12 points
Nice work! :)
March 12, 2018 | 4:29 a.m.
Im new in PLO game, what do you mean with cc and hh?
Feb. 2, 2018 | 1:23 p.m.
nothing on nl50? :(
Jan. 8, 2018 | 7:41 p.m.
Guys, a brief introduction... Im Italian, I live in Mexico and actually I play nl50 (small level down) and I continue to study study a lot with PioSolver.
Im not expert about general internationals site.
Who can make me a classification about the top 5 zoom poker sites?
Of course in first we can find pokerstars.com(1), but for example about ipoker i dont know nothing (who can tell me how is the fileld, rakeback and thinks like that? And about 888 poker? There are another possible good sites where play zoom?
Thanks in advice :)
Jan. 8, 2018 | 5:37 p.m.
@Julian, what type of rake considering pio? he considering same rake? If yes, where i check it?
Thanks! :)
Really good video
Jan. 6, 2018 | 9:18 p.m.
@Julian Kopanskiy
Really good video :)
How many subset do you use when you create a study script in general?
For beat nl200 you think is really necessary understanding really good the range interation in bet vs missed cbet scenarios?
Actually what limit do you play?
Thanks another time :)
Jan. 6, 2018 | 2:28 p.m.
what limit?
Jan. 6, 2018 | 2:59 a.m.
Mexican can play?
Jan. 6, 2018 | 2:53 a.m.
Hi guys!
I really want know how much study is necessary for arrive to beat HS games.
Actually Im studying a lot with PIOSOlver (especially I try to use piosolver for find good exploitation line, but this isnt the main point -.-' )
Really thanks if you can answer to my question Reg :)
- In general for arrive there, how many hour you have study? (for example mediumly every day, or week or month...)
And now on the HS how many hours you study ..(every day, or week or month) for beat the level?
Have any advice to give me? Thanks! :p
Jan. 5, 2018 | 6:54 a.m.
@BigFiszh, lol
I havent see the date, sry :D
Jan. 3, 2018 | 6:55 p.m.
I think that you need buy istant PIOSolver and start to work with it.
Jan. 3, 2018 | 6:03 p.m.
Im interest too
Jan. 3, 2018 | 9:51 a.m.
Im interest :)
Jan. 3, 2018 | 9:48 a.m.
Hi guys,
I want have a nice discussions on Skype about flop semplifications with PioSolver ( check full range/bet full range with particolar size).
For example...
Why cant have more sense bet there 33% full range And not 25%?
And speak about " s* texture"... 8h 7h 2s.... about aproximations or not
If interest send me pm 😁
Jan. 3, 2018 | 8:48 a.m.
In the optimal scenario you should have small breaks during a session, at least 5-10 minutes after 90-120 minutes, but in reality it's not always possible.
I can start with make 2 session of 90 minutes with in the middle a 10 minutes break.
After the end of the Second sessione you advice a longer break?
Why do you think it would not always be possible? For example if we are good fishy at table or some HU action with bad players?
thanks in advance! :)
May 30, 2016 | 1:01 p.m.
Hello, forgive me because I dont speak good English.
Really good video thanks! I have some questions and clarifications to ask.
I read that after 45-50 minutes our brain start to loses performance and a Small break of 5minutes (for example drink water, go wc and cool face ) and then return to play after this small break can be more profitable than a long 2 hour session. What do you think about it? How can be long our session? Can be in your opinion a good solution making this scheduled:
2 session of 1hour each with in the middle a 5minutes break then keep 15-20 minutes break and restart with another 2 session of 1 hour each with in the middle 5 minutes break?
I think that a small break can make really miracles but problems arrive when we don't use this 5 minutes correctly and we keep break for more then 5 minutes! As you tell in the video, not profitable action can decrease a lot our focused concentration and waste time for back to previous levels
In the video you tips to use the primary time for useful things.
Why isn't better use the primetime where our brain sleep for send mail and another thinks becouse this thinks can use less of our energies but.....I considering that ''make stupid thinks'' before grind cant help me to arrive up to X focused level good for increase my grinding performances.
