Sjankerd's avatar


22 points

Trying to look at if this would be a good bluff yes or no.
First notes: pre could be played as a call. flop could probably be played as more selective and use bigger bet because SB has more connectivity on this board and has all sets?

Now lets look at the river.
are we low in our range? ++
are we blocking value? -- (i think we are not blocking any value here)
are we unblocking folds? +/- (we are blocking some Aclub hands, but unblocking his medium hands
villian overfolding? + (its a unknown player, and if its a unkown player i will give a + because people are generally overfolding

So i end up with a + and i can bluff this hand. Do u guys agree with this?

And then we need to look at JoeAdams his point. Which size is villian gonna struggle the most with.


Sept. 23, 2021 | 10:14 a.m.

Sept. 23, 2021 | 10:03 a.m.

Thanks for the thoughts JoeAdams1 Shaun Pauwels .
Last sessions I started with a simple checklist when to bluff:
- am I low in my range?
- blocking calling range?
- unblocking calling range?
- are we repping? with this one i need your help. how can i make this simple? Which question can i ask here:
Does river bring new FE?
Do I have RA at showdown?

In EV language:
When we are indifferent: X = 0 EV
The following can make a bluff + or - EV:
blocking call range = + EV
blocking fold range = - EV
villian overfolding = +EV (this should be mostly the case because as shaun pauwels mentioned most people are risk averse)


Sept. 22, 2021 | 10:43 a.m.

Post | Sjankerd posted in Chatter: Method for improvement

Currently im playing NL 50 regular tables. As u can see in the graph below im a break even player.

The red line is showing that I'm a passive player. I have a theory about this. Because I identify as a shy person, I tend to take the passive way, because I'm scared of making mistakes. This is leading to not reaching my potential in poker and other parts of life. Poker wise I’m the guy who is bluff catching but not raising or barrelling u.

Now i know this fundamental issue I can do something about it, and improve it by being aware of it. Next step is to learn the technicals/theory about how to be more aggressive. Main question I'm gonna ask myself: What is the aggressive line in this spot? Is it + EV?

Have fun in improving myself in poker and life (focus on process).
Create cashflow with poker, to be able to travel the world. Next destination when Covid restrictions are easing down a little bit is Thailand.

Method for improvement
-I want to take 1 topic at the time
-Play max. 2 tables, and think about every spot. Even pre flop, I have a chart but want to tell the reasoning behind it
-Contribute on poker related sites/platforms

Things to do:
- Finding a study group where I can express myself
- Find out about Coaching for Profits (is this something for me?)


Sept. 18, 2021 | 10:17 a.m.

Hi henry just a little thought. Be carefull about monetary goals. This can make u frustrated if things are not going so well. Try to keep your goals small and focus on create a system to improve instead of focus on the six figures. Process over Outcome.

Sept. 18, 2021 | 8:01 a.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: playing deep
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $120.08 (Hero)
SB: $54.70
BB: $111.56
UTG: $50.75
MP: $129.96
CO: $25.74
In this hand my goal is to see how we want to play differently on every street when we play so deep
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is BN with J J
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.25, SB folds, BB raises to $6.00, Hero calls $4.75
100 bb deep: we want to mix JJ in our 4b
200bb deep: what i know is that nutpotential is more important when we are deep. This means we want to be more polar? I think we can put JJ some more in our 3b call range.
Flop ($12.25) 4 T 3
BB bets $5.82, Hero calls $5.82
In GTO wizard solve 100bb, solver wants to raise high frequency on flop with JJ, and if not on flop solver wants to do it on turn, if turn is a blank. I think because we are deeper we want to raise less, because we want to be more polar when we are deep?
Turn ($23.89) 4 T 3 8
BB bets $14.00, Hero calls $14.00
River ($51.89) 4 T 3 8 3
BB checks, Hero bets $14.97, BB calls $14.97
I was thinking he does not have so much x/r hands on this runout, because i dont have so many bluffs in my range. And in his shoes i would blockbet QQ KK AA, so i went for the blockbet to let him call some Tx, who he still does have a lot.

July 29, 2021 | 4:12 p.m.

Post | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Frequency in this spot

3bp SB vs BTN

Im a beginner in GTO world. I have a question about this sim. To determine our strategy, our first step is to read the board. On T52r BTN has all sets in range. So my overpairs are decreasing in value. I was thinking we will have a decent check back range here. But in reality solver is only checking 3% of the time, and uses a lot of medium/large bets. Is this because besides BTN has nut advantage, the board is not connected enough for him to find enough raises? So we can put pressure because we still have a 55% equity advantage on the flop? Its confusing me a little bit, because i was thinking if we use big bets we also want to have a check range.

