8 points
I like calling vs min 3bet ,maybe your eq it's not good but you got implied odds when you hit trips or better,i prefer fish got a bigger stack ,i think i raise T for value/protection,i don't like that he start with 1/2 pot cbet and T cbet the same,i feel i'm losing value -if i pay with this hand preflop i want to get all the money from fish when i'm hitting 2pairs+ ,R maybe he can bet or not and on T i think it's better ev to raise ,there are hands like any spade,any pair- they don't always min 3bet with TT+ i saw also 44,QJ,Kx,AJ,AQ and R can kill the action. I like check back R i think it's too thin ,i saw most of the fishes fold without flush or they bluff ,they make hero calls with bad flushes but don't pay without one.
June 29, 2017 | 1:55 a.m.
Mp was a fish 35/6 -small sample ,btn i don't think he got a good hand when calling mp open but since he is 35/6 maybe he don't 3bet hands like AJ,AT,KQs,KJ,TT . Calling my sqz is weird because fish folded and he his f3bet in btn 69% also i sqz with big size - i don't think he will call with low pocket pairs (maybe 88-TT) . F i'm not sure if my cbet it's good,but he fold 18% vs my cbet in 3bet pot ip -he like to float a lot , T i don't see any reason to cbet -my plan was to c-c any blank R since he will c-back any A .When R hitted K i tought it's best card to donk since he will check back any A and c-c wasn't so great any more since he can bluff with any A to win the split .I don't think was a good ideea because 1) I always barrel T with AK or c-shove 2)I don't have too much fold eq since he can call for split spot .
June 28, 2017 | 7:42 a.m.
Villan open 43 btn ,fold vs my 3bet 62%,4bet me 3% ,4bet range in bt 4 .He like to float F (fold vs my cbet in 3bet pots 33[15]) ).
What should i do on R , R call ip is 36% ,if i shove R there are not many hands to call ,maybe JJ,QQ and some 9x for hero call .I was thinking to c-shove T because his fold vs raise in 3bet pot it's low 0(2)on T vs me and 29(7) general but he only bet vs miss 40% on T and to play draws barreling 3 streets since he like to fold R.
What do you think of my c-c on R ,i don't block any FD combo with my kk but i don't think he will bluff often R agr 2.24/28 - bet vs miss R 57(7) ..
June 24, 2017 | 1:30 p.m.
I think i 3bet preflop,R he can bet any A to win the split but it looks value ,he didn't overbet much so i think he's bluffing less.How much he bet vs miss R op and his agressions ?I like to fold since you said he's not capable to bluff with this sizing.
June 24, 2017 | 1:06 p.m.
He shouldn't call KJ in utg,depending on his opening range and fold 3bet ,i think he got more TT .Why to bluff R since he hit his K,it's hard to throw top range.
June 24, 2017 | 2:18 a.m.
I would bet smaller F 1/3 and 1/2 T ,i want to keep pot smaller ,i think R you are beat ,he will check back most of his value hands and he will not bet T ,hands like tp,sp with good kicker,he can transform some value hands into a bluff 910,1010 ,10J ,Q10 but unless you got any read it's better to c-f ..
June 24, 2017 | 2 a.m.
I would check back F . I would not barrel T since it's better for him R you can give up ,i don't think he got underpair ,you block KK with your Ks and he would not call 2 barrel with Qs,Js .R look bluffy since you will check back AQ,AJ,AT.
June 21, 2017 | 11:34 a.m.
You are capped with c-c T ,i would bet T .As you played i would c-c R since it's a blank.
June 21, 2017 | 11:25 a.m.
What info do you got on this player ? His opening range in mp and f3bet ? He shouldn't have low pocket pairs in his range but he can call since your 3bet sizing it's smaller. Combo draws should play with c-r on F or T - AdQd,AdKs ,maybe something like QdKd but you block more combo draws with your Jd .I think easy fold R.
June 21, 2017 | 11:14 a.m.
Lower flush that you beat - 0.75% ( 9d8d, 9d7d, 8d7d, 9d5d, 8d5d, 7d5d, 9d3d, 8d3d, 7d3d, 5d3d) vs better flush +full house 4.22% (QQ, 55-44, 22, 4h2h, 4s2s, 4c2c ,T9s, AdKd, AdQd, KdQd, AdJd, KdJd, QdJd, Ad9d, Kd9d, Qd9d, Jd9d, Ad7d, Kd7d, Qd7d, Jd7d, Ad6d, Kd6d, Qd6d, Jd6d, Qh5h, Qs5s, Qc5c, Ad3d, Kd3d, Qd3d, Jd3d) .I think it's a fold
June 21, 2017 | 11:08 a.m.
At this limit standard it's to bet ,if you got any fish in pot bet big to extract value ,most of the time when you got raised you are beat unless it's an aggro/maniac player ,i would go for bet and fold if you facing a big raise .
June 18, 2017 | 8:43 a.m.
I think you are good on R , he can have 22-99 and on the R and since he don't have showdown value he bet ,some miss Fd like 56s,87s,89s etc if he's a fish or become aggro with A to throw you from a split ,he should bet any 10 on T or AA ,i would shove T(66,AA,108s-10As the only hands that beat you) , as you played i would bet 40% pot R and fold vs raise.
June 14, 2017 | 1:44 p.m.
I think it's ok to give up on R since you bet smalller on T ,i would bet 11.50-12 and shove R
What do you think about Tbet sizing ? I think it looks value,he try to target 9x,overpairs,he could have something like kx clubs ?I guess he will bet bigger with sets and draws.
July 6, 2017 | 4:03 a.m.