Solarius92's avatar


55 points

In the last hand, what do you think about a bet on that Q river? We could play hands such as KJ/KT/K9s/K8s/QJ and maybe AQ as bet/check/bet. Maybe with AJ we have a small showdown value since we beat AT and chop vs another AJ, but what do you think of bluffing river with hands such as JT, T9s, AT to try to make villain fold AJ, AT and medium/small pocket pairs?

Besides that, on those blank turns where we can't find natural bluffs which kind of combos would you prefer to pick to second barrel as a bluff?

July 19, 2018 | 4:35 p.m.

You need to call 4500 and there's already 16400 on the pot, so you need to win 21,8% to a BE call.

Even we consider that the 3 guys are recs, I don't expect that Mp2 shoves his 100 bigs with a range wider than TT+ AQ+. If the other 2 are completely crazy and both call with 66+, ATs+ ,KJs+, QJs, AQo-AJo, KQo, you have 23,2% on a 4-way all-in. I know those calling ranges seem to be too wide, but even considering them it still a close spot from a chip-EV perspective.

But considering that blinds are 50/100 and you have 50bb+, I'm pretty sure that you can find much better spots in a table full of recs, so I think it is an easy fold. At the end of the day, calling here means that you gonna bust 77% of the time on the early game, while going deep on this blind level doesn't accomplish much for you.

July 18, 2018 | 6:29 p.m.

Hi Owen, good work.

I think it's pretty good the raise with Q8s as protection on 32:00. Our hand loses a lot value on many turns on such a dynamic board. Also weaker players are cbeting they entire range 1/3 in a tone of boards that they shouldn't and they just don't know how to react when face a raise.

In his shoes, versus a competent player and 50bb deep, how would you proceed on this flop? SPR is small enough to bet big/get in with overpairs, or would you opt for a check/call at some frequency? Should we simply check/fold Ax's or even hands like AK/AQ/KQ/KJ without backdoors?

July 4, 2018 | 9:18 p.m.

Great video Nuno, it was really surprising for me the amount of checking that villain is supposed to do on many K high boards.

I was reviewing the last hand and it seems that in this spot K5 is a clear check raise because of villain's size bet and line on K7256.

- K7 and sets are always betting large on the turn. 43s is also in the bottom of his range and it is a clear bet on this turn.
- K6 and 66 would check turn but would pick a bigger size on this river. 98 is the only hand that beats us which might use a smaller sizing, but it happens only in a small frequency.
-Villain is using the smaller sizing to value bet the strongest 7x, part of the weakest Kx and some worse 2 pairs like 76 and 65. In a GTO scenario he is probably bet/calling these 2 pairs and some Kx, that's the reason for the check raise being much better than just calling river.


May 30, 2018 | 6:29 p.m.

The problem is that if you are shoving trash like 62o, you are literally shoving 95% of your hands. When villain notices that, it's pretty easy to him to develop a strategy to exploit it: he just open folds trash, shove midle-strength hands and limp to induce a shove with his stronger hands.

The second point is that if he made a straight in this board, he limp-called T7, which is not even a good hand. So he's not folding as much as you imagine.

Although we know that he's limping every hand, we shouldn't react shoving 100% of our hands. You can check back those trash hands and see a flop in position to see if you hit something and use your position advantage. Considering his range is very weak and the fact that he is OOP, he'll need to check/fold or bet/give up in a lot of flops.

May 30, 2018 | 4:59 p.m.

Diego, great video, I'll definitively be watching the serie. I enjoy a lot these cbet strategy PIO videos

I really need to work on a polarized cbetting strategy when OOP, I mean, in a 953s flop, which hands are better to bet 80% as a bluff (Ex: JTs with a backdoor or a flush draw?). A given bluff combo is better to play as a bet/fold or check/raise? How does SPR affect it? This is why I'm waiting for the second video.

May 8, 2018 | 2:42 p.m.

Pretty good video Ryan, really some good content, already following you.

Just a suggestion about the Sylabus (maybe you are already planning to do this way): if we go through ranges (RFI, 3 betting, BB defending, etc) analyzing separately for different effective stack sizes it might be really worthy.

