2 points
I find myself struggling being unable to properly think through my opponents range in the middle of a hand. Some of it is definitely related to stress over the possibility of making a mistake but I think that stress stems from the fact that in a hand I'm never quite sure where I'm at and so I know I'm more likely to make a mistake/do make mistakes in spots where I shouldn't be. I searched but didn't find quite what I was looking for. Any help would be appreciated.
April 12, 2020 | 11:26 a.m.
I'd be down. I'm playing smaller stakes: (10NL) and am very serious about my game and getting better, but I get it if you'd just rather have folks playing higher stakes who presumably have more to offer in the way of strategy. PM me either way.
April 11, 2020 | 11:50 a.m.
Agreed. And I can understand the thought process of that 10 looking scary, but if he has it oh well. Sometimes the player just clicking buttons in search of a good time stumbles into that good time.
April 10, 2020 | 1:11 p.m.
I don't think you're too thin at all. You said your opponent calls you down light, in some cases with just A high so you should be betting 3 streets unless the run out is just horrid imo. Sure he might have a straight or a flush, but he could also have a bunch of paired hands that he just can't let go of. If you're not gonna get max value from your premium hands against a player that calls down light, then the value you're missing out on is probably much more than the money you'd be losing here when he's lucky enough to have improved to a straight or flush by the river. Your play is totally fine imo.
Would be down as well
April 11, 2020 | 11:53 a.m.