8 points
If you think villain is capable or c/r 'ing it in very wide I like a bet call like you played.
As played I think this is an excellent candidate for a check back. Villain wont bluff too hard into us as we can have a wide by strong check back range here and you get to realize a lot of equity in your hand that stack wise hurts when you get shipped on.
Feb. 18, 2016 | 2:47 a.m.
Hey thanks for the great insight. I know it was a lengthy post but didn't want to omit any details.
As played the villain went into the tank and found a fold flashing the Kh. I didn't see a good reason to show the bluff here so I quietly mucked. Overall pretty pleased with my line.
Feb. 13, 2016 | 5:53 a.m.
Hero: 30k
Villain: 23ish
Blinds: 200 / 400 with a 50 ante
Hero has been fairly tight so far.
Villain is a younger white male w/ a nerdy demeanor. Villain is hyper aggressive but appears to be a thinking player. (seen him show down 74s earlier on a HJ open).
Villain opens for 800 on the HJ
Hero 3bets Ah5s to 2200
(In hindsight I think I should of been playing a de-polarized range against villain but with a very nitty image I figured this 3bet would get a lot of credit and villain is opening very wide so it can't be bad. Nobody behind was really a threat to 4bet me often here)
Villain calls the 3bet of 2200
Board: Ks 6h 4d
I bet 2200
Villain calls relatively quickly.
Turn 7h
I choose to bet 5k
(This is one of my better bluffs to have in my range on the turn. I can credibly represent a strong hand and apply pressure to a range of pairs under the K such as 88 - QQ with lots of equity)
Villain thinks a bit and calls.
River 10h
Villain thinks and checks and proceeds to give me the stare down. The live "feel" is he is trying to psyche me out of betting.
Villain has 14.3k left in his stack.
(I feel villain is capped here and I can credibly represent a ton of backdoor flushes, Overpairs, AK, KK and I feel my line looks very strong overall. I'm betting 14.3k into a pot of about 20k so my bet needs to work ~40% of the time here. I feel if he has a one pair hand he's in a really gross spot and my bluff can get folds vs a villain who doesn't want to hero off his tournament in a main event tournament vs a villain hes played <2 hours with.)
As played I shove for 14.3k
Feb. 6, 2016 | 4:54 a.m.
Good insight here.
As played I folded. Didn't feel the need to get in 400 bigs in such a strange spot where I'm basically guessing. Villain didn't show which inclined me to believe it was in fact aces.
Jan. 25, 2016 | 4:11 a.m.
Live 5/10 game. Extremely deep.
Table Dynamics: Hero had been "captaining" the table up until this point. Villain is a "meathead" who is prone to tilting but is generally an aggressive but straightforward player. Villain may have been slightly frustrated at this point and had been drinking. To this point I'd been "owning" him picking off a few bluffs and getting some thin value bets paid.
9 handed.
Hero raises to $35 UTG+1 with KK
MP station calls
Button TAG calls
Villain in BB 3bets smallish to 150
Hero 4bets to 375 for obvious reasons
Villain tanks for about 30 seconds and goes all in for about 4.2k. Hero covers.
I proceed to talk to the villain trying to illicit a read or feel for how strong he is. He is responding to some of my banter and appears confident but nervous at the same time. I.E. responding to my banter but his demeanor is nervous. I ask him what he thinks I have to which he responds QQ. I show him my kings and he seems legitimately surprised.
Call or Fold?
Any other tips on picking up a read or gauging strength / weakness here?
Great video Sam.
I really loved the "concept" of this video. I think this is my favourite video that you have done.
Feb. 18, 2016 | 6:47 a.m.