30 points
That hand of A7 vs AJ around 36:00 was very simple but enlightning for me , i don't like the open neither but sometimes i find myself in trouble because i don't take in account the calling range from SB , so i really liked the way you played. I hope you can deliver way more videos monthly. :)
Sept. 2, 2016 | 3:22 p.m.
Thanks for the vid, i recently adpated your size in BB 2.25 and 2.7 (used to play 2.2, 2.5) and it has worked out really well for me.
Aug. 26, 2016 | 2:08 p.m.
I'm aware this section commentary is for purposeful discussions but i feel i must say:
I'm starting to feel Quada is trolling us will all those absurd folds when he was short-stacked lol.
Now , speaking about poker Owens, when we shoves 44's and then the inmediate next hand we have JJ do you feel we still need to shove that UTG to balance range? or the min raise like Quada did is better in terms of inducing the BB to catch something and double up.
July 26, 2016 | 5:31 p.m.
Never ever a video from RIO made me feel such a good player, you sum it up perfectly on 36:18 , " that's why poker is profitable", lol, thanks for your insight Owen, i really like your videos.
July 19, 2016 | 2:27 p.m.
I really never ever consider limping in late stages, so it was interesting to see this and defintely will think about it, would you reccommend that approach also on mid-final stages of the tournament, let's say in the las 5-10 tables?. Thanks for the video i enjoyed a lot.
July 4, 2016 | 5:57 p.m.
Good point, i'm realizing that lol
Sept. 22, 2015 | 4:43 p.m.
Now i think Zipf Mistery explains my latest graphics results. lol
Sept. 19, 2015 | 8:48 p.m.
This is an easy pre flop shove in my opinion ( its not a turbo where 14 bb are a fortune). And it simplifies our life ( yes , the payjumps are high and we wanna play as safe as posible) but if you're calling then you have to shove/fold the flop , lets suppose he doesn't shove turn and let you see the river cheap or for free and then he shoves ? what? you're gonna think now that he is trapping you with aq? or 5x?. Highly unlikely. Even though with this shove i will always be calling,we hit one of the cards we wanted in the first place and as Lijag says the Q gives him the chance to play like he hit that queen, lets say he does: in his opening range q8(maybe)/q9/q10/qj --// 4 hands //-- against only AQ, 5X and 66s? well good game.
Sept. 18, 2015 | 6:57 p.m.
Agree with TheLuckier calling with AJ the only few good flops that we're getting and more OOP are two pairs and flush draw to the ace. I'd fold or just 3 bet (depending on agression from villain.)
We get two pairs but i ask : what is the intention of leading? Really. And also putting in villain shoes: What is the point of shoving here? Trying to make AJ and AK call and protect our hand from a K or 10 turn that makes some straights?, i think i'd check-call and re-evaluate the turn, but in first place i would be more declined to fold preflop.
Sept. 18, 2015 | 6:44 p.m.
Theres 2 diamonds on the flop, and in 983 his range of 10/j 10/q 10/7 9/8suited and all those combinatorics plus heavy flush draws is really huge. ( more in a passive fish as you all mention) part of his range so i think i'd call (not happy calling obviously) , and also just because people play crazy in KO tournaments. Anyway id be busted, nice fold!
Sept. 18, 2015 | 6:36 p.m.
Thank you.
Sept. 18, 2015 | 5:15 p.m.
Should i play 5 dollars MTT (at least one a day) like the big 5.50?
Sept. 17, 2015 | 7:15 p.m.
I feel ashamed for that title, but its the reality , i busted my bankroll of a couple of thousands and i can start now only with 100 dollars, my question is what things should i play? , i definitely wont play hyper sit n gos (thats how i lost a good portion of my roll), I used to play only mtts average of 15 dollars with 60% being regular structure and 40% turbos and hyperturbos, and multi tabling only 6-8 at the same time, pretty low volume. I'm thinking in playing couple of tournaments of 3-5USD and maybe some 11 dollar and playing sit n gos of 45-90-180 people of 1 and 1.50 dollars to make money for those mtts, is that a correct approach? . Or what would you suggest , has anyone being in a similar position ( having the pressure of not being able to lose those 100 dollars and charging money again), when i started i actually won 1k and then 9k and thats how i did good for about 6 months.
