Shanachie's avatar


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Something I have been really looking at recently in my own game is 3b'ing from the blinds

And I've found that not making big enough is a huge leak of mine The math alone is clear that if your not making it x3 bet then your giving villain a good price to take flops very wide

I'm obviously talking in a vacuum here but I've found so much less resistance from the increased sizings that I've be able to dramatically increase my range too

In your actual instance I would 3bet bigger or flat. Depending on how comfortable you are post flop v villain. If he barrels etc i would flat happily calling down on good boards and disgusting my hand If he is fit or fold I wanna try and get some value from my hand before he bricks the flop and folds out after we check call flop or similar


Oct. 12, 2013 | 9:33 a.m.

Around the 10 min mark in the $75k gtd (Top middle) the bt opens 2x and you make it 5.5x from bb w/AK with 35bbs eff.  

Would you normelly make it this size? I tend to go a bit smaller to induce or is that making my hand look stronger here and pricing him in?

Love the videos 


Sept. 14, 2013 | 1:13 a.m.

BTW , sometimes if I think you have a very narrow range pre then i'd shuv the turn to get max value from JJ QQ KK AA ....maybe....

Aug. 19, 2013 | 8:53 p.m.

preflop I think its hard to take too many paint hands out of his range as well as pairs, no reraise  pre means no monsters but as the original raiser was early position I would include AJs+ .   I definitely don't think theres any wacky hands as the action is from early so that's it for preflop.  Then the flop is very dry but both players call.  I put God strongly on a pairs, kq+ or AJo+ here that want to get to a cheap showdown or hit by the turn. But for Iskand to call to im taking away most paint except possibly KQs but still highly unlikely IMO. on the turn you check so you are essentially opening the door to either player to take it away! Both are highly unlikely to have you on any Ten so if they are creative enough and have a read on you that you are intelligent enough to fold by the river then they may decide to take a stab here and more so iskand as hes last to act.  But theres no need for either to bet with any pair at this point as theres no value to be had from doing it so god prob has a pair or AJ+ still and is folding out after any more action and iskand   can only have missed Ace hands.  He may well have a boat ofc! Also I doubt he has AT/TJ/TQ/TK or T9s as theyre mainly folds pre. I think by not betting the turn you should only do this if you intend to call both the turn bet & river as you allow yourself to get no more real useful info and will ultimately own yourself if you fold to his river bet. If I had AQs for instance here then theres no way I can win the hand by just checking down behind you. Also when he does bet the turn its less than 50% as is the river, if he puts you on A/JQK he doesn't need to bet much to take it away. He cant put you on jacks or better as you wouldn't check the turn, you'd bet for value. For me the key part is the preflop action , it was early position so I take out most of your light 3bet range and so should he so its pairs or AJ+   the the next key part for me is your turn decision , I don't mind a check call-call or a turn bet to get value from all calling pairs but I don't like a check-call-fold the river as it is giving up when youre probably milles ahead and only ever losing to a flopped boat/turned boat or quads.... Let me know what you think of my thoughts ;) & GL!


Aug. 19, 2013 | 8:50 p.m.

Been watching his videos all week and the he FT's the big one 


Aug. 12, 2013 | 1:17 p.m.

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