TheFlipper's avatar


1 points

6:09 K9 vs min 3 bet postflop - I would choose all in bet size plan, so bet even bigger on the turn and jam river.
I'm pretty sure he continues same range on the turn against bigger bet and maybe finds a fold more often on the river, but that doesn't mean we would make less money, because we win more when get called.
Is there a reason why smaller bet size is superior?

Aug. 26, 2018 | 11:03 a.m.

Comment | TheFlipper commented on JJ in a river spot

Whats up Eugine? I think I should stop telling people I'm Lithuanian, pretty sure you would have called if I said that I'm from Spain :D
To be honest with you I kind of fucked up river sizing (if numbers you wrote are correct, I don't really remember them now), actually meant to bet even less.
At that time I had idea to use two river sizings and chose one of them to be small betsize for part of my hand range. That does not mean that I don't bluff in that spot.
This time I had value, you win :) WP.

Aug. 3, 2018 | 10:23 a.m.

Good points, Apokerlypse.

Few of them raised me some questions too, so I will share them here:

Avatars. I like the idea, I am quite sure they would bring more fun and more social feel to the game. However, I too don't understand having dynamic expression on players own avatar. If you play in a live setting, you yourself get to judge your own play (and sometimes get random comments from other players present at the table) but your plan to do is kind of strategy feedback from 3rd party (poker room). You don't get that in a live setting. Well, one could argue you don't get instant reads on a strategy of others too, and to be honest I am not sure how to respond to that argument.
What happens if average weak player quicker realises he is a weaker player than his villains?
What I can think of is:
1) They will be more likely to start table selecting themselves
2) They will be more likely to be discouraged to play since they realise they don't have that much chance to win
3) They will more likely to start thinking improving their strategy
What are the implications of that?

Regarding bots, I think there would be no big difference how good they would be on this site compared to other sites, except maybe they could adjust slightly faster. So regarding bots I think what is more important is how good will they be in coping with them in general.

However, there definitely will be a market for hhs and private hh sharing rings so people and bot runners could perform player pool analysis. I am really interested what Phil Galfond thinks about that.


May 9, 2018 | 6:47 a.m.

First of all huge respect for developing this project, Phil Galfond .
Whatever happens, you are the one who noticed how online poker is moving the way people who think about future of the game instead of how get out most $ of it before it dies don't really want to see it go AND took action to try to fix it.

I have played online cash games for a living quite some time already and as I matured as a person and as a poker player (this is still ongoing process) I started to recognise flaws poker rooms have, actions that players take to get ahead of others and how much harder it gets if you move up in higher stakes where traffic is more limited. In most sites you actually get punished for your honesty.
I think the biggest problem is that usually rules are written in a form of text but they can not enforce them. And usually, it is very easy to break them. It does not look smart to create the rules you can not enforce. Seems like you understand it and I'm very happy about that.
I would be very happy to support this project because I feel like your and my values are aligned.

Now a specific question:
"This system also plays a role in reducing bumhunting (the practice of searching for and targeting weaker players) and tables breaking when an individual player quits."
Why do you think tables will not break anymore when weakest player leaves? Most players look for a weaker player than themselves and it does not take long to notice if there is losing player at the table. Exception would be marginally losing player present at the table, this player possibly would get table running longer until some reg decides its not worth it, sitout and rest probably will follow or they will get shorthanded, then new guy with 100bb or whatever standard buy in amount sits in and everyone jumps in again to check out this new player.
Will you provide incentives to play 2-3 handed?


May 8, 2018 | 10:13 p.m.

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