Thanks for any kind of advice guys.
Sept. 16, 2015 | 2:49 a.m.
whoo, thanks a lot! really. i'm starting next week and this kind of content feels like it is what i need.
Aug. 21, 2015 | 3:37 a.m.
I was playing with a bankroll of 1000-2000 dollars for about 8 months, in low and micro stakes pretty much only hyper 6-max and MTTs, i had the worst run and the most stresful last months since i've been playing and busted my whole roll, now i want to start again, fixing my leaks specially on mental game, but i dont seem to know where to start , i tried watching my HM history of good and bad tournaments, but still don't feel quite ready, also re-reading mental game of poker of Jared tendler, what do you do after a break?
Aug. 15, 2015 | 12:24 a.m.
Had a similar gross spot yesterday on the final table of the big 5.50 where i basically icm suicide myself for not letting a player run over me and he had AK and i had AQ , now i don't feel that bad lol.
Thanks for the series, is really enlightning a lot of concepts from you.
June 25, 2015 | 6:55 p.m.
Me on the button: 15.926 with A9 of diamonds. /15BB stats: VPIP: 15 PFR: 15 3-bet: 0 (32 hands)
Small blind: 25.465 /25bb stats: VPIP: 33 PFR: 25 3-bet: 25 (12 hands) been agressive and shoving a lot in this couple hands.
Big Blind: 52.280/52bb stats: VPIP: 13 PFR: 3 3-bet: 6.7 (32 hands) tight.
Blinds: 500/1000
The tournament is the Big 22, we're 3 people away from the bubble, and the hand gets to me with no open on the button, i have 15 bb and i think, if i min bet, because of the bubble the guy on the small blind whos been pretty active is gonna shove me, or even the big blind could take advantage of that and raise me all in , also i thought folding was too weak ( but not sure because of the bubble), i ended up shoving the A9 and the small blind calls with AK and i bust.
My question is should i be making this kind of plays? or should i really care about waiting one more hand to get into the bubble, i feel just unlucky that i run against a better ace but is that really something i should concern in this spot with A9? and more when the BB has a relative tight stats. Is this "standard" and just unlucky ? or should this be a no-brainer fold because of the bubble?
Thanks .
June 9, 2015 | 4:13 a.m.
At the hand around 5:00 min with the AK what do you do if he min raise or shove the turn?, I play this stakes and this tournament a lot and i see that a lot of people would do that with A8, and a heavy diamond draw , don't you think that 3 betting preflop we better isolate those hands, yes in this case was perfect (the a10), but i'm curious. Thanks .
June 8, 2015 | 8:40 p.m.
Hey guys!
I've been playing poker (mostly Mtts) since about 2 years, i could say i make a living from it, is my permanent job since even with the awful downswings i make more playing that getting a regular job, roughly 400/700 dollars at month . The way i approach it is playing daily around 10-18 tourneys daily ( maximum of 7-8 at once) (and trying to add more slowly), the range of tournaments is between (5 dollars and 50) and my bankroll usually fluctues between 800-2000 dollars playing those levels.
I'm using since 3 months ago the HM2, which has helped me a lot, and right now i'm in a huge downswing, (most of my bankroll crippled) and the easy thing is to blame luck, but i'm really struggling thinking if i can really beat this game and i was just running hot, i see the tournament results chart checking hand history and i see that in average of every bustout 1 or 2 out of 10 are my direct fault meaning i blew my stack in a bad call /shove/bluff or i made a bad play leaving me short stack then busting, and the rest is pure suckouts, good hands not holding on, and standard flips.
SO, my question is what stats are kind of reliable to see if its luck or i'm really not seeing my mistakes, the EV chart?, I would appreciate any comment, i'm really fishy on the HM2 thing, and even more since english its not my first language.
June 2, 2015 | 9:53 p.m.
You said is standard to start the agression in the first hand with 10 7 off OOP , im triying hard to see a good reason behind that, but i can't see any. Thats the mistake i think, the turn and river situation its ok to call/fold in my opinion-
May 29, 2015 | 8:23 p.m.
This is the video i didnt know i was waiting for and made a lot of important details clear in my mind. Thanks.
May 2, 2015 | 3:08 a.m.
