10 points
In the foundations section in Phil Galfonds “This Is PLO” course, he goes through how often you are dealt a random 2 card combo in PLO.
On a 987 flop, he says that there is approximately 7% of having a 2 card combo not connected with the flop. So 7% of having each of TJ, T6 & 56 giving you a straight. Combining the probability of all these combos (seeing that they overlap) gives a probability of 19.6% according to Phil.
Question is: How do you calculate the frequency of how often you have a straight on 987 board?
April 4, 2022 | 12:57 p.m.
Hi, I was just wondering if there are any maths geniuses around here. I have various Open Face Chinese situations I would like to compare to find the optimal strategy. What hinders me, is my limited knowledge of probability calculations.
Example 1 - OFC Progressive Pineapple:
Assume that card removal from opponent is irrelevant
Second draw: A2T
Scenario 1 , Scenario 2
5 A 5 2
99 T 99 T
Some people would immediately assume that Scenario 1 is the optimal move. However, when a situation like the next one occurs:
Third Draw: 56Q
Scenario 1 , Scenario 2
55A 6 552 6
99T 99T
Scenario 2 has become vastly better with 6 clean two-pair outs compared to Scenario 1 with 3 clean two pair outs essentially treating the A as a dead card(Unless you get A9x in one of the next draws).
I have more examples of similar spots that I simply do not have the knowledge to calculate if anyone is interested.
If you wanna contact me via email: [email protected]
Jan. 19, 2020 | 11:59 p.m.
I have started looking more into Progressive Pineapple. For those who does not know, the only difference in progressive compared to regular pinapple is that AA=16 cards up top, KK=15 and QQ=14. I was wondering if anyone has figured out the approximate value of The different fantasies in progressive?
Jan. 31, 2019 | 1:13 a.m.
Hi Jen Shahade,
I was just wondering if you know the value of all the different FL for progressive? I assume QQ would be slightly lower than in regular pineapple due to the increased average points acquired per hand in progressive. Mainly interested in the value of KK and AA.
Nov. 4, 2018 | 7:55 a.m.
My default strategy is to go with a 1/4-1/3 bet nearly a 100% of the time. I'm curious to hear what hands you would choose to check back in that spot? My guess is some nutted hands like AJxx, some frequency of KQJx, KJTx etc, and maybe low rundown hands with no equity that unblocks his air?
Great video as always! Thanks
Oct. 31, 2018 | 4 a.m.
Hey Ryan Martin,
That makes a lot of sense, thanks a lot!
Oct. 22, 2018 | 3:47 a.m.
9 - handed freeze tournament live at Crown casino
Villain(55bb) - opens to 2.2 in MP (roughly estimated to have a 25% opening range)
Folds around to hero(9bb)
I did a calculation to see how many hands that hero should play in this spot. Holdem resources came back with a very surprising answer saying that Hero should play 100% of his hands in this spot (88% call and 12%shove) I knew that big blind would have to play the majority of his hands in this spot but 100% seems a bit excessive? I am worried that I might have made a mistake somewhere in the calculation. Would be good if someone could confirm this to be correct or identify my mistake? This calculation is based on Chip EV since I assumed ICM is roughly negligible early in the tournament and I dont know the payout structure etc?
Here is the hand:
Oct. 18, 2018 | 7:05 a.m.
9 - handed freeze tournament live at Crown casino
Villain(55bb) - opens to 2.2 in MP (roughly estimated to have a 25% opening range)
Folds around to hero(9bb)
I did a calculation to see how many hands that hero should play in this spot. Holdem resources came back with a very surprising answer saying that Hero should play 100% of his hands in this spot (88% call and 12%shove) I knew that big blind would have to play the majority of his hands in this spot but 100% seems a bit excessive? I am worried that I might have made a mistake somewhere in the calculation. Would be good if someone could confirm this to be correct or identify my mistake? This calculation is based on Chip EV since I assumed ICM is roughly negligible early in the tournament and I dont know the payout structure etc?
Here is the hand:
Oct. 16, 2018 | 9:45 a.m.
Now I am prepared for the next weekly tournament at crown! Learning a lot from your videos as a recreational in mixed games so thanks for that! At 35.15 how much of a difference does it make to have a J in the hole instead of a K for a steal?
Aug. 11, 2018 | 2:23 p.m.
loved it! Very entertaining and easy to follow! Nice to hear the adjustments being made from online to the live situations.
July 29, 2018 | 5:18 p.m.
30 min into the video.
With the KQcc where Cutoff(BillLewinsky) raises and you and BB(quiditbear) calls and the flop is Td7c9s. Doesn´t a small bet induce an easy bluffraise all in by quiditbear with all kinds of open ended or pair + gutshots etc given his small stack? I find by checking there is a lot of value if a Jack would come on the turn to give you the nuts, where the Co and BB can both turn the straight as well. Also the backdoor club draw. And the Queen + King that can come. I find myself in that spot a lot of times and curious to hear your thoughts on comparing checking to betting in that spot.
Great video by the way. Keep up the good work :)!
love the format Phil!
Sept. 4, 2019 | 6:58 a.m.