Uppie_'s avatar


9 points

so basically your trying to fold out QQ KK and KT heats and clubs out. Everything else in his value range calls. I think some of the time QQ and KK are gonna raise that small flop bet to deny AK equity as well. I think its a check back. the question is can he shove his mid pairs as a bluff on the river. to fold out your JJ QQ KK.

I'm not a fan of shoving the turn and I'm not gonna put it in the solver right now

July 27, 2021 | 9:35 a.m.

Like other's have said if your parameters are different the results are gonna be different. If the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs hit the moon instead Earth would be very different and that is one parameter in the history of earth, mind you a big one. Basically its the butterfly effect.

Solvers are great tools, but Tools they are. Most if not all people have very limited solving capabilities unless you are gonna invest thousands of dollars in ultra high end computing power. Along with the amount of time it is gonna take to solve each spot. So people using solvers are using simplified solutions to approximate the out come.

It's a tool and should be used as such, I'll give two other examples. Haralbos has a detailed computer for NBA sports betting, But he still watches as much as he can and uses the computer as a guide but knows it can be dangerous and very wrong at times. Solvers are no different.

The other example is Chess engines, They play very strong Chess Stockfish is almost unbeatable for a human player(but can be beaten at times) But Stockfish which is a great tool for chess pro's gets crushed by AlphaZero. So what that means is Stockfish is most of the time finding the optimal play but it does make mistakes and is not 100% the stone cold answer. There are many examples on stream where Stockfish has shown a position equal that is totally lost. Also, Stockfish has different depths it can be set to and different levels of the program, GM's use a cloud based one that has far more computing power then the free version on lichess. Does this mean the free "solve " is bad no, its a great guide to what the right move might be, but its solved less precisely so it maybe slightly in accurate.

Use them as tools to help you construct ranges that are gonna be hard to exploit and make you money. Don't use them as the supreme answer. We can all come up with spots in solvers that the population plays very differently(exploits) that drastically change what we should do with certain hands.


July 26, 2021 | 7:28 p.m.

generally it has to do with suits and blockers and or things you don't block. I'd look at earlier spots in the hand and see what having those cards does to the villain range. Probably weights it just enough to having more bluffs etc if that card isn't in his range.

July 26, 2021 | 6:02 a.m.

What is your 4 bet flatting range?
Flatting KK is totally fine ranges I use mix calling the 4 bet and 5 bet jamming this spot.
3 Bet range I gave the CO AA-JJ,AKs,KJs,AKo-AQo,[75.0000]TT-99,ATs,KTs[/75.0000],[50.0000]AJs,A5s,QJs[/50.0000],[25.0000]88-77,A9s,KQs,JTs,AJo,KQo[/25.0000]

Vs. That range and the 50% flop bet 100% of KK combos call the flop, on the Turn, with the K of diamonds solver says its a call as well. This is vs a GTO 4 betting range with the right amount of bluffs etc.

If we give the Villain this range AA-JJ,AKs-AQs,AKo, KK plays the exact same. Solver approved. Which is totally against my gut, I thought Turn would be a fold.

Feb. 5, 2021 | 5:48 a.m.

Comment | Uppie_ commented on bankroll question

like count said it depends on what you are, rec or pro. your posting in the low stakes so much more likely your rec. As a rec player really anything works that you come up with and fits in your personal budget. Post what your Bankroll management plan is and generally it will be ok. If your not a winning player no Bankroll management will matter as you don't have a bankroll you have a budget. If you are a winning rec player, again post your plan and goals of what you want to do with poker/life.

If its a serious hobby that's great find a comfortable stakes to play and if you want to jump out and play a bigger tournament feel free. If its being a pro work out your monthly nut, your disposable monthly income desired and do the math.

Jan. 31, 2021 | 5:54 p.m.

Comment | Uppie_ commented on NL 10 - UTG vs SB T9s

Seems fine to me, If I'm the villain I absolutely hate life when you check jam. I didn't run the solver as other's did. It says your play is fine what does it say villain should do with JJ. I'm Pretty sure i'd fold it a fair amount thinking to few players are capable of using this line as a bluff.

Only thing I don't love about your OP is your thought process of trying to fold out his bluffs. Solver likes the c/r which is good but in general a lot of solvers plays to me seem to be very much about keeping bluffs in and allowing them to continue to bluff in spots.

Don't turn a bluff catcher into a bet where worse never calls and better never folds. This isn't that spot like the way you played it just be careful with that thinking.

Jan. 25, 2021 | 9:22 a.m.

4 bet or fold is probably the optimal in this spot for the reasons you said, UTG still to act and can force you out of the pot still.

Need to stop thinking about one spot where you could have won money. Many more spots you slowly bleed money here, Also, you may have raised the flop and forced out the Kings that hit top pair on the turn and won a small pot. Also, JJ and KK are in the ranges here too and you lose a monster.

Jan. 25, 2021 | 8:59 a.m.

Comment | Uppie_ commented on 10z WPN: Rigged Hand

I'll put my win rate vs. yours any time. What did you do wrong? seriously if you can't look at this hand and see a mistake you have a long way to go. I've played 120,000 hands so far this month. I'm merely calling you out for the constant bad beat posts that do nothing for the forum besides being an outlet for you to vent. But lets discuss the hand

What range of hands do you think calls your turn check raise?

  • You didn't think about this you looked at your hand and said I got QQ baby lets go.

