then taking a note on the result.

Turn bet seems fine. Anywhere from 1/2-2/3 is standard.

Nov. 11, 2018 | 3:57 p.m.

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