1 points
Hey francesco great video.
Hand 2: So i believe you should be adding all AQo into BB range here (readless) considering how he wont be bluffing this spot because of the shorty, your range for 5 betting here has to be very strong so i find people will just 4 bet all hands he is willing to stack vs the shorty and he has pretty easy decisions vs you with most of his range if you decide to 5 bet. Your range is still a relatively standard SB 3 bet range.
and also the shorty mini raised opened and that range in general is very wide. So i would even advocate adding KQs and maybe some KJs but obvisouly this is readless
The point i really don't understand about the hand is on flop you advocate maybe raising and turning 99 into a bluff here. Sorry, but for lack of a better word this just seems crazy, are you implying that I.P will fold overpairs on certain turns with an SPR less than 1? or are you just trying to protect EQ vs AK? Wouldn't any sort of broadway hand be much better bluffs here because they remove 6 combo's of overpairs.
I also dont understand why you say you would fold the flop if we wasnt showing up with AQo here, even Vs a range of AK/TT+ he has a 16/27 ratio of bluffs to value and we only need 15% EQ to call. Now yes we dont realize all of the EQ we have Vs AK but i still can't see folding being reasonable. We still have 10% EQ vs the top portion can't we make up the other 5% in implied odds especialy with the SPR being so low??
I also disagree with I.P using a small range bet here:
~ Because I.P has no flopped pairs/ no straight draws and only 2 combos of flushdraws we are going to have a Significant range advantage on a whole load of runouts and its going to be very hard for AK/AQ to realise it's equity??
~ the JJ/QQ portion of his range really want to remove the negative effect of all the multiple turn and river run outs. And he is also left ina spot where he is going to have 1.5x pot jam turns that are good for our range or allow us to realize a bunch of equity
If you could clear up my confusion about the hand i would be grateful also sorry for the wall of text.
Big fan of your videos i always learn something from watching them, thank you.
Hey Patrick great video.
At the 25 minute mark, the A8s hand, Qing Yang recently did a video analyzing these exacts spots using lucid. I suggest watching as he explains these spots very well. It is his latest video: Probing turn ft. LucidGTO
But essentially what happens in these spots where the turn is an overcard
(Non Ax / Flush) OOP chooses to only use a small size, reason being is that OOP does not have a massive nut advantage anymore (relative to say a 7x/5x turn) but does has a lot weaker pairs that want to bet for protection/value. So because our nut hands are relatively few combonations they get quickly exhausted when we bring them down to protect our small turn probe range so we just dont have the combinations of value to overbet this spot.
Hopefully i explained this well but i would suggest watching his video.
March 26, 2021 | 10:29 a.m.