I don't really like the cbet in this spot as it can leave you with a difficult decision (as the cbet can easily price you in to call villains all in). Though, since you did cbet, I don't mind your call here. However, I would have played this hand a little different. Majority of the time, I'd just take the free card. A small amount of the time I'd consider just shoving after villain checks.
Villain isn't limping AQ, QK , plus you have blockers, QJs could be in his range. It's hard putting villain on TQ here considering he jammed on you. I feel TQ calls in this spot and hopes to extract more chips on the turn from you. I would have to put villain on pocket pairs 22-88, QJs, 89s, T9s, A2s-ATs but unlikely due to you having the ace blocker.
Lastly, I try not to overplay AK at these limits. I'm guilty of it at times but defiantly learning to correct this leak.
Feb. 13, 2016 | 5:23 a.m.
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I don't really like the cbet in this spot as it can leave you with a difficult decision (as the cbet can easily price you in to call villains all in). Though, since you did cbet, I don't mind your call here. However, I would have played this hand a little different. Majority of the time, I'd just take the free card. A small amount of the time I'd consider just shoving after villain checks.
Villain isn't limping AQ, QK , plus you have blockers, QJs could be in his range. It's hard putting villain on TQ here considering he jammed on you. I feel TQ calls in this spot and hopes to extract more chips on the turn from you. I would have to put villain on pocket pairs 22-88, QJs, 89s, T9s, A2s-ATs but unlikely due to you having the ace blocker.
Lastly, I try not to overplay AK at these limits. I'm guilty of it at times but defiantly learning to correct this leak.
Feb. 13, 2016 | 5:23 a.m.