Stelyan Georgiev's avatar

Stelyan Georgiev

15 points

Hello Zach,

In my opinion this video would be a lot better with Flopzilla. Hands vs range analysis like this one are more clear and easier to make and understand.

Nov. 2, 2016 | 5:35 p.m.

Hey, Daniel,

Great videos, we need more of this coming out!

I have an interesting idea about the river. When we introduce the all in sizing on the river, AA became a check behind most of the time. I think that in practise against many opponents it could be beneficial to introduce another sizing for about 25-30% of the pot with AsAx, planning to shove the river vs a raise, but still getting value when called. What do you think about that?

Oct. 24, 2016 | 2:09 a.m.

Great video!

May 15, 2016 | 8:58 a.m.

Phil, please stop making these videos :D

March 13, 2015 | 2:49 a.m.

I can see why pleno1 want to check the flop for the obvious range situation. Anyhow I do not see us check/calling with AK this flop, maybe sometimes with like 9x will be the bottom of our range. After check/calling and checking turn I can see him giving up his bluffs a lot and this would be a disaster since he sees a free river and if we bet he might even fold a pair, since we represent very well exactly what we have.

About the sizings - I agree with all said, actually I was thinking the same things during watching and I was a little bit surprised to not hear Jason saying that the preflop size is a little bit too small. I would like to see like at least 525 there.

River to me is a easy shove and hope to not get snapped really. For 1/3 pot correct me if I am wrong but if you get called 20% with worse and 80% with better you are EV=0. During the hand you was sure that the guy does not have JJ-99. QT seems like 2 combos, A3 like 2 more, and may be 6 combos of aces. If we put 2 more random lets say sometimes 99 ot KK played this way, all in all 12 combos that beat you(correct me if I am wrong). So you need like 3 combos of worse hands that call you to break even. I really do think that he has to have more. I mean, he end up there on the river with like 30 combos of bluffcatchers, he will call some of them for 1/3 pot right?


March 12, 2015 | 2:45 p.m.

Hey guys,

First of all, great video! It is somewhat slow at points, but it is great that we can see that you guys are taking making these videos very seriously.

Totally no need of GTO stuff in MTTs imo until you get to a point playing 100k highrollers or whatever.

About the K3(or K2?)s hand where you lead turn. I agree that this player could be the type to check behind a lot of AQ AJ AT type hands with one heart in them. With the current stack sizes he might feel uncomfortable to bluff. Some players just freeze when they see a flush coming on the turn and don`t bet even AK at that point(you guys sometimes might forget that people at MTTs are generally not good hand-readers, they will see a flush and assume you have one like all day). Honestly I think that you might find a fold to a turn bet depending on the size. If turn goes check check, I would just bet something liker 1/5-1/4 river for value. Of course these assumptions are made based on the fact that the guy is really tight, which in my opinion combined with the fact that the field is weak, means that the player is weak and timid.

Anyway, thank you for doing what you are doing!


March 12, 2015 | 2:09 a.m.

I was going to write the same as Like.a.G6 basicly, But I suggest a bet around 3k, which I think he is calling with A high(I believe a fish has a majority of A high hand here, because fishes bet flops like this to protect with pairs).

Feb. 11, 2014 | 2:13 a.m.


Thanks a lot for the deep analysis, I couldn't done this myself. I think it should matter weather or not you have 6-7 guys folded to you or its just 2/3 handed. Anyway, I was more of a curious than like I think it can help a lot to us playing the game. Do you think that its such a difference so it should matter to our range and we should be considering it? Obviously there are other factors as antes being less in shorthanded and being on final table, but nevertheless?

Dec. 24, 2013 | 12:49 a.m.

I was referring the card removal thing mostly. There are agro tables where people will open every suited A or K and a lot of offsuited ones, so if they all fold to the button, would not be different from 3handed and by how far?

Dec. 10, 2013 | 10:05 p.m.

What do you think guys - is there a difference and how big is it between having 5-6 people folded before you and you being first on the button? Have someone calculated this? Of course it matters on what kind of table you are, but lets say its an average one. Thanks in advance!

Dec. 10, 2013 | 12:54 a.m.

Hey, David, nice video!

I know someone asked about the ATos hand you fold on the cutoff. There is one more hand that you fold KTos from the same position. Combined with the Q3os hand and the ATs that you play rather strangely postflop its 4 misclicks in 40 hands or whatever. Do you think that you were just distracted at that time?

Jan. 23, 2013 | 8:55 p.m.

The hand that you 3bet Sabinairo with 9Ts, don't you think that it is a very good spot for the chip lider to 4bet with wide range and stack off against you? It seems that Sabianairo is opening with a weak hand and your 3bet is somewhat obvious so imo something like any pair, AT+, may be some suited aces and brodways would be nice?

Jan. 23, 2013 | 4:52 p.m.

Hey, James.

Very good first video of yours for Run it once! Keep going like this! I would love to hear about some non-common lines and thing you do that other regs don`t. The thing is that if the best players out there start doing something new its not long and every reg out there know the line(especially when someone makes a video about it). I think that everyone should make his own unique style of playing tournaments and should think about the game more himself then just taking stuff from videos and trying to imply those. A common mistake people make is calculating their odds preflop and then if they got it right - they call! Even for the 1/2 of their stack they take the 0 ev line because "they are committed". I would do that all thay if i was playing tournaments full of better players then me, but thats usually not the case of course. And further you can fold a +EV situation too, when you feel like you are one of the better players around. A lot of good regs out there like to say that they take every +ev situation, but that is just not good imo.

Anyway, I saw that you have around 2100 rating in chess, same as mine. And you are born the same year I was. I hope that one day I will have same rating in poker too :)


Jan. 19, 2013 | 3:07 p.m.

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