Looking forward for this series.Just two questions :
- On the hand A9 on 16:43 would you shove A8, A7? A7 feels like a fold, but i'm curious.
2.What are the stats you have on the 2nd line on your HUD?
April 26, 2015 | 6:36 p.m.
Im trying to mixing up my tournaments HUD and i see Akira that yours is very simple, why is that? can you give me an insight on it? I might be putting too much info .
April 24, 2015 | 12:08 a.m.
The three first seems to be Tot VPIP, Tot PFR, Tot 3 bet, i guess? And the second line?
April 19, 2015 | 10:57 p.m.
As always awesome video.
Paul im trying to setting up my HUD and i was wondering what stats are you using there?, i have seen a lot of videos from you but not one where you say especifically which stats you use, i guess first line is Tot vpip - tot pfr - tot 3 bet?.
Thanks for the video.
April 19, 2015 | 3:49 a.m.
I believe to lower variance and also theres 2 very short stacks that can bust before so no reason to get in trouble. the payment jump is significant.
April 6, 2015 | 11:30 p.m.
Id say that he does not a bluffing range there due to the reason hes been playing too many hands, as he said in the previous hand to that one, also, personally my assumption is that a raise there with a marginal hand may start a confrontation against lars (shove previously with 22) that is the 2nd short stack, and putting in us in akwards situation against him, and the rest of the table perceiving us getting a little bit reckless. Im not sure about my opinion, but yea, thats my guess.
Sept. 20, 2014 | 10:23 p.m.
Hey guys,
I started to play poker, just for fun 2 years go, and what i play most of the time is tournaments, micro stakes, and couple of shots on medium stakes .
Ive been doing just for about 8 months with more professionalism, and making some nice scores which had let me to live of this, I have seen that almost everyone uses Holdem manager for their stats, but i downloaded the free trial, and seriously could not understand anything, my native language its not english, but even though i look for info to see what meant every little abbreviation, is just that i dont see where to start, and even knowing what is each number on the HUD, ( by the way what does HUD stands for?) i dont see how to interpret those statistics.
I dont see any basic tutorial on HU official page or in the search that i have made, do you think that theres need to pay someone to give me a basic course ,or is there any blog/forum you know that can help me, from the very basic things.
My other question is , does a person who only plays tournaments really need this? or is more for cash players?
Sept. 11, 2014 | 8:43 p.m.
Hey guys
Dont know if this is the right forum, but here we go.
Im new in poker and i've been living from it since the one year ago, and im pretty much a tournament player in stakes $1 to 50$, most of my cashes its been less than 1k, and i had one big a month ago for about 9k, so that gave me really high confidence and mindset to keep playing the same stakes, but since i started i have noticed that i lose in average 60/100 dollars daily ( i play an average of 7 to 15 tournaments daily) i do not cash everyday , or even if i do sometimes is min-cash or cashes that barely cover the buy ins i already use.
I play satellites for tournaments of more than 20 dollars. To summarize i like to think that i'm aware that tournaments is a high variance and also that i dont play as many tournaments as many people do , ( i dont feel playing good more than 6 tables to be honest, for now), but im not sure if it is because im not as good as i think, or is simply variance hitting me. I review hands and 70%/80% of the time its just me busted getting bad beated or losing flips, which is standard, but my punctual question is that if its normal for a person who only plays tournaments go down and down...for days till hit a decent cash. Id appreciate any comments, knowing is a topic pretty "depending-on".... Excuse me my english and thanks-
Interesting, I'd say that you have to take in account what would you stack be if you lose and what would it be if you win so it's not only about math but also about the flexibility to play. You had 31bb, winning would have left you with 41BB and losing with 22bb, so my point is, is it worth it for the way you are playing the 41bb , or being left with 22b would affect you too much? ( I would say 22bb is a pretty comfortable stack in this kind of tournaments, it sucks not to cover people but you can definitely have some room) , is it close to a buble? because that would change a lot, and also you are not telling us the stats ( if there's any from villain). However giving the information and supossing we know nothing about villain i don't love it but i think it's a good call, cause you have enough equity, the bounty is worth it, if you are against any two high cards you have decent percentage and if people is not paying attention to the math may see you as very loose with that call, which may affect the way people shoves and play against you.
Sept. 11, 2016 | 1:30 p.m.