77 points
Yay! We need WAY more quality MTT PLO stuff like this!! Very good commentary. TY,
March 10, 2024 | 4:56 a.m.
very clear and helpful. ty.
Jan. 27, 2024 | 3:28 a.m.
Hey Ryan!
Great first video. Really look forward to your follow-ups.
I've played with you live on several occasions, 2-7 and mixed, and you are one of the real class acts out there! So thanks first for that...
Your open, conversational style is a breath of fresh air here!
A few thoughts:
1) The tell stuff is very, very interesting. There isn't much high quality commentary out there on the subject on general sites like RIO. Only on dedicated tell courses, and a few mediocre books from what I've seen.
2) Me thinks you massively underate your potential contributions for mixed game content!
Would love to see 3 mixed videos from you:
1) How you have approached your own prep for 8-game/dealer's choice/HORSE/2-7TD etc.as a self-described non-elite mixed guy. (sure...)
2 &3) A 2 or 3(!) part video that breaks down your much admired performance along with others' key hands at the $50k PPC at the fall WSOP in '21.
In any case I'll be waiting for whatever you have time to produce.
Cheers - mike dreese
Jan. 2, 2024 | 9:40 p.m.
just re-watched in prep for first wsop badugi. still great ! TY!
May 14, 2023 | 2:30 a.m.
Really enjoyed the in-depth analysis of these hands. Great format! TY.
Will you be at WSOP '23 ?
Dec. 26, 2022 | 10:53 p.m.
Really good format with high quality footage. Would also love to see more wsop mixed coverage, but with full final down to 4 player final tables. Fun to see your coverage after having watched a lot of it on PokerGo. The HU and very short-handed is interesting, but not something I find myself playing due to inevitable chops in most tournaments. Thanks!
April 30, 2022 | 11:23 p.m.
very high quality analysis. love the format. ty!
would love to see an even longer presentation of any wsop mixed or non-NLH game events, though i know the pokergo coverage was fairly limited.
Dec. 27, 2021 | 11:16 p.m.
Really good format. Super helpful. TY!
Dec. 2, 2021 | 2:01 a.m.
So sick of 4 screen lazy analysis! This stuff is a cut above!
Sept. 22, 2021 | 12:38 a.m.
Sept. 22, 2021 | 12:37 a.m.
Don't mean to lather you two up too much, but after a year of membership. this is one of the more informative and entertaining videos i've seen on RIO!! Single board, plus solvers plus analysis of players real world tendencies. All most excellent!
PLEASE do more in this same format! Any game! You two together are gold!
Sept. 22, 2021 | 12:36 a.m.
Very good, clear commentary, as always. Love to see some Dramaha or Badacey, Double Board Omaha, etc.
I always learn something watching your reviews.
The audience may be smaller, but believe me. you make a RIO subscription worthwhile with these mixed game videos!! You are always top of my list to view. Ty so much!
Sept. 8, 2021 | 3:55 a.m.
Really like the commentary. Most important is that this is a REAL situation in a tournament that we all can identify with. Not unusual to have a few bozos in the mix. To me the most important thing is to have you focus on one game at a time, which you do. So TY!
Sept. 8, 2021 | 2:52 a.m.
REALLY appreciate the single table commentary on a REAL game with consequences! So tired of videos that jump around 4 tables with lazy commentary. You always provide very clear comments, and your style of talking it through it, and sometimes changing your opinion mid-hand is very refreshing and useful. So thanks!
Sept. 8, 2021 | 1:34 a.m.
Really good format! TY!
Sept. 6, 2021 | 5:25 a.m.
very very good video. i really like just 2 tables. when 3 or 4 tables i find commentary very confusing. Your on the fly analysis with Odds Oracle is really fun and useful.
Dec. 30, 2020 | 8:51 p.m.
very good presentation. I really like the single table format and commentary.
always great to see final tables that matter, warts and all!
Feb. 25, 2020 | 4:14 a.m.
really great format, ty!
Jan. 6, 2020 | 7:05 a.m.
Really like the single table format in a tournament that matters! Some other's multiple table formats are very hard to follow, and often are of inconsequential/sloppy cash games.
Love to see more analysis of PLO8 and Big O, esp on bet sizing and 3 bet ranges vs board types. Your speaking style is very enjoyable. TY!
Nov. 25, 2019 | 4:37 a.m.
really like the conversational extemporaneous flow and pace with this important final table - way more real to me than cash.
Oct. 2, 2019 | 3:35 a.m.
Really like the rapid fire SINGLE table analysis.
As a live cash/MTT player, I find many of the RIO multi-tables on screen videos to be very hard to follow.
I'd rather see you spend more time on vids like this than spending your time editing them down at all. These are valuable as is.
Sept. 14, 2019 | 7:56 p.m.
very much appreciated to get more high quality mixed analysis!
Sept. 14, 2019 | 6:27 a.m.
Love to see some WSOP mixed semi-short with 2 tables left! Good to see you back.
June 22, 2019 | 7:07 p.m.
This series some of the best on the site! Great fun analysis. Valuable insights across the board and great style points for conversation. Thanks.
May 27, 2019 | 1:48 a.m.
fabulous commentary ty
May 26, 2019 | 5:12 a.m.
fun stuff
May 23, 2019 | 11:12 p.m.
appreciate the heads up. congrats!
May 23, 2019 | 10:48 p.m.
Really appreciated the whole series. Great to see the tendencies and commentary throughout.
May 18, 2019 | 10:24 p.m.
good stuff!
Great speed and commentary. Way better to see this quality play and graphics than 3-4 table at once content so many others do. TY!
Dec. 29, 2024 | 4:05 a.m.