1)I see that poker pkayersin general have a good perception of the percentage of hands they should open by position. But which combos should we use when effective stack is 40bb+? or when it's 20-30BB? Those adaptations are something I perceive that I need to improve as a player.
2)Given a X stack depth, is it better to 3bet light a suited connector, an AX's or an offsuit broadway with blockers?

I know there are not 100% answers for those questions, but debating some general guidelines about this might be useful.

Best regards!


April 30, 2018 | 3:46 p.m.

I don't mind flatting pre 100bb deep IP any pair if blinds are rec, but in general I would play it just set mining (maybe barreling only in some boards with gutshot equity). If villain is a decent regular he's probably putting a lot of Ax in his checking range, also strong aces as AT or AJ when OOP and maybe even some traps.

When we think about which of our hands that can go 2 or 3 streets for value in such run out, we realize that villain has a huge range advantage. We pretty much rep only 66 and maybe AQ if we flat call it vs an MP open, which is debatable. Since we have so few nutted hands in this spot, our bluffing combos should also be only a few. If I'm bluffing in this spot I'd use hands such as JTs or KTs which have gutshot+BDFD equity and block some of villain's strong aces that might check flop.

April 29, 2018 | 1:48 p.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on How to continue?

I think that if you could start with essential membership. If you go through the essential videos at Learning Paths ( in MTTs and NLH, it will help you to improve in some important fundamentals required, like opening ranges, blind defense, 3beting, etc.

Posting/debating hands and ICMizer are also very useful tools.

April 6, 2018 | 3:18 p.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on How to continue?

I think every player who wants to be a MTT grinder should start in 45 and 180p SNGs. When you are starting it's hard to make deep runs in fields with 1k or 2k people, the variance in these games is huge. Chances of have a non-profitable week or month are big, simply because there's too much people and it's harder to reach super late stages. I guess I took around 6k games to reach my first "The Big" or "The Hot" final table.

As tbettingen said, when you play smaller fields you will be in more final tables, reduce variance, gain confidence and experience in different stages of tournaments.

As personal experience, I was frustrated when I started my bankroll because I wanted to win tournaments like the The Hot 0,55 or the Big $1,10. What saved my bank though was playing 45p $0,25 SNG. Then I went to 180p & 45p $1 SNG. Only after beating these limits and gaining some experience in tournament bubbles, FTs, 6-handed, 3-handed, heads up, etc, I started a transition to focus on MTTs. And even after making some move ups, I have played a lot of $4,50 180p.

Cash-game is a completely different game. Ranges, preflop sizings and stack depth are different. There aren't ICM considerations. So if you play both games at the same time you might get confused. Moreover I wouldn't invest in something as RYE at this point, you can find some useful and less expensive content to beat these games ar RIO Essential, forums and youtube channels.

Feel free to PM me for further questions. GL!


April 4, 2018 | 6:37 p.m.

I've been watching the whole series. In my personal opinion this has been the best one, since the presented strategy had a lot of useful examples and also can be implemented for pretty much everyone. Loved the behavior paths tips.

I've veen trying to stabilish a week schedule and to create a routine and as mentioned in the video, sometimes you have a lower level of energy and fail in accomplish all tasks. This graded productivity list will be really benefitial.

Just one question about this method Bradley: do you have an weekly or daily standard routine to organize your tasks? I mean, do you have specific time windows (for example, HH review every tuesday and thursday morning) and then change to plan B or C only if you don't have the recquired level of energy? Or do you use only have the graded productivy list, doing the hardest tasks when you feel more energized, no matter when in the week or the time of the day.


April 2, 2018 | 11:20 p.m.

Hand History | Solarius92 posted in MTT: Turning Aces into a Bluff
Blinds: t30/t60 (9 Players) MP+1: 4,521 (Hero)
MP+2: 5,458
CO: 4,155
BN: 2,701
SB: 4,484
BB: 3,000
UTG: 1,705
UTG+1: 2,494
MP: 2,571
Preflop (90) Hero is MP+1 with A A
3 folds, Hero raises to 136, 3 folds, SB calls 106, BB folds
Flop (395) T 7 2
SB checks, Hero bets 166, SB calls 166
Turn (727) T 7 2 9
SB bets 313, Hero calls 313
River (1,353) T 7 2 9 3
SB bets 1,080, Hero raises to 3,899 and is all in, SB folds
Final Pot MP+1 wins 3,513

March 20, 2018 | 7:55 p.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on Tilting

You are not the first player to recommend The Mental Game of Poker, it should be worth reading.

