12 points
U cant call this river . Try to imagine why would your oppoenent donk turn ? He either had some draw and tried to bluff you or he had TP+.Allmost every semi-bluff got there OTR and he might still Value bet two pairs plus so its a clear fold.
May 23, 2016 | 1:53 p.m.
I like what you noticed about my blocker . Now this spot seams more clear.
May 5, 2016 | 10:03 p.m.
against player pool it seems ok ? I dont think that defualt NL25 reg will bluff wide here.
This players BTN 3bet was 6,7% , he is folding 67% to 4bets on btn and he Cbets IP3Bpot 55 100 100 , although it still seems like a fold . I also dont expect him to shove with worse for value so Im in bluff-catching mode . What do You guys think ?
May 5, 2016 | 9:05 p.m.
Hello , When I first reviewed this hand it seemed like a mistake to x this turn but after further analis my eq vs his calling range is only a little above 50% , Its due to fact that he has every set on this turn(ofc I assumed he raises a couple) , many 2pairs and straights , plus I dont want to get raised, around 25% of his turn range beats me so its reasonable for him to bluff and I expect to get raised pretty often and I dont want to get myself into such ugly spot.
On the river I didnt think he will bluff to often . I have many non paired hands in my range so he Shouldnt bluff with low pairs.
Why you guys think is it to nitty?
What would you do vs raise if You decided to bet ?
April 12, 2016 | 3:31 p.m.
opponent was a weaker player . I think that flop play is fine even against fish . I want to pot controll becouse it hits him so well that I have to fold vs raise.
When he bets this sizing otr I assume he doesnt have many straights and fulls in his range so im raising hoping to get value from Jx , maybe TT , QQ.
After his re-raise I though that he might spazz there often enough so I can call .
Im not sure about both my river raise and call but it seems fine
April 2, 2016 | 8:37 a.m.
Hello , Im wondering how to play on those small boards when we have wide 3beting range ( 12%-14%) .
Lets take 349 board for example . Its very easy to for caller to defend wide those boards in position so how do you play here ? It seems like we cant cbet very wide ?
March 25, 2016 | 5:39 p.m.
I like shoving river even though I dont expect him to call with worse but u might get him to fold AK .
March 25, 2016 | 5:35 p.m.
U might try to rep some 9x by betting half pot otr .but I"ll be careful with that cuz its easy to over bluff here . I know that half pot bet seems unreasonable to bet as a bluff but how else can we play Here ? I guess we should x some overpairs on the flop so we can bet higher On rivers . But in general I dont Think we have to develop any betting range otr . It seems like a higher level play and some weaker player might be calling very wide
March 22, 2016 | 11:15 a.m.
U should bet bigger on the turn , then x turn and shove river . U might consider folding if he bets river but if he wont he wouldnt have many Qx and u can try to get some value from TT JJ
March 22, 2016 | 10:57 a.m.
Here you go , from this analyse I think Its very close , But we know for sure he is going to call with better hands and he might fold some worse that we assume he will call . In general without any info I like x-calling . But If You have info I will just bet here vs light calling players and x-call vs standard regs.
I know this range might seem wide to call but there are many busted draws and some lighter guys might even call you with some Tx .
I Didn't put in his range every set since he should re-raise them in earlier street often.
March 17, 2016 | 5 p.m.
BB looks regish , and if he is standard NL25 reg I Will assume u are allways behind, Then I Will count odds and make decision accordingly.
March 6, 2016 | 9:49 a.m.
Notice that If CO and UTG are 5betting only aces there U will make lot of money on their folds. Flatting makes u to face difficult situations .Many players on NL25 Will call QQ and AK to your 4bet .
March 6, 2016 | 9:45 a.m.
Pretty high W$SD for a huge LAG , His Cbets freq might be increased due to some good run and I Will consider it . I think he wont be bluffing enough (even though It might seem like he does). Calling flop is fine , Bluffcatching him on any ace ,probably shoving fd OTT . I Will call turn on any 4 ,but im propably folding river.
I Don't say its very bad its still close ,but Im leaning more toward fold since his FDs got there.
Notice also that some Lags are aware of their over-agression and they are betting thinner for value. So I expect him to have JJ there , maybe even sth like 99 .
March 6, 2016 | 9:35 a.m.
