Thomas Bah
0 points
This hand happened at a local live 5/10 game.
UTG+1 is a solid reg and very, very nitty.
BT is solid player capable of opening from late position with a range of big cards, big pairs and big suited connectors.
My image is fairly solid as well to both.
I limp from UTG with AcJc with 500bbs.
UT+1 limps behind with 300bbs.
BT raises to 60 with 160bbs.
Both blinds calls 60 and we both call.
Flop (300): Kc4s7c.
Everyone checks to the BT who bets 175.
Both blinds fold and I make it 900 with my nut flush draw.
UTG+1 goes insta allin for almost 3k.
BT goes insta allin for about 1.5k.
Action goes back to me. Should I fold or call the last 2.1k?
Feb. 1, 2014 | 10:50 a.m.
My general strategy was to avoid him for obvious reasons. So I am playing fairly tight and during 4 hours of play I opened in middle position and CTS 3-bet me 3 times on the BT and I folded all of them my middle strenth hands. In the mean time I managed to build a big stack and became the chip leader at the table with 137BBs.
UTG which was the other villain in the hand was probably a pro as well by his bet sizing and he was playing fairly straight forward more to the tight side.
Blinds 300/600 ante 50. 9 handed
UTG (45k) opens for 1.5k.
I call 9h9d in middle position with 92k.
CTS on the BT 3bets to 5k with 75k behind.
UTG calls.
I call.
Flop: Ah9s2h (16k)
UTG insta checks.
I insta check.
CTS insta checks.
Turn: 4h.
UTG fires 10k into 16k pot.
I think for a minute and call.
CTS insta goes allin for 75k.
UTG insta calls.
Hero: ????
One question about the QJs hand. Are you bet/folding the river given the fantastic pot odds you will be getting?
Good first vid btw.
Dec. 22, 2012 | 7:33 a.m.