9 points
1) 3bet 60%
2) Fold
3) Fold
Feb. 3, 2018 | 8:51 p.m.
1) Fold
2) Open 25%
3)Open 25%
Jan. 30, 2018 | 2:20 a.m.
4b JJ
Call ATo
Fold 99
Jan. 26, 2018 | 8:43 p.m.
Very well articulated Chris, nice video
Nov. 30, 2017 | 7:55 p.m.
I've added basically everyone and gone through a bit of a screening process, the group is running pretty smoothly at this point. Feel free to post/PM me still as we can afford another couple truly dedicated study people
Oct. 13, 2017 | 8:02 p.m.
For the KJs hand at 10:10, I'd be ranging him pretty exclusively on Q9 and KQ for value on the turn. With his two pairs and that part of his value he'd tend to raise a bit larger, maybe jam here for protection on a pretty dynamic board. I don't think this raise size is good then if he is now only repping the nuts, meaning I think it's fair to assume he's making some big mistakes post.
Playing according to that, against this type of player we can assume he's underbluffing when using this sizing, especially since all of his bluffs want to apply a lot more pressure to your tons of calling hands on this board. Unless he's a strong player applying a serious exploit after seeing you overfold earlier and he's planning on jamming rivers, it's a bit of a crazy bluff spot overall.
Edit: I heard you right after talking about his barrel down on the 92s hand (Sorry I had watched the first 9 min or so earlier and forgot I saw that). If he's repping such a thin value range, it'd be worth seeing what all of his potential bluff combos are in a spot like this when we know this player can triple in some loose spots. He could end up overbluffing here, but I stand by my sizing comment where most of his bluffs will size up a bit on that raise.
Aug. 29, 2017 | 5:01 a.m.
I've added you guys on skype :)
Aug. 5, 2017 | 6:12 p.m.
The title says most of the story, I'm looking to meet a few players very interested in putting in dedicated time and effort towards improving their MTT game.
About me: Been studying the game for almost one year now, putting in ~3 hours every day of study. I play full days of $5.50-$16.50 and the occasional $22 MTT on ACR a couple days per week (I work full time too).
I know I learn a lot better when I discuss spots with others, especially out-loud to get the full thought process flowing. I know some of you feel the same way, so hit me up! I'm on RIO every day so PM me or leave a comment with your skype.
July 4, 2017 | 6:31 p.m.
Also very interested, even though it's not looking like a small group anymore. hit me up!
June 9, 2017 | 4:24 p.m.
Google Jennifear's MTT Push/Fold
That's what he likely sent you thru google docs
April 16, 2017 | 12:05 a.m.
Well, if you call I'd argue you won't realize that equity as often as when you shoved, making shoving actually an even higher EV play than calling as you'll likely check/fold missed flops at this stack depth.
1) Fold 86% 4bet 14%
2) Fold 56% 4bet 44%
3) Fold 93% 4bet 7%
Feb. 7, 2018 | 1:07 a.m.