68 points
If both players deviate from gto trying to exploit each other, the outcome could go either way. If one of them play perfect gto and the other not, the second will lose money.
May 12, 2016 | 10:23 a.m.
7:00. KTss I agree you should donk bet this flop. You have many top pairs, second pairs, some decent draws. And the btn gains a lot of ev by checking back his AJ, AQ, KJ, KQ, KQ, AK, etc. Also, because it is 3 way protection is very important imo.
It doesn't matter that much that you don't have nuts hands at all, because range vs range equity wise, you are crushing and if they start raising the flop too often, you could adjust, by calling down light.
May 9, 2016 | 7:17 p.m.
Nice video.
2:00. I think AThh is river shove. This is the top of your range ( 44 is not usual call vs 3x pre and 99 often 3bet pre and often raise the flop). He should be very aggressive on the river, because your range seems a bit cap ( you have very few flush combos compare to him).
May 9, 2016 | 6:58 p.m.
That was fun to watch. So many Sauce phrases. :)
20:50. KJo - Sauce never folds here in my opinion.
31:00. C/r flop against 1bb stab seems mandatory to me. The 2 players behind almost never have a hand after they did check, and it is important to push them away of the pot.
May 6, 2016 | 4 p.m.
If somebody paid me 5 bucks every time when Nick say ''bias'', I will become millionaire in one week.
April 24, 2016 | 9:36 a.m.
Come on! This video deserves at least 100 likes!
March 23, 2016 | 6:31 p.m.
In 6max game ep, mp, co, btn and sb are all stealing the blinds. In 3max only sb and btn are stealing the blinds. So in 6max you have more positions to make up your blinds losses, but at the same time they are significant higher than in 3max.
Feb. 17, 2016 | 2:48 p.m.
Awesome video indeed!
In first hand 14:20. You missed to notice that IP is shoving his KK half of the time, when you give him only shove or check options. This is exactly what I meant. At the same time OOP is calling with some worst hands and folding some better hands.
Feb. 17, 2016 | 1:24 p.m.
Why you remove all 56s, 86s, T8, TJ combos out of his range?
Feb. 11, 2016 | 1:15 p.m.
Great video, I really enjoyed it!
About 66 hand. I noticed something very curious while I looked in kind of similar river spot with pio solver. It is possible for IP to choose to shove with hand like 78 sometimes, but only if checking and shoving have equal ev. It is work both ways, punish you for calling with 66, 67, 56, type hands and make you fold some better hands, like QJcc or A7dd. Ofc OOP is still right to call down with this type of bluff catchers but has lower expectation.
Ofc I doubt that the solver will ever choose to over bet the turn with 78 in this particular hand, but still find it interesting enough to mention.
Feb. 4, 2016 | 9:20 p.m.
Great video, Tyler! Thank you for the files.
19:00 you divided your stack by the pot, but villain has shorter stack(1.76 pot), so the optimal bet size is 2/3.
Jan. 20, 2016 | 12:23 p.m.
AA are close to indifferent between betting and checking, but if Zaza starts bluffing the turn with hands he shouldn't, which seems true, check back becomes very good exploitive option.
Dec. 8, 2015 | 3:27 p.m.
I didn't realize that his open is only 25%. I still think that T9s has much bigger equity realization than the pure numbers because of barreling potential and the fold equity that it has postflop against wide range . And not sure if position advantage is part of your calculation?
Nov. 26, 2015 | 9:08 p.m.
Hi, Tyler, tx for the video I like it.
11:00 - KK hand. How wide is your 3bet range pre in this spot? I have very wide 3bet range, because I like to play many hu pots against the fish IP. So I 3bet normal sizing. Ofc I want to put more money pre with my KK, but if I 3bet 60 with KK and 50 with KJo or T9s, smart reg in the blinds could take advantage. Also I don't want to put too much money pre with too wide range for obvious reasons. What is your approach?
Nov. 26, 2015 | 11:25 a.m.
It blocks 57, 76s, 86s, which sometimes could take this line and has no show down value.
Nov. 23, 2015 | 8:17 p.m.
What do you think about RayJing hero call with KK on the river? I think he should always fold this hand and probably call QQ, since you probably jam AK pre most of the time, while you are playing AQ this way close to 100% of the time.
Nov. 23, 2015 | 12:49 p.m.
I checked the river game in PIO, but not sure how close to correct are the ranges I given. It choose to bet 25% of the pot with 2/3 of OOP range and to check 1/3, doesn't like bigger bets. It mostly bet with 75o with diamond or club and split between betting and checking without flush blocker. It likes to check 35s and bet it rarely with 25% sizing and the ev of betting and checking are close to equal.