You tips me some food/drink in particular to take during session or break session in order to recover mental energy? I live now in Mexico and I assume only normal integrator like ''Multicentrum'' in the morning and I drink water when I play poker becouse water is a natural antistress and is Important have a good body hydration.
I only understand that you recommanded use to make 1 think at the time and end this before start another for decrease the times we use but I dont understand the differences about this ''monotasking'' and ''one big task at the time''. Can you explain me please?
And when you watch a video or make hand review for example you think is good note on ''Sticky Notes'' thinks that your remember to make only in this moment or you considering is waste time?
example: I see your video then 5minutes after the end I keep a fasthly notes where I write a future not planned action (for example open a post on forum).
Thanks a lot for this video!
May 30, 2016 | 4:46 a.m.
But vs BTN 4-Bet? How is our range evolution?
May 3, 2016 | 4:39 a.m.
41:19 HU vs Hatrick19911 and we have Aks
flop J8s 3 and with 3 we hit a backdoor.
Why u start IP with checkking flop?
Because it's a good hand that can call a villain turn bet and hit good some card that villain want to bluff river?
sry for my English :)
June 26, 2015 | 9:38 p.m.
I copy my work on another forum :) good vision =)
[B]I took me a long time to make this post so ordered , I hope you enjoy it and thanks to all for comments
Hello guys, I would like to discuss about preflop game. In the pictures below explain how I would set up my preflop game [B]
( All the criticisms are accepted - I understand that it is not good to spread detailed information like this but my idea is that with mutual aid can achieve better results - If u want to speak in private send me a pm )[/B]
Now I Play NL50 (CAP: 3EUR , 5.00% ) I decide to leveldowning for re-evaluate the quality of my game.
[U]I had opened a ''Poker Goals & Challenges'' but the year it's going slowly :mad:
[U]- Get help and give help with this post.
- Create a good game for the NL50 and NL100 .
[B]Below you can find my unopenead ranges :laugh:[/B]
[B][U]MY EP Game[/U][/B]
[B]Outstanding issues in my mind:[/B]
- At nl50 generally when after 3Bet i 4Bet generally peoples jamming with KK+ And some % of AK. ---> Thinking that i think that is correct assuming with 4-Bet call just KK+ 12 combo and with 4Bet fold 12 combo
- When can be great the benefit to open 2.5x instead of 3x?
- What hands in your opinion you can do better than -300bb/100 or -250bb/100? I inserted a calling range vs 3Bet very close to be confident.
14.18% (188 combos)
[B]- Why Open: All Pairs? AXs? Suited connector?[/B]
Also in My opinion when we plan EP or MP a Lot of time we play out of position and we can't benefit of implied odds... 22-44 or 22-55 are 18-24 combos A Lot!!! Suited connctors? ---> If i remember good only 20% or less of texture are 9High (example: 927rr) then i think we can open all AXs because it's good cbetting backdoor flush+overcard than a normal suited connector.
[B]General considerations: [/B]
If we open 3bb and villain 4bet 9bb we must fold less then 66%
If we open 2.5bb and villain 3bet 7bb we must fold less then 63%
First goal: Villan Should don't make profit with bluffing range atc ---> We must fold less then 63%
Little consideration: We can fold less then 63% easy but how much? We should determine hands that lose less of the initial bet and i think that depends a lot abount field, rake, player skill.
[B]Defending range vs 3Bet OOP[/B]
If i have 188 i must defend 188*(100-63)= 70 combos
Flat: QQ-TT, AQs+, KQs, AQo+ (54 combos 4.07%)
4Bet: KK+, 87s, 76s, 65s ( 24 combos 1.81%)
TOTAL 78/188 Combos= 41% defence It's good? Opinion abount that?
Can be a limit solution using for example 4 combos of AKo and increase 4Betting range? Jamming AK for image?
What can be the best hand for 4Bet Bluff?
[B]Defending range vs 3Bet IP[/B]
Flat: 99+, AJs+, KQs, AQo+ (76 combos 5.73%)
I try to experiment a strategy where we play flat or fold. :rolleyes:
But Im not sure if i risk to miss value...Teorically i play IP and with positional vantage + ranges vantage can be good?
