328 points
After making a video on the challenge and getting everything ready to keep going - looks like ACR took down 10nl blitz LOL. Guess we're going to restructure it for 25nl? although now it looks like only 25nl and 200nl blitz tables are running over the last 5 days. Atleast I learned more on the editing program so that will make this 2nd time around go a bit faster
Dec. 30, 2023 | 6:48 p.m.
Hey Nuno - hope everything is going well for you!
Hope everyone had a great holiday. Got to enjoy it with my kids and took the day off work. Was one of the best ones I've had.
Quick update on the BRC - I did start the challenge and got about 6ish hours in. Up about +6 buyins and did stream all sessions. Was pretty fun with the chat and a nice little change of pace. I didn't think I'd enjoy doing it as much as I have so far
Dec. 26, 2023 | 8:54 p.m.
Nice quick efficient video. I was surprised by the AK call but you touched up on that at the end. The 4 flush board that ran out a board pair was a pretty cool spot to think about as villain and the threshold to try and make for shoving river
Dec. 26, 2023 | 5:15 a.m.
Enjoyed this one - nice to see how you find a mistake in your play and then just let it go. Thats probably one of my biggest mental game hurdles. It sits with me for much longer
Dec. 25, 2023 | 3:56 a.m.
Damn its been over 2 years since my last post. There's been a lot to catch up on so I'll keep it short. In February of 2021 I had got hit with many neurological issues that continued to worsen for months. At one point I legitimately thought I wasn't going to be alive by the end of the year. My emotions were all over the place at this point since I just had my son in May of that year and didn't think I'd even be there for when he turns 1. Matt was very patient and understanding but ultimately it got to the point that I was unable to put in the volume and it wasn't worth it for him to continue. It was a good thing overall because it gave me some time to focus strictly on my health. Now I'm back at the point where I have way more good days than bad days.
I've been playing on global for the past few months but the 500nl+ games are basically the same 4-5 2k regs and games don't run as often as I'd hoped. Led to me playing more Live poker until hopefully NY regulates soon =). I have pretty high hopes for it next year since they put a bill in just for poker - a NY judge ruled poker as a game of skill back in 2012.
This made me want to just have fun and do a little challenge to try to prove to all the newer players that you can climb up and build a bankroll starting at the micros even on tougher sites/fast fold style tables. I keep seeing in all these discords that they think poker is basically dead because of GTOwizard and how people can play "perfectly". I'm going to start with $250 on ACR and play only blitz tables since that's what so many new players seem to be obsessed with. Kinda sucks because they only have 10nl - 50nl - 200nl that runs. It'll take a long time to get up to the next stake but it is what it is. Need to show them that they should be playing a more exploitative style of poker at these stakes. Considering streaming it on twitch "meenyKO" but we'll see.
Dec. 13, 2023 | 2:58 a.m.
Slow season at work has started - although overall much busier than usual because of the extra property. Feels good to be back and able to study/play without the added stress. Have a whole new weekly routine going for drilling spots and focusing on a few issues I had with the new DB review. One bigger issue that is a bit tough to get around is being able to play the reg tables throughout the day since there aren't many running on ACR. With my work/kids I can't exactly switch to more play at night, so I might have to adjust something there. Maybe even the polyphasic sleep stuff again lol. Excited for round 2 of this push =P
Nov. 4, 2021 | 2:04 a.m.
are you crushing 1k now or what?? hows everything going?
Nov. 4, 2021 | 2:02 a.m.
HeavyMask They currently aren't taking in anybody else. I think they are done and Matt is now just working with Detox. They are still working with me though. Yeah...I'm not sure why the redline is down too rofl. When we did the DB review for this sample it went along the lines of the last quarter was much better in terms of the frequencies/stats I should be around and that he thought I was just running really bad in spots where I'm bluffing and where my value wasn't getting called.
Study process is awesome. Wish I did this in the beginning. Way more time efficient and hits the areas where I struggle in automatically.
July 26, 2021 | 2:05 a.m.
been a while since last update. Was a bit unhappy with how the results were and then the super busy season started at work. I ended up with 0.12 EV BB/100. I don't know why it keeps giving me an issue for last 100k hands it just keeps showing 98kish. Every time I took a shot at 1k I didn't do so well. Would grind back up a bit and rinse and repeat. I still had a lot of adjusting to do and kept messing up how to implement certain aspects. I was given the advice to take a break during my busy season at work so I can come back focused. I decided to make these spaced repetition cards with all the notes I had made from BBU. Have been studying them everyday and its kind of insane how many concepts I was misapplying or just forgot about when playing. The break from playing/studying everyday actually helped in more ways than I thought.
