0 points
So easy fold?.. what do you think is his value range on the shove there?
July 15, 2014 | 9:58 p.m.
Well.. I called the flop because I didnt think I had to simply fold my KK because there is an A on that pretty dry flop vs the standard cbet, especially IP against the aggressor...
The problem on the river is that I dont see many Ax that he would check that turn and jam the river for value..
July 15, 2014 | 7:57 p.m.
BB: 6284 (Hero)
UTG: 5770
LJ: 3877
HJ: 4130
CO: 6090
BN: 6239
UTG folds, LJ calls 120, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB raises to 384, Hero calls 264, LJ calls 264
No special read on the raiser, seemed to be a pretty standard player and could be isol the donkey with some mid/strong hand.
July 15, 2014 | 4:24 p.m.
My biggest problem is that to find these good spots on early stages pre antes, I either have to be delt good cards or have to make some moves when it seems not to be worth. I dont feel right on 3-betting an A4 from the button on blinds 40/80 or 50/100 no antes with 3K stack, or to steal these blinds wider, because the 150 chips in the pot are not a big deal compared to my stack. The problem is that when we get to the next levels my 40/30BB stack will become about 20BB, so when it becomes way more worth to make these plays I wont have the stack to do so.
July 11, 2014 | 1:21 p.m.
6:50 - You say that could be a nice spot to bet/call with the A2s instead of bluff shoving. Dont you think when he raises this river he is either bluffing or he has you beat, so your A2s is basically a bluff catcher. With the line you take there, I dont think he needs to turn any Kx into a bluff by raising there, and the only missed draws that he could raise as a bluff are flush draws and some kind of gut shot with the Q that he decided to turn into a bluff and you have to think he is going to bluff these often enough, what I dont see happening that often... Dont you think check/call or bet/fold are better lines when playing strictly for value?
July 8, 2014 | 6:02 p.m.
Hey guys, I've been struggling with some adjustment I need to make in my game depending on the structure of the MTT.
I usually keep my strategy of playing pretty tight on early stages, where there are no antes and the blinds are low, try to accumulate some chips and as long as the blinds increase and especially when the antes come into play, I start to open my range and aggression, stealing more blinds, make some moves and stuff.
It works pretty well on most MTTs, where the antes come into play on 40/80 or 50/100 levels, with 3k starting stack when start the antes most of the players have a decent stack, so I have enough room to play and make moves.
Yet there are some regular MTTs where the antes start on 125/250 level, with 3k starting stack I cant wait for it to start opening my game, because on that level even if I had doubled up once I will have around 25BB stack and not so much room to work. Thats where Im struggling, I cant find the right timing to start aggression pre antes on those tournaments and constantly find myself on that spot with ~20BB when antes come to play and I have no room to play my best game.
I would like to know what adjustments you guys think I should do, when and which level should be better to start to open my ranges and aggression on these tournaments?
I will take Arnaud Lafaurie's idea, as I would love to see a video of our friend Lipe Piv (Felipe Boianovsky)'s win at the WCOOP 41 as a dual comment w/ some MTT pro.. :)
Oct. 3, 2014 | 3:03 p.m.