[B][U]MY MP Game[/U][/B]
Outstanding issues in my mind:
- At nl50 generally when after 3Bet i 4Bet generally peoples vs MP jamming with KK+ And some % of AK (similar to EP). ---> Thinking that i think that is correct assuming with 4-Bet call just KK+ 12 combo and with 4Bet fold 12 combo
- When can be great the benefit to open 2.5x instead of 3x?
- What hands in your opinion you can do better than -300bb/100 or -250bb/100? I inserted a calling range vs 3Bet very close to be confident.
15.38% (204 combos)
Questions (equal to EP):
[B]- Why Open: All Pairs? AXs? Suited connector?[/B]
Also in My opinion when we plan EP or MP a Lot of time we play out of position and we can't benefit of implied odds... 22-44 or 22-55 are 18-24 combos A Lot!!! Suited connctors? ---> If i remember good only 20% or less of texture are 9High (example: 927rr) then i think we can open all AXs because it's good cbetting backdoor flush+overcard than a normal suited connector.
Flatting And 4Betting are equal to EP gameplay.
[B]MY CO Game[/B]
24.89% 330 Combos and if BTN don't 3-bet a lot we can open another ''dark blue combos.
[B]Defending range vs 3Bet OOP[/B]
Flat: JJ-77, AQs-ATs, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, T9s, AQo, KQo (94combos 7.09%)
4Bet: QQ+, 55, AKs, A5s-A2s, 65s, AKo ( 60 combos 4.52%)
I think that OOP we can 4bet for value JJ+ AK? and reduce flatting range?
[B]Defending range vs 3Bet IP[/B]
Flat: JJ-77, AQs-ATs, KTs+, QTs+, J9s+, T8s+, 97s+, 87s, AQo, KQo (144combos 8.60%)
4Bet: QQ+, AKs, A5s-A2s, K9s-K7s, AKo ( 62 combos 4.68%)
[B]MY BTN Game[/B]
44.19% 586combos
I want to try to play a solid btn 2.5x opening (i open 2.5x from every positione excluding bb, it's correct?)
[B]Defending range vs 3Bet IP[/B]
Flat: TT-55, AQs-A5s, K8s+, Q9s+, J9s+, T8s+, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s, AQo-AJo, KQo (168 combos 12.60%)
4Bet: A5s-A2s, K7s-K4s, Q8s-Q7s ( 80 combos 6.03%)
[B]MY SB Game[/B]
1st: 46% 610 combos (If BB is a normal player)
2nd: 36.35% 482 combos (If BB defend a lot)
[B]Defending range vs 3Bet OOP[/B]
Flat: 99-55, TdTs, ThTs, TsTc, AQs-A6s, K8s+, Q8s+, J9s+, T8s+, 98s, 87s, 76s, AQo-AJo, KQo (161 combos 12.14%)
4Bet: JJ+, TdTs, ThTs, TsTc, AKs, A5s-A2s, K7s-K2s, AKo ( 83 combos 6.24%)
...If the post has a good display will proceed with the game flat + 3bet vs various positions :cool:
[B][CENTER]I hope my post is to your liking and trust in valid comments:D:D:D[/CENTER][/B]
June 16, 2015 | 1:17 a.m.
18.00 (Hero QTo) If u turn u don't like jam vs fish can be a good consideration bet 80-110 for inducing fish in error with 66 77 99 JTs 67s for example?
A lot of time fish turn check back flash and midvalue(ok) but river?
I think that a good line vs fish is bet 80-110? Can be good?
June 15, 2015 | 1:02 a.m.
Hi guys, today I would like to start a discussion on Unopenead Ranges and incidence of the rake.
I would like to gather in this post (which will be useful for all!) opinions and material about this topic.
The rake affect a lot in Micro and Small Stakes.
Than questions are these:
- Which range is good to open? ( we speak of course of range flexible and not fixed but the questions is have a positive expected)
- Which range is good to cold call?
- Which ranges is good to flat vs 3bet?
Surely in similar situations, but on different levels (cause rake) choices to be taken will be different!
I would like to analyze All.
