0 points
If you ment ''my PLO HUD stats are'' rather than ''my PLO heads-up/HU stats are'', having a VPIP of 40% pre-flop is considered very loose for a 6-max game. If you ment heads-up it's considered very tight. Your VPIP of 40% differs a lot from your PFR which is 22%, it might be an indication that you're too passive pre-flop, ie. calling/cold calling too much. Your 3 bet stat is very low as well, in relation to your VPIP and PFR.
If you're short-stacking those stats seem pretty passive anyway, but might be an explanation.
Playing Omaha a general guideline to bankroll-management is 40 buy-ins +, but more preferred.
The key to improving your game seems to be more patient.
Great video, Cameron! By far one of the best essential HL instructors at ROI.
April 21, 2015 | 3:20 p.m.