Sm0kerFace's avatar


1 points

     Thanks for your response, Tom. It seems apparent that their is a leak in my mental game. Every session I try to keep a good balance between the theoretical and psychological aspects of the game. When one of those gears become stuck, the other tries to fix it.

     i.e., donks check-calling me the whole way without proper odds to profitably improve only to be saved by the river on a 2 outer. Very anti-theoretical play, so I kick in my psychological game to beat them. On the flip side, I am the favorite with the best hand and get bluffed at with a massive over-bet, forcing me to fold. Theoretically, it would be horrendous to commit a large portion of your stack to guesswork.

     So where does the balance come in?

June 9, 2014 | 11:17 p.m.

     Hi guys, this is an issue I have really been struggling with recently. I started playing live $2/$5 at my local casino about 3 months ago. I buy in at the max for $300 (I realize its only 60 BB which is not that ideal for a cash game, but what can ya do?). I have been hitting this casino about 4-5 nights a week lately, and have consistently been able to run my starting stack up to about $600-$1000 (approximately 2 to 3.5 buy ins, which I am content with considering the stakes and my novice status) after about 3-6 hours. This will happen about 80% of the time.

     Although, half the times that I run my stack up this much in such a short period of time, I decide to stay at the casino a little longer and see how much more I can win. I'm running well, so what's the point in leaving now.. right? It's not that I'm greedy or have an action addiction, its just hard for me to spot the "peak" in my stack. The point in time when my stack reaches it's pinnacle, and my play no longer becomes profitable. The time to take my money and run.

     However, it is nearly impossible to spot this event as it is happening. You want to win just another $100, just another couple pots. You're already up $600 so, technically, you have nothing to lose! Until that $900 you had becomes $750, which turns into $400 after a couple bad coolers and bluff attempts. Now you have only $200 remaining and you're feeling so tilted you feel the need to shove with a marginal holding. So, what just happened? A couple hours ago I had two months rent in plastic sitting in front of me, and now I'm walking away with barely enough to tip the dealer.

     I am certain I am not the only frustrated player dealing with this issue. Any feedback or advice on how to plug this leak in my game would be fantastic. Thanks in advance!


June 9, 2014 | 7:52 p.m.

Comment | Sm0kerFace commented on Help with Bovada?

@NoHubris, I installed PT4 but Bovada doesn't seem to be an available site option.. Am I missing something?

May 19, 2014 | 2:54 a.m.

Comment | Sm0kerFace commented on Help with Bovada?

Thanks for the reply friend, I'll definitely check them out!

May 18, 2014 | 7:32 p.m.

Post | Sm0kerFace posted in Chatter: Help with Bovada?

Hey all, I'm new to RIO. Been playing NLHE seriously the past 3 months but currently trying to really amp my game up. I play micro stakes on Bovada right now (located in California) and was wondering if anyone else played there and knew about a HUD or stats tracker of some sort compatible with the software? Also I'm looking to start tracking my bankroll/sessions everyday and want to track my own line graph. If anyone could help me out with this information I would greatly appreciate it!

May 18, 2014 | 6:06 p.m.

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