March 20, 2018 | 3:47 a.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on Tilting

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and also for your patience in Cristoph. There's also a video from Bradley Chalupski - Motivation, that covers essentially this, the fact that we should focus on the process instead of results.
I really admire you guys for being at this level; I admit it's not been easy to reshape my mindset in such way and I’m pretty sure that’s something that doesn’t come easily.

March 20, 2018 | 3:40 a.m.

Hi, I'd appreciate if could join you guys.

March 20, 2018 | 3:01 a.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on Tilting

Thank you James, I hadn't seen this one. I'll check it out!

March 15, 2018 | 9:29 p.m.

Post | Solarius92 posted in Chatter: Tilting

Hi guys,

I'm an Micro/Low MTT reg currently facing a downswing. I have a pre-session routine, a study schedule and have already watched some mindset content. I've been playing for more than 3 years and but I have never faced a bad run like this.

This month I've played 20k hands already and I'm currently winning 2bb/100 when all-in adjusted BB is 8bb/100. Today my session started pretty well, then I simply busted out in 20 tournaments in a 90 minutes interval, facing a bunch of bad beats (graph). That really pissed me off, I broke a mouse and I stopped registering in tournaments, something I had never done before.

I'm really disappointed with me, cause after all this time I thought I was tilt-prove and had a descent mindset.

Should I move down stakes? I know I can beat my current stakes, I've been doing this for 2 years, but I'm afraid that I might deviate from my A-game at the moment. How about an 1-week break? I mean, I know I should accept variance and stick to plan or simply slow down and someway restore confidence? Do you guys have any trick to avoid tilt in this kind of scenario?


March 15, 2018 | 9:03 p.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on Big $22 (part 4)

Great video, pretty interesting the low-variance line considering the edge you had in the table. I have some doubts:

9:45 - Can't we lead turn as a semi-bluff? We should call all of our 5x to his cbet-size, we block A5, we have much more 5x and considering he'll check back almost 100% of his range we could lead 5x in this turn. Then if he calls and we miss the flush we make a big size polarizing our range, aiming to make he herofold top pair or overpairs.

12:40 - If he calls turn and the river is a T, would u prefer turning AT into a bluff or check back?

24:26 - Would you consider shove 66 instead of raise/calling? This way we make julou fold a lot of his re-shoving hands like broadways that would be flipping against our open. From an ICM perspective I'm afraid that flipping with 66 for 20bb would not be a great spot considering there are 3 short stacks.


Jan. 29, 2018 | 9:15 p.m.

On 8:00 - do you have a flatting range there to play the 3bet pot in position - something like suited broadways and some suited aces? or against his stack you gonna play only 4bet or fold?

Nov. 3, 2017 | 6:06 p.m.

I plan to purchase PIO next month, I'm getting used to it with the free version. After simulating it I'll post the results here.

Sept. 15, 2017 | 2:22 p.m.

Pretty interesting, it helped a lot, thanks!

Sept. 15, 2017 | 2:14 p.m.

Serge, in 42:10 when you check back A4 on an A32ss board... This is a board in which I tend to cbet my entire range small considering range advantage.

What are the benefits of constructing a checking range there? And how do you control your check-back/bet frequencies with FDs, High Aces and Pairs? In a unconnected and rainbow A-high board, would your strategy be someway different?


Sept. 12, 2017 | 2:48 a.m.

Another great video Steve, thank you.

Do you think that on a lower flop hero also won't have a leading range as well? I'd be interested in seeing PIO analysis on lower boards as T-6-3 (dry) or 9-7-5 (wet).

I mean, a QJ2 flop hits open-raiser range quite well, so I imagine hero should play check-shove for two reasons:

1) Villain will do a lot of betting on this flop (50% as we saw in PIO)
2) A big part of our pairs are Q and J, which doesn't need a lot of protection and are not too worried about giving free cards to villain if he checks back the flop.

So I wonder if on lower boards villain would have more check-backs on the flop, and if so, would we need to adjust, leading our vulnerable pairs in such spot?

Please don't stop producing this kind of theoretical content!