What is QQ equity vs his flop continuing range on this turn?

On the turn are you betting for value or bluffing?

It clearly looks like you have no clue about this concept on this hand.

If your bluffing what better hands fold, if value what worse hands are continue?

you said he just clicked buttons? why cause he raise called 6max game with ATs, vs Sb from UTG its a mix of 4bet bluff and call vs SB 3bet. Solver also mixes call and raise on the flop. So I'm not sure why you think he's just clicking buttons. His play fits in perfectly fine with GTO concepts while yours looks way more like button clicking and nothing close to optimal play on the turn.

Yeah I'm being a bit of a dick but I think you need it. Cause you butchered this turn and post it as a poor me bad beat story.


Jan. 25, 2021 | 8:44 a.m.

Comment | Uppie_ commented on Moving Up

I like the above post, only thing I would add, your bankroll isn't limited to what you have in the account. Don't be foolish but if you can budget 100 a week to deposit and not miss you can take more aggressive shots. Bankroll rules are set up more as a guidelines for professional players who if they go broke have no means to make money. your playing 2NL this can't be your case. Come up with rules be aggressive and stick to them.
I'd be way more aggressive then 50buy ins. I'd also play tournaments more then cash, pools are way softer and rewards are bigger and you can hit big and rake is more reasonable.

Jan. 25, 2021 | 8:33 a.m.

Comment | Uppie_ commented on 10z WPN: Rigged Hand

lol gifted a stack by you not knowing what your doing at all.

Jan. 25, 2021 | 8:03 a.m.

What value hands take this line? The only ones that make total sense to me is 45s and 66, pocket 55, A5s(3 of 4 diamonds barrel). Other possibilities only you can answer, Do you check back 87s, 56s, 77, A8, 88 on the turn? Do you check back 9Ts on the turn?

So 3 combo's of 45 and 66,6 combos of 55, and 3 combos of A5 for 15 combos of value hands for sure take this line.
So you need 15 bluffs K9 seems like a good one to me as K9s would be ideal as it blocks a 9T combo. QTs for 4 more combo's, JTs, with your k9 suited, and J9s. Seem like a good bluff range to me.
Be mindful that this is still likely not enough bluffs cause diamonds combos of those hands probably double barrel and some of your other value hands you may slow play on the turn I don't know your game to know. More often players tend to slow play the flop and not the turn.

Once you fully understand your value range you can design a good bluffing range that is balanced. Then you can figure out in your game if this spot is over or under called in your games and design an exploit around what your data says about this spot.

I think K9s is gonna be one of the better bluffing hands in your range with little sdv so seems like a good bluff to me.


Jan. 24, 2021 | 5:49 p.m.

So Villian is 50/0 over how many hands? What is your best estimate of this players pre flop calling range?

This is that range AA-22,AKs-A2s,KQs-K2s,QJs-Q2s,JTs-J4s,T9s-T6s,98s-95s,87s-85s,76s-75s,65s-64s,54s,AKo-A2o,KQo-K6o,QJo-Q8o,JTo-J8o,T9o-T8o,98o,87o.

What hands from that range based on info you have on villain continue on the turn?
What hands from that turn range are still in his range on the river?
What hands are in your range on the turn and river as played?
What hands in your range are value bets?
Which ones are bluffs based on size you are choosing to bet on the river?

Is A6 in the in the combinations of value you hands you determine based on this analysis you should bet?

Vs, a true 50/0 type player without doing the work this is a clear value bet.


Dec. 23, 2020 | 7:32 a.m.

On BOL I play 4 tables and get in 900 hands an hour
ACR software is much slower and I get 465 an hour 4 tabling.

This is using hot keys and table tamer.

Dec. 22, 2020 | 10:05 a.m.

Very hard for people to overbet bluff in general. This spot to me would be extra hard to over bet bluff in Villains spot. You call twice which for most people is consistent with a drawing hand. So it is very hard for someone to bluff the flush card when if he has a made hand it makes much more sense for you to be on a draw.

It may take a while but generally at the micros until villain can prove he can make an over bet bluff best to assume large river bets are very strong hands that are generally the nuts in the villains eyes. which on this board TT can't beat.

Pre is whatever, 3 bet is probably best but mixing in a call ok, that board though you have to raise the turn, way to many draws that kill your action on the river if he has a strong made hand where you won't get paid.

Dec. 22, 2020 | 9:38 a.m.

Flopzilla is a great tool to help reading villain range and how it connects with certain flops. Try to come up with what you think ranges are in every spot pre flop.
What, Range do you think reg's flat you with when you raise UTG, MP, CO, BTN etc,
then go from there on certain flops. Eliminate hands that are clear folds, then go to the turn, eliminate more hands that fold to a double barrel. Same for the river.

Look at what range of hands in each spot are raising hands, calling hands, and good hands to bluff with.

Solvers are good tools as well and will show you how ranges narrow down street by street.

You can use your hud data to put these ranges together and see what % people fold to cbets to help you narrow ranges by streets as well, its not perfect but will give you an idea of what hands make sense.

Then you need to use other HUD stats to try to get a feel for the villain, like aggression factor to help determine if the players raises are value heavy or draw heavy. Again, not perfect but will give you the basics.

Also it just takes time and seeing a lot of hands and then reviewing your database after when your not in the moment.

Good video's on here as well about how to construct pre flop ranges under NLH course as well that would really help as well.


Dec. 22, 2020 | 9:25 a.m.

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