I'm really enjoying your videos. Great to see the live grind. I haven't read the comments, so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned.
Regarding your HUD. If you delete the name of the player and the label stats it really helps minimize the clutter. The name is already on the screen and you'll know which is PFR, VPIP .... right?
Can you separate the Stars tables and the Tilt tables. Much easier for me to follow.
Just some thoughts.
Great Videos! keep up the good work. Your vids alone are worth 100 bucks (or more).
I'm really enjoying your videos. Great to see the live grind. I haven't read the comments, so I'm not sure if this has been mentioned.
Regarding your HUD. If you delete the name of the player and the label stats it really helps minimize the clutter. The name is already on the screen and you'll know which is PFR, VPIP .... right?
Can you separate the Stars tables and the Tilt tables. Much easier for me to follow.
Just some thoughts.
Great Videos! keep up the good work. Your vids alone are worth 100 bucks (or more).
Feb. 17, 2014 | 7:20 p.m.