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Deep stacked (200bb+) play. Specifically calling 3bets when oop. For example, Hero is CO and 3bet by BTN, what ranges to construct, what kind of 4betting and 3b flatting range. How different flops fare for our range when we are OOP.

Jan. 24, 2015 | 5:57 a.m.

Hi, good video Vincent!

I was considering moving to China also. Why did you choose China? For personal reasons or poker?

Dec. 16, 2014 | 7:38 p.m.

Hi Alex I like your thoughts a lot. When 300bb deep, I just think it is so hard to control the pot size oop. I am concerned that 4betting KK/QQ for "value" and folding to a large 5bet is not something we can do often. If we are forced to flat KK/QQ to a 5bet, I think we will get outplayed too often or lose more than we win given such narrow ranges and basically running into AA when we are 300bb deep. I am unsure 4betting merged is something that comes up often for online players (like me), whereas in deep live games it is more applicable to 4bet more linear ranges. Deep stack play preflop is something that players used to 100bb stacks may struggle with since we are more used to stacking off lighter and there isnt any good literature that I have come across regarding 200bb+.

Oct. 23, 2014 | 4:42 p.m.

I'm lol'ing because I just posted a few hours ago about the same problem you are having. In my 10/10 live game, we are like 300bb deep and flatting 3bets becomes even more important. At least when you are 100bb deep you can just play 4bet/fold and stack off with QQ/AKs/KK most of the time. In deeper games, I can't even 4bet KK for value.
Maybe we need a RIO pro to help us!

Oct. 22, 2014 | 11:30 a.m.

In live poker, I sometimes play at a 10/10 NL, 3000 max buy-in game. Almost everyone buys in at 3000, so effective stacks are 300bb deep almost always.

The games are full ring, frequently 10 players.

I have often wondered if we should have a 4betting range in these games pf. Has anyone else had this problem?

I'll explain the difficulty I have right now:
-I usually play in 100bb games, so I dont call 3bets when I am oop, I either 4bet/fold.
-If I start calling 3bets when oop, I feel that I will have holes in my range if I also still 4bet. Say I start 4betting KK/AA, then when I call 3bets, I am pretty capped.

Any suggestions for dealing with 3bets oop pre? So far it seems ppl are saying it is just too hard to balance to have a 4bet range at all pf.


Oct. 22, 2014 | 6:48 a.m.

Mark, tyvm for making another live session vid!  I like your play- it is very solid.  I only watched half of it so far, here are my thoughts on the spots I am unsure about:

@0:25, Would you cbet KT5ss with 66 ever CO vs BTN? Just to
take down the pot?  Because we are
chk/folding here.

@4:56, do you expect your triple barrel to fold a J?  fd missed and while the 9 is not a bad card,
it isn’t a bad one for his range either.

@12:00, why do you c/c 55 on 248ss instead of cbetting? I am
actually having quite some trouble in these spots oop. 

@13:06, I am surprised that you defend A5o vs utg? Seems to
be hard to make money oop with reverse implied odds.  I expect KJo to be a fold.  In your last vid you also said defending
A-rag in bb vs utg open is standard but I thought I misheard u last time, interested to see where this is coming from!

@21:30, AJo on A99r, you chk back, which is surprising to me
because this is probably towards the top of our range excluding trips.  If we chk back this hand, does this means we
are only betting AQ, 9Ts, 98s, 9Js, for value? 
It seems if we chk back AJo, we limit our freedom somewhat to bet our air
here.  I also think when villain chks
such a dry flop, he is usually c/c’ing the flop so that we are guaranteed
value on the flop at least.  Indeed, I do see the value
of chking back smaller aces like A2.  If
he had AK, I would think he would want to get 3 streets, no?  So he would seldom chk with a bigger
ace.  He would also even more seldom chk
with trips imo unless he is the type of player to c/r bluff and cbet but that line is pretty rare imo.  Overall, I think your chk back is interesting, but maybe we are losing some value?  Also, even if it is too thin to triple barrel here, we can probably cbet,
chk back turn, then vbet/bluff rivers with our range, and protect our turn chk back range instead
of protecting our flop chk back range, so I think a mixed strategy with AJ on A99r is a good option.


Oct. 20, 2014 | 9:49 a.m.

Hi Tyler, I am a fan of your videos, and I agree with some ideas itt.  I would like to see more theory videos or videos about playing 3b pots oop too.  Seems oop play is one of your strengths as you mix your c/c and cbets very well.  I would like to learn from that.  Also more live zoom sessions is always welcome.

Oct. 19, 2014 | 3:32 a.m.

Thanks, and keep doing live zoom sessions, they really let us see alot more hands.

Oct. 8, 2014 | 11:51 p.m.

Tyvm Mark!  I dug up a
couple more preflop spots-- seems you generally tend to think btn cc is not very
profitable and apply the gap principle,

@11:27, you folded ATo BTN vs CO.  I flat all my ATo vs even a 3x CO open.  ATo is at worse ~50% vs CO
opening range and we are guaranteed position. 
From your experience though, is flatting here just been unprofitable and
too likely to get squeezed from blinds.  Maybe
you can correct my thinking here about specific situation.  

@23:18, you mention cc JTs is ok in HJ.  Does this mean that you would cc QTs, KTs,
etc…?  I am trying to juggle between cc small pocketpairs vs JTs, which is more profitable HJ vs UTG?

@38:32, J9s, folding vs a HJ 2.5x open… your button cold
call seems much tighter than how I play.  Just not optimal to flat here from your
experience?  3bet bluff or fold vs HJ, but cc vs CO open?


Oct. 7, 2014 | 6:14 p.m.

Hi Mark, nice video!

@8:45, the btn 3bets you to 40.  You then 4bet to 90.  I like the 4bet bluff too.  Could you also explain why you do that
particular sizing? 

My take on the situation is that we are OOP with AJo, and to
discourage flats and min5bets from btn as done in the video, I like making
4bets larger oop, ~100-110.  What do you

Maybe you could just elaborate on this spot a bit more
regarding the specific reasoning/reads?

 @10:25, KTs, what if the CO 2.5x -3x pf?  Would you still 3bet from blind?  Or does that become a fold usually?

  @20:58, btn A5dd does not vbet trips on the river
ATJ7Ahhh.  You think that is a leak, or
are we only calling with trips+ there?


Oct. 7, 2014 | 12:50 a.m.

Hi Tyler, really like the video ;)

At 2:17, you have 79s and flat sb vs btn open.  What kind of frequency do you oscillate between 3bing
premiums in sb and slowplaying them? 
At 4:55, you also flatted A9s in the sb. 
Is it because in both cases the bb player does not squeeze often enough
so you can get away with it in that spot? 
Or do you balance by trapping to discourage squeezes as part of your
main strat? 

It seems the relative responsibility of the sb to defend against
btn steals should be tighter than 79s.  I
also think 3b’ing the entire sb range here is best because flatting a portion
of it gives bb a really good price to complete and we would be playing a 3-way
pot with the worst position.  Considering the above, what factors are more important here in your opinion?  

At 19:03, you mention that he has TT+ most of the time vs
your utg open, but shouldnt his 3b pf be more polarized as sb vs utg?   Do you
guys have a history in which he flats your 4b with TT and against him you
simply 4b him for pure value?  


Oct. 2, 2014 | 7:53 p.m.

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