28 points
Thanks for the video. Great analysis and thought process.
Aug. 31, 2016 | 5:33 p.m.
Would it be possible to have dates the videos were made next to the videos in the learning path section? I think it's relevant and while that info is all fantastic, just having some dates in the menu I think would be beneficial.
Aug. 29, 2016 | 5:52 p.m.
The way I approach studying has a lot to do with my poker goals. I determined that I want to build my roll playing cash on the reg and take random shots at tourneys throughout the year. What should my foundation be? Beating cash games. When I'm playing, what obstacles do I face that hinder my win rate? Depends, but typically it's overconfidence and a lapse in judgement to take a higher variance line when the risk outweighs the reward. i.e. poor stack preservation in a tournament.
All that thinking translates into the game itself. In game, I take notes of certain spots where either I wasn't sure of something, or made a mistake. Usually if you're not sure of something, there's a topic in a training video or forum about it. I'll go back the next day and do some research on that topic. The learning paths on this site are great as well.
Summary: I don't have a specific amount of time I study, but I use it as a warmup, cool down, debrief, a way to reset my mind, a way to spark new thoughts about the games etc.
Hope this helps.
May 30, 2016 | 8:54 p.m.
Thanks for the video. Currently in the Pseudo section- you're auto-eliminating KJ from his x/b/b range on the flop. What is your reasoning for thinking he would bet KJ every time on the flop? I only ask because if it were me and I was first to act on the turn, I wouldn't eliminate KJ from his check back range because I feel players are more likely to rep with a weaker hand on the flop and would be more likely to check back KJ sometimes, AK, AJ etc.
Wouldn't this mean that our J is indeed more relevant?
May 30, 2016 | 3:22 p.m.
At 42:10 with the NFD and BDSD, if your 8 was a 4, are you jamming? These are spots I know I make mistakes on because I don't want to just call, and then either brick turn and have to fold without seeing a river, OR get there on the turn and not get paid off by a wrap or set etc.
March 24, 2016 | 10:58 p.m.
12:40 - can you explain why A9o is a standard call there? For me, it would be pretty situational/read based even though I know villain's range is pretty wide. It still comes back to tournament life and wanting to find a better spot where I'm the guy shoving with 15bb rather than calling off. But that could be a spot where I'm missing opportunities...
Thanks for the video, Dylan.
Jan. 19, 2016 | 11:55 p.m.
Yeah, but what was in your headphones during this final table? Nobody asks the tough questions.
Jan. 18, 2016 | 5:37 a.m.
Holy HUD stats
April 5, 2015 | 8:36 p.m.
Why are you calling pre if you're just going to fold once you flop a set?
Im calling 100% of the time in this spot. If you get coolered w QT then so be it. Move on to the next hand.
Your hand is so under-repped and you took such a passive line on a board where villain will be triple barreling a lot because his range has a lot of hands with decent equity. You flatted turn so in his mind, your river raise is super polarized to bluffs and nuts. If he's blocking any part of your nut range, I can see him jamming here. If he missed and only has one option to win the pot, I can see him jamming here.
Im guessing that because you're posting this here, you either called and were coolered, or you folded.
You really can't be beating yourself up here over the outcome. However, you can beat yourself up over not raising the turn. You get value from way too much of his range to be flatting here and we hate a lot of river cards. Gotta raise the turn.
May 23, 2018 | 12:31 a.m.