July 11, 2021 | 6:13 p.m.

Good question. I dont have the answer but i try to help. Because SB is opening less hands, we have less Fold Equity. This means we want to be less polar. For example in my ranges I 3bet 50% of A5o-A2o. I think we can stop 3betting these hands. Because of less Fold Equity I guess we want to be more linear. But im not sure if we want to put the A5o-A2o stuff in our call range now or fold range.

July 11, 2021 | 9:19 a.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Fire river or not
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $64.75
SB: $50.00
BB: $90.16 (Hero)
UTG: $50.00
MP: $46.75
CO: $50.00
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is BB with A 2
4 folds, SB raises to $1.50, Hero raises to $4.50, SB calls $3.00
In my range this hand is a mix 50%call 50% 3bet.
Flop ($9.00) K T 3
SB checks, Hero bets $2.82, SB calls $2.82
This Flop is great for me. Most of the time he doesnt have TT, and i also think pool does not have 33 a lot. 2pairs are only KTh and spades, so 2 combos, maybe he has some KTo but i dont think so.

So my plan is to range bet Flop because he can not raise me a lot and fire a lot of turns, with big bets
Turn ($14.64) K T 3 9
SB checks, Hero checks
I would fire a lot of turns with overbets. But i think on the 9 i can not do it, because this card decreases a lot of my strong hands so i check.
River ($14.64) K T 3 9 2
SB checks, Hero checks
Here we have showdownvalue against AQ and AJ. But he also has a lot of medium hands. What would be your strategy? Because of blockers we check or would u still fire, and which size?

July 11, 2021 | 9:10 a.m.

Comment | Sjankerd commented on Real vs Solver

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Learning a couple things here when reading your comments.
First i have to tell u i was using GTO Wizard, they have pre made ranges. And they solve with 3 sizings on the flop. I believe its possible to look at the EV differences on sizings, so need to look deeper in it.

ULpiano/Maco: I think u are right my exact AQ was checking and the other ones that where blocking other suits where betting slightly more. And maybe i misread the turn a little bit, so we need to check more.

I will post more posts like this, and see how i can simplify things.

June 8, 2021 | 3:19 p.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Real vs Solver
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $77.62
SB: $70.72 (Hero)
BB: $69.77
UTG: $48.79
MP: $22.68
CO: $85.24
Im new to solvers. Right now im comparing my play versus what solvers does. I have some questions about them.
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with Q A
2 folds, CO raises to $1.25, BN folds, Hero raises to $5.00, BB folds, CO calls $3.75
Flop ($10.50) 7 J 5
Hero bets $3.29, CO calls $3.29
What i Do: I range bet on this board because the board is relatively dry, and higher equity flop for me. If i range bet I bet small 33% with range
Solver: Bets 85% of the time, but uses most of the time the bigger sizing 50%.
Question: Why do we want to bet 50%sizing with a frequency of 66%of the time.
Turn ($17.08) 7 J 5 4
Hero bets $12.01, CO calls $12.01
What I Do; this turn does not give him a lot of equity, so my equity advantage on flop is growing. His backdoor flushes missed, I have 2 overcards, and decent blockers for Jx. So i bet.
Solver: as played solver wants to check 50% of the time with range, and wants to check always with my specific hand AQ.
River ($41.10) 7 J 5 4 Q
Hero bets $23.07, CO calls $23.07

June 7, 2021 | 2:54 p.m.

Comment | Sjankerd commented on Blind Battle 3rd

Yea agree with u now. The way I play this hand is a little bit too random. Thanks for the input Warrior.

May 25, 2021 | 6:29 p.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Blind Battle 3rd
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $50.00
SB: $99.00 (Hero)
BB: $103.92
UTG: $89.72
MP: $47.75
CO: $159.47
We play against a regular
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with 4 A
4 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, Hero raises to $13.00, BB calls $8.50
In my ranges this is a 4b some of the time.
Flop ($26.00) T 5 2
Hero checks, BB bets $6.25, Hero raises to $18.00, BB calls $11.75
First thing to do again is reading the flop the right way.
Hero: Overpair advantage, we have all Overpairs
Villian: Has more Tx advantage because he calls Tx suited broadways. Villian doesnt have all overpairs because he shoves JJ and QQ most of time preflop.
Now we need to figure out what flop strategy is best against this range. My guess is we want to use big flop sizing, because our Overpairs wants value from Tx.
I dont know if the X/R is a good thing here, I probably have to much range advantage to do this. Maybe with this exact hand its not that bad but do i have value hands i want to do the X/R with? He probably gonna check back a lot of his range?
What do u think?
Turn ($62.00) T 5 2 9
Hero checks, BB checks
River ($62.00) T 5 2 9 9
Hero checks, BB checks

May 23, 2021 | 10:56 a.m.

