SeventhLion's avatar


0 points

Hello Robin , i would highly appreciate if you could make some strategy talk videos :) Topic is up to you

Aug. 10, 2015 | 4:32 p.m.

Hey robin! i am curious about your thought process in one hand :)

8:16 u 3bet AAK9 pre vs MP. Why cbet this board? Why choose 2/3 size on paired board? Why do you think people almost always raise with 7 on flop already?

June 8, 2015 | 11:10 p.m.

Hi guys again ,

I didn't know what stakes i should put this thread into, so guess Low stakes will do since i am struggling down here.

I understood i cant play actual hands postflop and have to play range postflop in same way of thinking as preflop.I started to do something naturally and analysed few flops,found some similar and grouped them together etc. , but i fear my methods might not be the most effective (perhaps the fastest) ones.

So i came here for good advice from players who know well about this topic (and obviously a consequence of it is they are winners on small stakes+) . Any word from these players would be highly appreciated.

What would be the most effective/fastest way of analysing tons of hours my postflop ranges?. I am sure i am missing some link how to do this better. Maybe better question would be how do you approach and process offtable work?

Thank you for kind advices , 7th Lion :)


May 26, 2015 | 8:55 p.m.

ugh, guess i give it a shot. i like to analyse the hand anyway, so it doesnt hurt to also post a result of my analysis:

Assuming his BTN continuing range after you 3bet is >30% and your 3bet is 5-6% (it also depends how is it constructed) , to prevent you from bluffing with this small size, he has to defend so wide that your value range related to your whole range is more than 33%.

I didnt get the math done on bluff:value ratio , so for the time i rely on Ed Millers 1% book where recommended ratio is 2:1 on flop.. Also i dont know if this is optimal, but in any case it is not exploitable to cbet 100% of range when your value is >33% (and value can be easily determined by putting the realistic range to opponent and constructing his unexploitable defense based on your bet sizing. Then you put his range into syntax and u see what is value (>50%)).

Today i was analyzing similar spot, but the flop was QJ4 mono. Roughly your value range is 8hi flush+ and top set. I did the math and seems on the river you have to defend 34% of your whole preflop 3bet range (counting each street defense and then see river combos and what part of your 3bet range it is).

Based on my post you will know what you should call him here if you think he bluffs, since i dont know how you would play high flushes (whether raise it earlier street or whatever), but on a zero level where you dont raise anything but just calldown , 34% of your whole 3bet range (err,mine. you need to the analysis by yourself to aim much more accurate) looks like:

21% flushes , 22% KK . So the problem here is : if you just calldown (what you of course dont) you need to call all flushes you have in your whole range and then decide what KK to fill up. The more combos of higher flushes you raise on earlier streets, the more combos of KK you need to defend on river and that leads your opponent to widen his value range since you are capped combowise. (and naturally widen bluffs aswell).

As a guidance you still need to analyze your own range here what you need to call with on river. regardless of your range, math dictates you to defend 34% of your whole preflop range on river.

Seems from any angle i look at it, 35% of your whole range is so wide (this guy sized the bets way too good) that id bet within scale of 5-8% 3bet you need to defend some KK here unless your way of constructing the 3bet is like double-suited KK and single suited heavy rundowns/1gaps/2gaps where your flush to KK ratio will outweight into such domination that the 34% will be just flushes.

Final note : hope my way of thinking helped you.


May 26, 2015 | 8:40 p.m.

#1 But the principle is they are not obliged to defend at all, they serve as interference. Because of they are present, they will want to make some profit.

#3 a rough estimation of frequencies ;P

May 20, 2015 | 12:58 p.m.

Hello everyone!

Recently i just fell deep into world of optimal game as i found many reasons why is it always more +EV than exploitive strategy for anyone untill they develop their skill close the level of Phil Galfond and such. This topic however i dont wish to discuss. I found many problems in preflop game and i will need Run It Once members to help me with this. I would also appreciate if some of the coaches would give me an answers here :)

#1 : Preflop 6handed (NLHE & PLO) :

UTG Opens. Who has to defend here?
-So far what i understood over my theory experience, only SB and BB has to defend here, the reason is because only they put the blind money in pot.
- If SB and BB have to collectivelly defend "X" here, then SB has to defend 33.33% of "X" and BB has to defend 66.66% of X here, the reason is because SB share of blind money put into pot is 0.5bb from 1.5bb (33%) and BB is 1bb from 1.5bb.
-Note:This wasnt that hard to figure out, just a little bit of logic . Still i wrote it here to confirm from other players.

#2 : Preflop 6handed - Value , Bluff.

-What is really determined as value and what is determined as bluff in preflop?

#3 : Preflop 6handed - Late Position interference.
- If #1 is correct , there is still a problem. What if UTG opens and a position which didnt put blind money in the pot , comes along and calls?(Not 3bet) What happens then? From opposite view , What are positions with no money in pot supposed to do between correlation of raiser and defender? Ultimately, how do you construct ranges for these positions? 3bet? Cold Call? Based on what?

#4 : Preflop 6handed - Overdefense? PLO

Equities in PLO run much closer than in NLHE. In a game of optimal approach, is BB even supposed to defend the required frequency or should he defend much wider because the pot odds he is given? Equally this applies even to any position being 3bet.

The questions are somehow connected together, hopefully someone will give me really good answers and get me to understand this preflop game .

Thank you , 7th Lion


May 19, 2015 | 5:21 p.m.

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