Sept. 9, 2017 | 2:33 p.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on River spot

No worries man... So I guess that those are one of those hands that are really villain-dependent. Considering his cbet size of 1/3, he might be using a linear 100% bet strategy on Axx rainbow boards...
I also don't think that the majority of the field bets almost pot on the river with AT+, since it's hard to get value from worse with such a big size.. And a lot of players will check behind Ax or 8x in this turn to pot control. So I think he is pretty polarized in Jx and missed flush/straight...
Generally I tend to fold a weak ace since you have a lot more of 8x and more Jx than him, so this seems a bad board texture to bluff. Since we can't fold all of our aces, maybe it's reasonable to call A9+. We also can fold more of our AsXs since we are blocking a lot of his flush-draw bluffs.

Aug. 26, 2017 | 6:16 p.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on River spot

I didn't get it, in this hand MP+1 is the raiser and we are OOP.

Aug. 22, 2017 | 2:55 a.m.

Nice session Akira, just two more questions:

24:30 - dont u think KJo 9bb deep on MP must be a shove there? I guess KTo, from a Nash Perspective, is close in that scenario, but KJo might be way too strong to fold even in a softer table.
34:50 - when u have 77 on A96r... in this spot can't we cbet 1/3 with entire range? We have a big range advantage on this board.. SB range has a lot of brodway-type hands that won't float to much OOP in a 3-way pot. Also 77 is hand that needs a lot of protection, so if we check back it until river we give a lot of free equity to over cards against 2 players.

Aug. 20, 2017 | 4:14 p.m.

Thank you for this content, enjoyed the video structure, examples were great. There is a long time it was published, but I would appreciate a lot if you could just answer some questions:

1)On 26:30 when 3betting against EP 30bb deep we should assume that it's standard to 3bet/call 100% of our value hand (AA-JJ; AK). In the next hand (CO vs UTG+1) 50bb deep you use the same value range... Don't you think we should narrow this range, flatting JJ or even some AK, since those hands might be put on an awkward spot when facing a 4bet? At least on low stakes they are too loose to 3bet/5bet shove 50bb vs EP... Or due to your postflop ability, you feel comfortable to flat a 4 bet with them and play the pot IP? Obviously, if we played those hands as flat we should adjust, also narrowing our bluffing range.

2)Does stack depth affect your BB 3-betting range? I know some players which tend to use low gapped connectors as 3bet-bluffs when deep (since those hands will play better postflop) and tend to use more blockers whith shorter stacks ( some bad Kx, Qx and even some aces that play poorly postflop, as A7o-A6o). What do you think about this strategy?

3)About SB 3bets: Based on the ranges you've shown on 20:30 vs BTN I suppose that you are flatting the middle part of your range (suited broadways, KQo, ATo, some middle pairs, etc). Do you tend to 3bet these hands if BB squeezes too much, or on different stack depths, or vs different button opening percentages? I've seen some players also playing a linear 3bet strategy... one reason for that is that sometimes is hard to construct a non-capped flatting range there...


Aug. 1, 2017 | 12:21 a.m.

I could pick as example dry boards like A-x-x or K-x-x, where X are 9 or lower.... Some players as 3bettors will bet small (1/3 or less) 100% of his range.

But when you think on the low stakes field, some players will develop a strategy where they check back hands like QQ-TT.. and to avoid that this range becomes only capped in 2nd pairs, they add combos of weaks Ax/Kx and rarely some few combos of nuts holdings as top sets (AA-KK)

Although the 3bettor range is pretty face up in these cases, he has a clear range advantage. is there any way that the other player may develop a strategy to exploit this capped range? Not sure if it would be easy to analyze this specific example on PIO...

July 28, 2017 | 2:56 p.m.

Nice video! i think it might be interesting to evaluate strategies in 3bet pots IP or OOP when 3bettor checks the flop.

July 27, 2017 | 2:12 p.m.

Comment | Solarius92 commented on Button Vs Blind

Really enjoyed this content. The sheet is easy to use and your explanation was also good.
I'd appreciate if you produced more theoretical videos like this, using ICMizer. It helps us to construct more balanced ranges, since we can, for example, check if we are raise/calling to wide or to tight....

June 17, 2017 | 10:36 p.m.

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