22 points
Hi Espen, great video series so far. I'm surprised no one mentioned this hand, cause it was quite noticeable for me. 32 mins; FTOPS QJhh 52bbs effective stack, are you folding out this spot every time? Do you mix in a 3-bet vs bond25459? Flat? It just seems like you snap folded without consideration. Over 430 hand samples, villain is raising 14%!
34:08 SM Mom's Lies re-shove with 77, I feel like this is a spot where he should be folding out 77. You mentioned right in the beginning of the video, players will construct a tighter opening range and a tighter stack off range mainly because there are three players under 10bbs. Metis will be calling 100% of this range and I just don't think its a good spot to get 8bbs in. I like to be first in with a stack like 1.6mil, and secondly, we just posted small and big blind, we can play one orbit and see if any other players bust for a pay jump.
Lastly, always nice to hear what Phil has to say. he always has my devoted attention.
Dec. 17, 2014 | 12:34 p.m.
Thanks for this video, after watching it, I feel like I am playing way too laggy for the stakes that I am playing. Tight is right! Looking forward to part 2
Sept. 5, 2014 | 8:33 a.m.
Awesome. Waiting on part two.
June 30, 2014 | 4:28 a.m.
Hello Alien Slayer,
First and foremost, welcome to the RIO Essential team! I am
excited to see a new face teach us some strategies on PLO! I am looking forward
to seeing more videos such as this one in the near future.
25:53 A763ds – it is not okay to call $1.45 in big blind to
see a flop with this hand versus linvoyd
32:27 AT74ds – fold out UTG/LowJack
42:55 A995ds – fold out BB versus CO IES2010
Here are a couple of hands where I need some further explanation.
Would you have played these hands on the LAG table?
I know you were in the process of talking about other ideas/topics
when these hands came up, but I didn’t like how you just folded them without
any reasoning. What I am trying to get at is, am I just a fishy that plays too
many weak ranges out of position such as these three hands?
May 2, 2014 | 9:48 p.m.
The less you know, the more you believe. During this video, I was sold on what Alien was trying to teach, but after reading this thread, I feel indifferent!
May 2, 2014 | 9:35 p.m.
Great video, I am really happy to have watched it, waiting for the second part! Thx Tom
March 4, 2014 | 6:25 a.m.
Hey Tom,
I loved this video, its perfect for a player such as myself. I recently switched over from NLHE to PLO. This video clearly outlines that I am way too loose preflop.
An idea for your future video “preflop hand ranges” could be what kind of hands should we be playing SB vs BB when everyone has folded to us
in the blinds?
Some concepts that you may talk about: completing, raising, folding, limp calling a raise, raise folding, raise and re-raising.
I just reached the 100,000 hand plateau in 25PLO and my VPIP/PFR/3B/AGG looks like this: 40/20/5/2 with a winrate of 4bb/100. I would love to increase my winrate by double before jumping up to 50PLO. Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Jan. 9, 2014 | 4:01 a.m.
Congrats on the promotion Mr. R, hope you come back to essential team in the future if you don't like elite.
Jan. 7, 2014 | 8:15 a.m.
Hey Mr. R, are you quitting RIO? or becoming an Elite instructor? Heard something in the beginning about going out with a big bang?
Dec. 31, 2013 | 7:04 a.m.
Hey Mr. R, thanks for all the awesome videos! They have helped me tremendously since I signed up a membership in August 2013... I shipped my first ever Sunday major yesterday. Hope to see more videos in the future, keep up the great work =)
Dec. 2, 2013 | 9:31 p.m.
Hey Sam, thanks for this video. I enjoyed it very much. I was on a 9-day losing streak (-25 buyins) I thought it was variance combined with playing poorly at first, but after watching this vid, I realized I was just playing poorly! Today I tweaked a few things in my game, pretty much going back to basics. Played a solid 4 hour session (+8buys). I hope to see more videos from you in the near future.
Nov. 28, 2013 | midnight
Thanks for the awesome video Mr. R! I can't believe the sizing from 2008 was so large compared to modern day MTT preflop raise sizing. It's really too bad you didn't win that last race three hand with AK vs QQ... The very first hand reviewed in this video was against my friend pwnosaurus, I text him and asked if he remembers what he had in that hand, and all he said was "Did Nick talk sh!t about me"?... and also "I suck" - LOL
I hope to see more terrific videos upcoming.
Nov. 27, 2013 | 4:22 a.m.
I have an Elite account, but yet I am always watching your videos Mr. R, thank you for the great content --- I really wish someone made this video back in 2004
Oct. 6, 2013 | 10:30 p.m.
Hi Mike, thanks for this feel video, I would like to see more of these in the near future. As for the 66 hand in CO against HJ (Jlost88) isn't 15x the raise enough odds to call to set mine? And would you fold out 66 in a live cash game in a similar spot? -- I purchased MGoP I & II before the WSOP, I just finished book one, going to start book two soon.
been a while since i watched a video, this one was awesome! i will check out video 1 & 2 also. thank you Iain =)
March 29, 2017 | 7:32 p.m.