Comment | Sjankerd commented on Blind Battle 2nd

Great comments from all of u. I feel like Im learning a million things in this hand. Thanks and see u on the next hand.

May 22, 2021 | 9:20 a.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Blind Battle 2nd
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (3 Players) SB: $50.00 (Hero)
BB: $94.40
BN: $58.85
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with 9 J
BN folds, Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3.00
Flop ($9.00) 7 T Q
Hero checks, BB bets $2.82, Hero raises to $9.92, BB calls $7.10
Step 1: devining flop strategy. Do we have raise range? yes, because 1. we are OOP 2. generally we want to attack rangebets more. Im still learning how to read boards. On this board I think i misread how many value (nuttedhands) I have. I have 77 TQs and some TT, so not that many value. But how many Qx do we want to raise? QJ QK QA?
What would your raise range be like? I feel like my 9Jd is not good enough, because there are not so many good turns.
Turn ($28.84) 7 T Q 3
Hero bets $14.05, BB calls $14.05
Lets forget about this move lol. This is not a sizing i should use i think. Ass played would u X this turn?
River ($56.94) 7 T Q 3 J
Hero checks, BB checks

May 20, 2021 | 3:03 p.m.

Comment | Sjankerd commented on Blind Battle

Excellent post. Love the lecture. A lot of things u said is true. Right now my level of playing is indeed more in terms of one street game. My thought process is now more like: Does this hand want to bet on flop? Yes because i want some protection and he can still have worse hands that he X/R me with. But i didnt think about that he can put a lot of pressure on future streets after his X/R. Dont worry i will not stop value betting, but i will choose more selective which Jx i want to stab, and which one i want to x behind. And player type is important, against this guy i need to balance X and stab. Against someone who doesnt defend his X range enough, i can bet almost everything of my range.

May 15, 2021 | 10:21 a.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Blind Battle
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $50.00
SB: $53.67
BB: $53.35 (Hero)
UTG: $50.00
MP: $56.53
CO: $35.30
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is BB with J 9
4 folds, SB raises to $1.50, Hero calls $1.00
Flop ($3.00) 5 J 7
SB checks, Hero bets $2.02, SB raises to $6.00, Hero calls $3.98
Turn ($15.00) 5 J 7 J
SB bets $6.00, Hero calls $6.00
River ($27.00) 5 J 7 J T
SB bets $40.17 and is all in, Hero calls $39.85 and is all in

May 12, 2021 | 6:36 p.m.

Comment | Sjankerd commented on Folding set on river

Great outlined post again. Now u say it, he indeed can bet all of his range on flop. A thought of mine was that he already would barrel his bluffs on the turn, or is this not really a thing because the A is better for my range?

May 12, 2021 | 6:16 p.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Folding set on river
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $50.00
SB: $50.00 (Hero)
BB: $50.00
UTG: $65.69
MP: $50.50
CO: $30.17
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with A A
UTG raises to $1.25, 3 folds, Hero raises to $5.00, BB folds, UTG calls $3.75
Flop ($10.50) 7 6 9
Hero checks, UTG bets $4.99, Hero calls $4.99
In game i was thinking this board gives villian way more Nut Advantage, but actually I also can have some sets here. What Flop strategy do u like here? I think all 3 options are ok here : C-bet big size, X/C , X/R not sure which one is best. Maybe X/R because we can get value from TT/JJ/QQ?
Turn ($20.48) 7 6 9 A
Hero checks, UTG checks
River ($20.48) 7 6 9 A 8
Hero checks, UTG bets $14.50, Hero folds
looks like a fold i dont see bluffs, or do u think he does this with 88?
Final Pot UTG wins $19.46
Rake is $1.02

May 12, 2021 | 4:26 p.m.

Comment | Sjankerd commented on Do u bluff river

yea agree. The FE is to low. I was thinking he should shove his Kx to get calls from my PP. But the SPR gives my very low FE. He ended up calling with ATo.