Ignition stopped allowing players from NY so I had to move over to WPN(ACR/BCP). I'm actually liking the named sites where I can make some adjustments to players and keep those notes long term. I'm just playing probably a few hours per week when I get the chance too. Pretty nice having rakeback lol. Wish I had it during my time on Ignition.
Poker update/plan - Keep studying with the spaced repetition throughout the rest of my season and do another big push at the end of September to potentially go full time. Jason and Matt have been nothing but awesome. I have the highest respect for them and they genuinely want what is best for me. I'm still confident with both of them I will be able to reach my poker goals.
Outside of poker -- I have my mens physique competition in September and have been still working on that. Was a bit shitty when I sprained my ankle and really messed it up for 2 months. Not going to lie, it was very tough with having my job, trying to train for this competition, spend time with my wife and kids AND try to get the studying/playing in that was needed. I was definitely taking on a lot and realized I can't do it all. That being said, will not change my goals. It just changes how I will go after them and plan accordingly. I hate making excuses and I felt if I took a break when needed then that was "giving up". Seeing it now...I just needed to do this a bit earlier and get a better view from the outside on everything. Hopefully will get another update in before another 6 months go by lol. Hope everyone is doing well.
July 24, 2021 | 9:39 p.m.
Dec. 30, 2020 | 2:41 p.m.
Can't believe last update has already been 2 months ago. I have joined Big Bet University and putting my all into it. Its pretty crazy that after all this time playing poker I finally feel like I am ACTUALLY playing now instead of just trading coolers and not really feeling like I'm one of the good regs at higher stakes. I wanted to thank them for taking me on and being a part of a small group. I prefer it that way so there is more of an individual focus on helping me instead of a blanket study guide that helps the overall group. Jason Su who helps with the mental side of the coaching has been an incredible resource. I already thought I had a pretty good mental game compared to most others but he has taken it to another level. Seemingly help just my overall life outside of poker has already been well worth it for me. Matt spends an hour a day answering any questions we have and gives a very indepth look at it both in a solver world and exploitative. My next graph update will be after 100k hands since we started this. I can't wait to be able to look back on all this hard work I've put in over the years and watch it all pay off. Will finally let my wife read this blog too haha.
On the bodybuilding side - I am 13 weeks into the program and starting the massing phase. We upped the steps to 14k a day with a similar split 6x a week. Trying to gain between .5-1lb a week for now. Strength has increased dramatically and I believe we start focusing on specific groups now
Dec. 28, 2020 | 9:11 p.m.
Bought myself a treadmill to go under my desk. I've been trying to keep up with the other goals I've set for myself. Next year I want to be in a bodybuilding competition and started about 5 weeks ago. The goal right now is to finish a mini cut to get a better base first then go from there. I need to hit a minimum 12k steps a day and have been doing a pull push legs split 6x a week.
This might be a placebo effect but I also think I've been playing better while on the treadmill. Having a little bit of a sweat going while I play just feels that I have more clarity.
Oct. 31, 2020 | 11:05 p.m.
Was reading a bit through my blog and realized that I had kind of given up hope on HU =(. Its something I wish I could still play but even when I try to sit the tables here I rarely get people to stay. Mayyyyyybe all of these high stakes HU challenges will bring more people to that format of the game and I can start playing it again =).
Had a coaching session last night with someone new. Went over my db and saw a good amount of leaks that I feel should be somewhat quick to fix. Quick =/= easy though. I need to find the right combos and spots to be fixing them as I could easily be over compensating just to fix certain stats. Got a new fire lit under my ass to keep improving and see how far I can take this.
Hopefully will be going to take another 1knl shot this weekend as long as I don't hit a bit of a downswing.
Oct. 27, 2020 | 5:04 a.m.
Ok so as usual - bit late after saying I'd update more. Basically this job has an extremely busy season, followed by an extremely slow season. Better way to describe it is more of a 6 month 80+ hours a week and the other 6 months are extremely slow. It is starting to hit into the slow season so now I can get back to the normal 35+ hour poker grind. I'm very happy with the job as of now as it allows me to have the ability to not stress about providing for my family and also gives me the capability to pursue poker.
I shot took at 1knl last weekend. It went extremely well in terms of my happiness with how I felt playing there. Not so well results oriented from a few coolers =(. It was pretty interesting though....I bluff caught some bigger hands with A or K high but then I was "scared" to turn some spots I usually jam as a bluff into a different size....that shit needs to be cut out by the next time I shot take it.
