1 points
SB: $60.66
BB: $57.80
UTG: $26.78 (Hero)
MP: $105.80
CO: $70.44
Rake is $0.91
Nov. 14, 2014 | 7:50 p.m.
SB: $13.85
BB: $12.16 (Hero)
UTG: $21.08
MP: $8.21
CO: $10.60
CO is 23/18 over 61
BB wins $21.57
Rake is $1.02
Nov. 1, 2014 | 5:34 p.m.
I'd be quite happy to just 4b/c pre.
Oct. 27, 2014 | 4:32 p.m.
I've got 120k hands of 6max from this year, mostly $10NL Zoom from this year (some $25NL too) and plenty more from last year. There's probably another 120k for this year from FR Zoom too, but I assume you want 6max hands.
P.S. Pick me! Pick me!
Oct. 27, 2014 | 4:28 p.m.
22 at 11:34, how do you play 22~66 with 15~20bbs turbo vs reg mtts in a vacuum? What are your thoughts on jamming vs raising pre?
Dec. 3, 2013 | 8:01 a.m.
37:22 you decide to min instead of jamming with 66s to induce, how do you play 22~66 in that spot with 15~25bbs at full table from different positions? And what do you think of the 20bbs jam in lp with >77s compared to the more conservative ways?
He called off with K8dd and I won, but it's difficult to know if it's the right play vs. the general population.
Nov. 2, 2014 | 8:31 p.m.