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Hey Espen!

Thanks for the vid, fascinating one.

Do you think you can find a way to include HUD in ur future videos? I feel nearly blind without it. Ofc, if this kind of request is rare one, just ignore it =)

Another question - is it hard to edit out the hands, where Hero folds pre? If it's not, I guess we'd all be glad no to see one villain open, another villain call, hero fold, flop A76, villain bets, fold kind of hands. If it is an idea of the vid, then please accept my apologies for ill-timed critics. Although I see some sense in doing it, I don't think we need EVERY hand =)

I am afraid I lost the timing for the hand where u turn 66 into bluff on river vs rec player, but what do you think about folding turn in the 3way pot?


Aug. 26, 2013 | 8:52 p.m.


I am not being critical, just curious, in case if it's not obvious:)

And sry for double-posting, can't hit the Edit button from phone

Aug. 7, 2013 | 4:06 a.m.

Thank you for answer!

2) I am not sure bout math now, but feels like Villain has to do smth which is not folding about 60% of the time, to make mr unprofitable, doesn't he?

General answer: why U don't do this here? I think u folded a lot of BUs and there were this guy on Stars, who was opening like 30%+(u ended up playing HU with hi

Aug. 7, 2013 | 4:04 a.m.

Hey Espen!

Thanks for the vid, here are some questions for u:

1) At the very beginning of the VOD, u def J9suited on the bb and then ch/c a Td7dx, planning to take it away later. what do you think about ch/r this flop?

2) do you ever openfold from sb when stacks are 20bb or higher? Isn't it mathematically bad almost always?

3) 08.24 On the BUtton on Triceratops u fold QTo vs FanJkEEE open. What do you think about flattin' there?

4) 16.19 Shortstacked, U fold A5s vs loose guy opening, is it good? =)

5) 19.16 - u openshove 99 from MP with ss on very agr table, isn't r/c more optimal there?

General question: Do you EVER 3b light or steal with trash in this stage of tour? if not, why? =) and I don't mean 3-handed =)


Aug. 7, 2013 | 2:17 a.m.

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