Oct. 21, 2020 | 9:32 p.m.
always good to hear from you =). Hope everything is going well for you!
Oct. 14, 2020 | 2:32 a.m.
Graph of my last 20k hands at 200nl and 500nl - mix of reg and zone
Haven't posted here in a while...picked up a job that felt like was too good to pass up. Although I am missing the poker grind quite a bit. Will do a better update tomorrow (hopefully)
Oct. 13, 2020 | 3:22 a.m.
All of these recent graphs are ignition yeah. B4 that was ACR
April 14, 2020 | 10:24 p.m.
Finally feel like all this hard work is paying off. =) very happy right now. Short update but wanted to share this
April 8, 2020 | 7:28 p.m.
Heres the 10k hand update for the shot at 500 reg tables =)....reg tables I'm doing well...Zone is rough. The biggest issue for me is the 15 second time for decisions with no timebank. Not really sure how to practice this, playing the lower zone tables aren't good practice because nobody puts you in tough spots there
April 5, 2020 | 7:43 a.m.
I'm a 500z fishhhhhh it tilts me damnit!
April 4, 2020 | 6:26 a.m.
Alrighttttttttt heres my 500nl reg table shot so far! https://gyazo.com/ec9197f18c90e97a3b040841fc033bf6
April 2, 2020 | 9:06 a.m.
Took 500 shot this weekend and it went like this. - Honestly I'm pretty surprised at the games. They feel very similar to the 200nl games and not much better. One thing I notice is that they are better at bluff catching overall. I don't get to just run rampant in certain spots like I was at 200.
March 23, 2020 | 5:53 a.m.
Alright so the bad news hit. Guess I'll be full time playing poker now? Possibly considering some coaching now to help with the me losing the job =/. Good news -- Playing 500nl now and lets run good throughout the weekend to stick it =P
March 21, 2020 | 2:47 a.m.
So potentially getting ready for some bad news this weekend. Was told today its a possibility that I will not be able to continue my job...Alot of factors going into it. I like to keep a good mindset and continue to think everything happens for a reason and maybe this is a perfect time to follow through on full time poker? Will be interesting to look back on this specific post in the future and see what happens during this crazy time
March 19, 2020 | 3:19 a.m.
27 hours of poker later...lockdown was successful again. We hit $3k upswing this weekend =). super tired right now but heres the lockdown graph. We had a huge hand vs. a maniac rec player 250ish bb deep where I flop mid set on KJT and he flopped straight with AQ, get it in and spike a T on river. Ran pretty good on the flips pre also. Feels good to be above EV LOL.
March 16, 2020 | 7:34 a.m.
Yeah I have chinup bar, bands, and 20 + 35 lb dumbbells. Should be ok but I've been a bit lazy. I did a 6 week program where I was doing HIIT 3x/week + Steady state 2x a week. 5x a week I was lifting and going on a lean bulk. Right after the 6 weeks the gyms started getting out of hand so it was an excuse to be lazy. Which isn't good lol. Kettle bells are good I can probably get some
March 14, 2020 | 5:06 p.m.
Alright guys...been playing a ton and studying certain spots. Got a lesson from someone on how to study more efficiently with PIO and it felt like I learned an insane amount. Can't wait to put what I learned to use. I am doing another lockdown this weekend for saturday AND sunday. Sooo maybe the next update we get here will be at 500nl???? Will be a sick feeling to finally be playing there. I'm going to start posting some hands here...some funny and some sick calls/bluffs from myself orrrrrrr villain =)
On the other goals -- I haven't been meditating as much as normal. Need to focus on that a bit more and make sure I get that in. Working out -- Been slacking since the whole corona virus thing and gyms. I know children have a small chance of anything being serious from it but I still worry about giving that to my kids especially the 1 year old.
March 14, 2020 | 7:15 a.m.
Nope - here are my 200nl reg/z results since after the DB review
March 10, 2020 | 12:30 a.m.
Had a lockdown session today. 6k hands = +$2,000
Hey - quick update. We are now 28 hours into the challenge and the bankroll is sitting at $856. I didn't add the beast payout to the graph, the only way I know how to do that with PT4 is to add a false HH so I'm holding off until I find a better way. Purple line is the additional rakeback to the winnings. I took a 25nl shot at $500 bankroll. I will be taking a 50nl shot at $1k.
People are making massive mistakes pre and with deep stacks. Hope any of the people grinding micros can watch this and get something out of it
Jan. 14, 2024 | 12:33 a.m.