163 points
Hey Phil! Just begun this series and highly enjoying it.
With regards to the 7543s starting at ~15:33, I was curious where do you get the numbers for various likelihoods for different hand types such as your estimate for flushes in IP's range, I know you said you won't go into the whole thing in the vid on the fly but I can't help get curious about how you go about this type of thing, and whether you do go in depth about it somewhere else :)
Sept. 21, 2024 | 6:28 p.m.
Excellent vid!
Was prob asked before at some point but was wondering if you'd be willing to provide more info on the 2 excel sheets you are using in this video, these look super useful/slick.
Also would be extremely cool to have becoming a boss series for HU :)
Aug. 5, 2024 | 12:31 a.m.
Hey Phil! In the very last hand of the vid you mention that the villain could be bluffing with a better hand than ours but that just leaves him with bluffing a straight no? Not sure I understood that last part...
Feb. 3, 2024 | 8:38 a.m.
Hey Tyler Forrester , I didn't quite catch the J blockers thing on J63s hand @~22:52, can you please explain it?
Jan. 26, 2024 | 5:36 a.m.
Hey Phil Galfond ! I didn't know where to ask you this so posting here hope you'll see it -
I've been getting more into PLO recently in a more serious fashion and I am going over your content from newest to oldest.
I was wondering - Is there a certain point in time after which you believe the more technical stuff like sizing in specific spots etc should be taken with a grain of salt because it was pre-studying with solvers for you etc? I still intend to watch it all just want to make sure I don't study 2024 strategy and then find myself replacing it with 2014 strategy :P <--- Although I still intend to watch it all given how much I love and enjoy listennig to how you think and talk poker.
Jan. 9, 2024 | 9:31 a.m.
Hey Phil! Catching up on some vids of yours :)
AQ25 @ 32:17 you are saying that this hand can comfortably bet the turn and explain why, I was wondering what is your response when you do face the xR - Does it become at that point too much equity to fold or is it foldable?
Jan. 6, 2024 | 3:01 p.m.
Hey Phil! Absolutely Loved it, lots of nuggets in spread around in this one. Just in time for me deciding to get more seriously into PLO and getting my RIO Elite :)
~5:30 mark 4446 hand, you are saying that in order for IP to pot there he needs to be beat less than 20% of the time - Can you elaborate on how this works?
My heuristic when playing NL is that my EV with catchers comes from the opponnent's give up frequency, so if he is potting I need him to give up on the river 1/3 of the time to break-even, or, alternatively to over-bluff river, so if I am paying 1PSB not and then river pot is going to be 3 and he will pot again in a scenario where I can't rely on his give up frequency for my EV,my total investment is 4 into 5 so I need to win 4/9 times so the river overbluff range needs to carry >44% bluffs.
I am not sure how this works when additional equity is available on the turn and sometimes IP lands on a river that allows him a higher betting volume given how much it improves him etc but on this board given its 'locked down' and the nuts are likely to remain the same I wonder how it all works and why IP 'needs to be beat less than 20% of the time'.
The breakdown on the the T97Js9 flush complete hand was also really cool, I really like the framework of thinking of theoretical concepts in the context of what are the 'duties' of each player, how they are likely to mess them up and then what the adjustment would be (Which would also be my personal answer to your question of what would be awesome to see more of).
And ofc excited for the new course and hope it contains this type of thing, the 'rant' you had abit towards the end about how you view your coaching role can make an excellent Twitter thread for the new course ;)
Dec. 30, 2023 | 1:13 p.m.
Loved it!
Dec. 27, 2023 | 7:39 a.m.
Loved it! Can't wait for the live tells video :) And also for mixed game content
Dec. 26, 2023 | 11:48 a.m.
Excellent video! Would love to see/hear more about your process, study/prep/game-planning and adjusting/spot breakdowns etc.
Dec. 25, 2023 | 10:08 p.m.
The moment I realized this is out I've re-subbed to Elite. Please please please do a series on the games at the PPC!
April 25, 2023 | 4:35 p.m.
emsterdad Pretty much every free moment of the last 2 years, weekends I grind and during the week I get up early before work either to study or for a short session, I do make sure however that I have at least 2 study sessions a week and that I always review marked hands from my sessions.
Aquila By fundamentals I mean the properties of the spot, ie pot odds, ranges, equities etc ofcourse each of these is a world of it's own but the idea imo is to take one thing each time, break it down and focus on it's sub-particle and then move on to the next, with the idea of being mindful how these affect your and your opponnent's ranges and strategy/ies and how EV flows in a spot.
That is obv very hard to do and I mess up a fuckton but as long as there's improvement then all good. Also I am a huge believer in simplifying your process rather than trying to do a shitton of things all at once. Focus on one thing at a time, and build on that.
As far as resources go, I pretty much consume everything (even during my day job I consume lighter stuff like podcasts/interviews etc) but I'd say def invest in coaching whenever you can, perhaps with someone you can get a few sessions with so there's some kind of process, even if it's a session once every few weeks because your can't afford more etc.
And when you do watch training videos etc try to do it actively, ie ask yourself questions during it, and try to be mindful of the takeaways you are aiming for/receiving.
Eventually, every 0.01bb/100 you gain, adds up.
Aug. 19, 2022 | 8:48 a.m.
I just want to chime in and say that it's possible, I went from a 500$ deposit and 25nl 2 years ago to now being in a middle of a shot at 1k while having a full time day job (that I can't wait to quit once I establish myself at 1k).