April 1, 2015 | 12:32 p.m.
Hello guys, today I would like to discuss about cold call.
What rate for Pos. can be considered correct for cold Call?
Often I find myself facing a cold call and leave on the table bb so stupid.
excluding blinds. gets double the profit 3bettare than that in cold Callare. but belonging to this speech which data can be good?
It should be considered especially also the factor that rake the micro affect much.
The hands were played at 50 nL and 100NL
Jan. 22, 2015 | 2:55 a.m.
I guys, my name is Chris (i speak little english) and today i would like to talk about 2 preflop situations:
1) Hero is BB and Villain SB
2) Hero is SB and Villain is BB
1) We can talk more and at least optimal defense frequency but we know that we can increase the defense, the question is how much?
I calculated considering sb fold:
if villain Open 55% from sb with size 3x
2.5/4= 0.625 odf%(1-fe%)= 0.375 = play with 37.5% of range
but When he fold he lost a sb!!!
considerino this :
0.55 ( 1.5f - 2.5*c) - 0.45 ( 0.50 ) = 0
0.825f - 1.375c = 0.225
C = 1 - f
0.825f - 1.375(1-f) = 0.225
0.825f - 1.375 + 1.375f = 0.225
0.825f + 1.375f = 0.225 + 1.375
2.2f = 1.6
f= 1.6/2.2= 0.72
I think it is good to know the minimum defense but our problem is how can we defend?
example: Villain opens Sb 2.5x or 3x with a range of 45-55%.
I have to take into account a factor R?
2) In this particular situation I am wrong.
I think I can have my open sb> open btn as defense is the responsibility only on one player.
Often in my level NL50 people fold about 60%..With size 2x to 3x my fe% goes from 50% to 62.5% could almost open atc but problems arrive when villains 3bet me.
thx to all for help me :)
Jan. 22, 2015 | 2:49 a.m.
30' : u flatted a 4bet oop with QKo. U said that oppo used to 4bet u a lot. Isnt a good hand (u block some KK-QQ combos) to just 5bet-shove? Can u give me some good flatting 4bet hands against player who usually 4bet a lot from the button? Ajs-TJs-QTs-QKo can be these?
Nov. 27, 2014 | 9:57 a.m.
I'm not very good in HU, so excuse my curiosity. Why didn't u consider 3betting in bluff?
Nov. 21, 2014 | 4:07 p.m.
I've seen till the 22th minutes and u haven't 3bet a single time (so the HUD says), then I skipped to the end and see u have 7% 3bet and your opponent has 20%. Why u choose to flat a lot of cards in 20minutes instead of 3betting? Ty
Nov. 19, 2014 | 10:37 p.m.
(sry for my English, I speak little English)
what are the main reasons for the size 2.5bb?
I play NL50 and in my field std size are ep,mp,co: 3x btn: 2x and sb: 2x
I think 3x at micro stakes is a standard size for value considering small ranges preflop from ep and mp.
But i think that a good reasons for open 2.5 from ep-mp is to play 3bet pot more content
And from btn and sb?
by btn whereas the MDF of blinds is easily accessible, it points to a preflop buold a pot normal / 3bettato ip?
thx :)
Nov. 14, 2014 | 12:36 a.m.
Hello guys, today I want to talk about what adjustments are needed in zoom tables.
On sites dot italy (pokerstars) the rake is 5.5% cap 3 eur.
Thinking of normal tables and tables zoom in your opinion what are the changes (+ / -) of RFI for the various positions?
For sizes? What size are the most '' profitable '' to use?
Currently I was trying: EP-MP-CO: 2,52bb BTN: 2,00bb SB: 2.52bb ... Someone grinder Zoom in tables and can help me? What do you think of the size of pokersnowie and '' famous '' RFI 3.5bb by btn?
thx to all and sry for my English :) gg
Sept. 24, 2014 | 10:34 p.m.
I'd raise std 3x planning to jam on safe turns (or xf on very bad ones like Qh, Jh, ie). I realyy don't like your MR, is fishy imo and gives great pot odds to ANY draw. :)
very nice vid! :)
April 1, 2018 | 4:33 a.m.