May 12, 2021 | 4:20 p.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Do u bluff river
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (5 Players) BN: $92.72
SB: $50.00
BB: $51.88 (Hero)
UTG: $105.45
CO: $52.31
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is BB with Q A
3 folds, SB raises to $1.75, Hero raises to $5.50, SB raises to $13.50, Hero calls $8.00
Flop ($27.00) 7 T 3
SB bets $5.00, Hero calls $5.00
we have nothing going on on the flop, but he gives 14% potodds
Turn ($37.00) 7 T 3 2
SB checks, Hero checks
River ($37.00) 7 T 3 2 K
SB checks, Hero bets $33.38 and is all in, SB calls $31.50 and is all in
Do u like the bluff?

May 11, 2021 | 6:10 p.m.

I think in theory this is indeed a call, because of the polarness of villian this combo is better then 22 and overpairs. Worst case scenario he has 16 value combos with all 8jo and 86s. Call if villian has around 13 bluffcombos. He only has to do it with Q8o. I think this is possible so i would call.

May 5, 2021 | 9:35 a.m.

Comment | Sjankerd commented on Blind Battle

Thanks for your post. I agree, i should not 4b this hand so deep, especially when i dont know a lot about playing deep. But still a cool hand to think about and learned something from it.

May 4, 2021 | 8:35 a.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: Blind Battle
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (5 Players) SB: $101.75 (Hero)
BB: $96.50
UTG: $124.56
CO: $53.73
BN: $39.25
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is SB with K 7
3 folds, Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, Hero raises to $12.00, BB calls $7.50
I have some low Kxs in my 4b range
Flop ($24.00) 2 2 6
Hero bets $6.00, BB calls $6.00
Board is better for Hero in SB
Turn ($36.00) 2 2 6 7
Hero checks, BB bets $13.25, Hero calls $13.25
Our range still want to bet? Maybe not because he can have 77. Does our specific hand want to bet?
River ($62.50) 2 2 6 7 3
Hero checks, BB bets $65.25 and is all in, Hero calls $65.25
intresting line here. I can still have some KK/AA so he should be polar here and do it with AA,KK(who he did not 5b) and some 77. This are 12 value combos, or is there more value for him? This means he has to have around 6 bluff combos right? Do u think he has 6 bluffs here?

May 3, 2021 | 1:12 p.m.

Thanks maco. Im going to implement simple postflop in this spot. If villian is unknown i will propably use the same concept as calling flop, bet with the backdoor low pp, and check without. If i have info im exploiting and using 100% bets or checks.

April 24, 2021 | 11:43 a.m.

I went in my database to look at some of the stuff u said.
Filters: Opened 22-55 on BTN, Could 4bet
The Actuallly winrate = -270 and the EV winrate = 220 but only on 105 hands. when I folded (63 times) winrate = -240. When i called (42 times) winrate =-232 (took the EV number). So without knowing the right postflop theory, I still have a better winrate when i call the 3bet. i think when i use the simple postflop strategy like Maco and u told me in the hand above, call with the right blocker i will make more money in this spot.

Is there also a simple postflopstragey when they check to us? For example we have 55 and villian is checking on us on K72r. Do we X,bet small? What about other boards?

Do u want to share your stats on this spot, so i can compare? Or do u want to keep your stats private? Anyway thanks again, already learned a lot to look at this.


April 24, 2021 | 9:31 a.m.

Amazing post. I will look into my HM2 and post the stats tommorow to see how im doing in these spots. Thanks for the help and well explained posts.

April 21, 2021 | 7:01 p.m.

Hand History | Sjankerd posted in NLHE: How to play low PP as 3bet caller
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (4 Players) CO: $30.17
BN: $51.67 (Hero)
SB: $51.75
BB: $92.82
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is BN with 5 5
CO folds, Hero raises to $1.25, SB folds, BB raises to $5.50, Hero calls $4.25
Flop ($11.25) 9 3 7
BB bets $3.53, Hero calls $3.53
Turn ($18.31) 9 3 7 Q
BB bets $8.78, Hero folds
Final Pot BB wins $17.56
Rake is $0.75

April 21, 2021 | 3:56 p.m.

Villian potentially has only 3 natural bluffs here the AQo with the A heart. AJo with heart he already folds pre. His raise contains around 10 combos for value here (i count all 77 and some flushes. So it comes down if he is raising his Qq jj tt for protection, not sure if he is doing this, or should do this.

April 20, 2021 | 9:22 a.m.

Inresting spot. U hit the flop more then him, so he could range check here because he doesnt have so much jj tt as u. Because of your nut advantage u could start to bluff this on the turn, to let him fold some aq and ak.

April 20, 2021 | 7:56 a.m.

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