My advice would be to focus on fundamentals, study - but always keep an open mind and look for ways to exploit and keep going. GL !
Aug. 17, 2022 | 11:35 a.m.
Just started these now, onboard the hype train - Congrats on the big W !!
Idk what's in the rest of these yet, but you have asked what we'd like to see and for me it's - Theory and how to exploit based off of it.
Keep up the good work Espen, excited to continue watching these !
July 17, 2022 | 10:09 a.m.
Awesome ! Thanks :)
Nov. 29, 2021 | 10:41 a.m.
This is absolutely brilliant ! Got 11/12 on the rhyming pegs (had a sudden brain freeze on the five hive rhyme, maybe cuz Im not a native english speaker or just momentary freeze who knows, but I did get everything right when we got back to the car at the end !)
I am catching up on all your videos here Chris and this one really hit home, I've been familiar with mnemonics and memory palaces and was looking to get more into them and this video is really insightful both on how they work as well as practical applications - I feel inspired ! Thank You !!
(btw I didnt get how James Bond with a pistol is all suited cards and all pairs, I guess that 007 is ssk so that means suited cards but didn't get how the pistol is all pairs)
Nov. 28, 2021 | 12:28 p.m.
Content just keeps getting better and better on all levels. Really enjoyed the thought process and how you have spoken out your ideas on this one.
Nov. 27, 2021 | 9:01 a.m.
Had the Cbetting course and some extra sessions after, this has been the best investment I've made in my game. I've started when I literally just bought pio and now I feel really comfortable with it. QY really helped me understand the macro better, prioritize data and extract concepts. Its been almost a year since our sessions but the framework that QY has provided is the one I use and I rethink and review what we've discussed continously. Add to that the fact that QY is a natural at explaining concepts clearly and tailor his approach for his students and this is indeed as the post mentions, a steal.
Nov. 23, 2021 | 1:22 p.m.
Love to see it ! A new QY vid is always a highlight :)
Nov. 18, 2021 | 5:13 p.m.
(Not sure why but when I edit the questions they are numerated 1..2..3.. and in the post it's 1..1..2..)
Nov. 6, 2021 | 7:21 p.m.
Loved the video Jungle !! And congrats on the 50K Win !
A few questions if I may,
- Last hand you specifically point out the AhQ as the prime bluff combo, I wonder why you think that's the main combo rather than AhJ or AhK, Is it because it blocks specifically the nut straight?
Also when you say "AhK, AhQ, AhJ that's 5 combinations.." , I assume you meant be 8 right? Want to make sure I follow your train of thought correctly..
. T87 - ~6:30 - You said we are raising good Jx like Q9 and some backdoors, and that the top end of our range would often flat. Which value hands would you raise on this board to protect the draws and 9x that raise?
I am not a native english speaker and having a hard time distinguishing what do you say villain should mathematically have at ~27:25. Would appreciate if you could clarify :)
Thanks !
Nov. 6, 2021 | 6:22 p.m.
It truly is a beautiful thing to see a master of their craft put on an inspired performance inspired by a peer who is also on an extremely high level.
I think you did a very good job of communicating the message in Jungle's videos, can't wait for part 2 ! Would be cool imo to watch your take on Jungle's river combo counting facing a bet technique (Last hand that he breaks down in his first video demonstrates it iirc). Another cool idea for a video perhaps would be 'Jungleman reviews Sauce', but alas, I'm getting carried away.
And one question if I may, in the last hand - The Jd9 - You mentioned you believe you should've chosen a different turn sizing, what do you think is best?
Oct. 30, 2021 | 5:18 a.m.
This would be the absolute nuts !
Oct. 22, 2021 | 8:26 p.m.
Hi Ben !
Absolutely loved this one!! Spent ~3 hours on this vid taking notes, running the sims and looking at them in my pio.
Would absolutely love to see more of these interesting, specific/esoteric kind of discoveries and overall I think theory videos are the best kind (and also rare to come by, esp good ones) so when you make them it's a holiday.
Perhaps stuff like comparing the more standard 100bb strats to deeper/ante games could be cool. Also Asdfghjkl1's ideas itt are the nuts.
I have a question if it's cool -
At ~36:40 you say "OOP is using more money on average here using the 1/3 pot sizing more often despite that it's 19% check".
I am not sure whether you meant one of the tiny sizings or both together in comparison to the b40 but isn't the b40 putting more money on average? Or am I miscalculating?
I did -
.193 * 9 > (.3282 *3) + .2367 * (1)
1.737 > .9846 + . 2367
1.747 > 1.2213
Thanks !
Oct. 21, 2021 | 10:17 a.m.
Pure gold.
Oct. 16, 2021 | 6:44 p.m.
Just discovered you and really enjoyed this ! Would be cool to hear you discuss differences in stake levels and how adjustments while moving up for those of us who are in earlier stages of our PLO game :)
Oct. 9, 2021 | 5:40 p.m.
The legend continues...
Oct. 9, 2021 | 3:49 p.m.
Awesome video, really enjoyed it !
Oct. 4, 2021 | 3:46 a.m.
Less than 2 weeks after the previous one ! Woo hoo !! Loved it !! I know it was mentioned before but would be cool to see you explore 1-2 spots at the end of a video with vision and for me personally an occasional theory video would be the nuts (Perhaps an overview of concepts or a specific idea you have significantly updated your perception of since beginning to work with the solver?). Anyway, awesome video, always a pleasure to watch and study your content :)
Excellent video! Highly enjoyed it as primarily an NL player :)
Jan. 21, 2025 | 9:24 p.m.