2 points
Agree with dogkillah, I like a check-call OTF. However, if you are betting half your range or more OTF, then you are forced to bet most of the time with AA. It's well worth considering that the majority of your range has no better than weak draws and/or over cards on this flop. If you were concerned about protecting yourself against sticky opponents, you should probably be checking this flop most of the time OOP. Checking at least non-diamond AA here is good for that. As a default, on this type of flop, I've been erring on the side of checking all my AA simply because I know how much this flop sucks for my preflop range.
Jan. 11, 2016 | 3:21 a.m.
Agree 100% w/ Citanul
Jan. 9, 2016 | 4:43 p.m.
I don't feel comfortable discussing the 4bet pre flop except to say that it can't be terrible. Once we 4bet pre flop vs a 4way squeeze and get two calls, I can't put either player on AA anymore... Maybe we can give each player half a combo of AA-KK, but that's worst-case scenario.
On the flop, the SPR is less than 1. Even with the KK part of our range, I would like an AI for ~4/5 to 3/4 pot. But with QQ, almost half the turn cards kinda suck. In short, this is our flop when we 4bet pre. We should take it down some with a cbet, and get some value from players who are likely calling too wide pre flop vs 4bets.
Jan. 9, 2016 | 4:38 p.m.
Also, what would your plan be on the turn and river given his action on a 6d turn (giving you NFD w/ non-nut double gutter)?
June 7, 2015 | 1:23 p.m.
On the left table at about minute 15 you see a pot against a PFR OTB HU of J35r w/ AT84 (we have BDFD). You seem to think it's close between betting behind and checking. Is it because you think a lot of his range is TP? Just curious, as I would have auto-bet there with your type of hand, and hadn't considered whether that was the best idea or not.
Agree with dogkillah, 4bet pre flop, but make it big, like 9 or something crazier. He often won't have a pocket pair, even if he's 3betting way less than what you're claiming. QQ usually shouldn't be slow played much on flops unless you flop a draw. Get the max preflop when he's not folding. Extremely aggro players typically get more so the more money that goes into the pot, even if it's not theirs.
Also, we should bet this flop. We can get a lot of value from FDs. Our hand gets somewhat weaker on many turncards.
As played, I wouldn't fold either, given the read. I don't expect to make much on the river, though. I would much rather push our equity edge earlier in the hand rather than waiting for him to fall on his own sword, so to speak.
Jan. 12, 2016 | 3 a.m.