Resteal SB 10%
Cbet flop OOP 3bet pot 87% - Haven't seen it during hand It makes this spot more clear.
When guy witch such a Cbet checks , he either has some thrash or nuts ( Nuts here will be QQ+) so If he x-raises me it means he should have nuts right?
Im on the top of my range . I would bet 99 on flop.
Feb. 25, 2016 | 10:40 p.m.
Im usually folding A2s-A5s , I take some different hands to 4bet bluff.
But know when I think about it 4betting those hands is ok Couse in case of call I can barrel with some Fds Gs, while when I 4b for example KQo I have to give up more spots.
AQ is the top of my range here , and now I agree I should jam and take note . I dont like calling becouse he might sometimes x-river with busted FD .
I'm on a little downswing and Im not so confident about some plays while I should stick to my solid strategy.
Feb. 25, 2016 | 10:31 p.m.
I didnt use to 4bet pre jacks . People are just to tight in these games .
Im not even sure if calling 5bet jam with AK vs lets say CO , MP range is ok.
I agree that some players will fold most AX , especially If they dont know me , I will also fold every A vs standard NL25 player.
Feb. 25, 2016 | 10:22 p.m.
Tomasz I Cant agree . I can also target Top pairs with pot size bet , my range is polarized there so I either have flush or just bluff with AsX .
I would have three different ranges in this spot.
Im x-raising full hauses , donking rivers with Flushes and some As bluffs and x-calling A6s 67s.
This way a can keep balanced and still bluff some rivers.
Notice that if you are betting ąround 50% pot for value U cant use the same sizing with bluffs cuz u Will get called to often.
Feb. 25, 2016 | 10:19 p.m.
KatonBond thats exackly how I Would play vs standard sizing . In this spot he uses bigger sizing than usual . I dont expect him to bet this sizing with AT AJ .It makes no sence cuz he is asolating himself only to better AX . Also why would FD bet so big ?
On the river there would be 25$ in pot and I would have effective 12,5 $ and I feel bad about folding for such ods .
Feb. 25, 2016 | 10:56 a.m.
Now it should be ok
Feb. 24, 2016 | 11:26 p.m.
I had problems with uploading hands but now its ok
Feb. 24, 2016 | 11:22 p.m.
Thats a bad hand again , sory for this
Feb. 24, 2016 | 11:11 p.m.
Thx man
Feb. 24, 2016 | 2:51 p.m.
Im sure im behind on this turn.
I can have some trips here , full house , and couple flushes so I figured out that I might change into a bluff JcJx and TcTx .
I expect my opponent to pot controll turn with AXc so it will be very tough spot for him without blockers .Even AK might fold here.
What Do You guys think ? Maybe I shouldnt ever bluff here?
Feb. 24, 2016 | 2:51 p.m.
Only 100 h so Im going to base on general assumptions.
I dont think I can x-raise this river . I might get called by some worse flushes sometimes but its grows if he raises.
I should definitely bet bigger around 5 should be ok.
Raising turn also seems fine.
Feb. 24, 2016 | 2:25 p.m.
His first 3bet after 20 hands
Would you ever fold here vs unknown player ? I feel commited to the pot if I call turn. I dont see people bluffing turns with this sizing .
Feb. 24, 2016 | 2:20 p.m.
Basing on general assumptions about 25NL players I will just fold. They are just not bluffing enough
Feb. 23, 2016 | 4:01 p.m.
Are you sure that we need to ever bluff those rivers ?
Tens got there on the riv and u said that jacks will call so u can bluff him of 6 combos . This definitely wont be a profitable bluff .
Im NL25 player so I dont care about being balanced in those spot , there are to many regs to notice such thing in my game.
But Im wondering how u deal with that ? It looks for me like making wrong decision just to keep balanced .
Feb. 23, 2016 | 3:47 p.m.
I agree x-call flop is much better.
I just flat suited aces vs weaker player your going to face some tough spot OOP against his wide range.
As played x-call turn .You have a lot equity , plus he still might have some floats that you beat.
Try not to cold call 3bets OOP to often . Its really tough to play in these spots . I would just fold to this 3bet on those positions . Its CO vs UTG so your opponent shouldnt be wider than 5% I think .If it would be for example CO open , BB 3bet then I like 4betting.
As played easy fold given by his 3bet range .
May 23, 2016 | 2 p.m.