With AK and AQ it prefers to bet 25% of the pot and with A2-A5s it prefers to check. When you face a shove your Ax combos are basically indifferent, but those without Q/K of diamond or club are slightly better hero calls. He should bluff shove over your lead with 55 1/3 of the time, with 78 close to half of the time, with 77 1/2 of the time and even with A4s and K4s 1/5 of the time.
Nov. 23, 2015 | 11:26 a.m.
So in your opinion for 35s ev bet> ev check and for Ax ev bet> ev check. If its true he should has big number of 4x type hands, which he should call often enough for Ax's bet ev to be higher, but then 3x probably will has better ev as a check. Not sure what I am missing?
Nov. 23, 2015 | 9:49 a.m.
Great video, Kevin!
8.50 With 57 on the river, which hands you will turn into bluff. His range seems polarized with some nutted hands and many miss draws, along with some but not many 3x,4x type hands given his turn size, while your range looks a lot like Ax and some JJ-KK, 3x, 4x. So what your bet on the river accomplish, and is there any merit in checking or betting smaller like 1/4 of the pot?
Nov. 21, 2015 | 5:40 p.m.
Hi, Tyler, thank you for the video.
I think folding the turn with 78 on 766K is a mistake. You assume that he is checking his Ax hands of the flop, but I don't see the reason to do that when this type of boards are playing really easy cbeting whole range on the flop. On the turn he should continue to barrel very often. You are end up folding 22-55 which indeed has equal number of outs but has lower equity because villain will bet the turn always with 89, T8, T9, could bet with A8 or Q8s. You blocks 77 and part of his thin value range like 88 and A7, that he could decide to make sometimes. You are folding A8-ATs, AJ and AQ is very marginal call. T9 is also marginal call since you have 4 outs, but when check to you on the river you have around 0 ev bluff, while with 78 you have very +ev check back.
It is maybe the case that you are trying to avoid the tough river decision, because you expect to face a bet very often on the river. But one of three should be true : 1. You have +ev call on the turn, because they will check the river often enough or 2. You have -ev call turn fold river, but +ev call turn, call many rivers scenario because he is over bluffing this spot or 3. You are right and he does check the flop with Ax most of the times, but cbet with over pairs and Kx hands, so your fold on the turn is correct.
Nov. 11, 2015 | 11:58 a.m.
Thank you for the video, Tyler!
I also curious about 1st hand. AdAx and AdKx equity doesn't change that much from turn to this river, so I am not convinced that bet will be higher ev than check. Also you regret that you didn't pick an overbet with QT on the turn, but AK is not strong enough to be over bet, so when you overbet the turn you will come to the river mostly with 2 pairs and flushes.
Probably you should add some lower equity bluffs on the turn, like A5s, 56s?
Sept. 16, 2015 | 12:51 p.m.
Valuebeting KQ and bluffing AK doesn't fits well in one strategy..
Sept. 16, 2015 | 12:31 p.m.
32:00. A3dd I usual fold it pre, but on the flop you get great pot odds and some really beautiful cards on the turn that could come. I don't think calling pre and folding this flop against such a small cbet works well.
Sept. 15, 2015 | 12:11 p.m.
29:00. ''K4 is obv ez fold against an overbet''. His value range on the river should be something like A8+, not many Qx and 44. So your 4 blocker is relevant and you should fold any 5x, because 5 is not relevant blocker. Also having K4 means that you are not blocking any of his bluffs on the river. I am not sure that you have enough slowplayed Ax and Qx to defend on the river and any 4x are next best candidates. It seems like a decent hand for turning into bluff as well.
Sept. 15, 2015 | 11:34 a.m.
2:24. On the river you should value bet 22, 99, 77, Q7, KK+ and you should find some bluffs. Wich are the best candidates in your opinion? Based on your experience, do you think that it is good exploitive play for IP to never bluff and for OOP to over fold in this spot?
Sept. 15, 2015 | 10:09 a.m.
Hey nice stuff!
1:30 99 you said, that you don't want to bluff this because it doesn't make sense to rep nuts straight and you rather have different blockers.
It seems odd to me. If Q9 or 79 are big parts of villian bet/calling or shoving range on the river, you could bluff 99 sometimes and doesn't matter that you rep set and not straight.
With 67 you block 3 combos of vlillian's bet/calling range and with 99 you block 4 combos.
Ofc 9h blocks some combos of his bet/folding range and that makes your hand not the best candidate.
Sept. 15, 2015 | 9:56 a.m.
Aug. 21, 2015 | 6:18 p.m.
gr8 vid, congrats :)
Aug. 19, 2015 | 12:17 a.m.
About QTdd overbet. It seems obv that a nemesis will choose to check back most of the time Qx and AA on the turn against your strategy. Once when you adjust properly, he will be inclined to start betting with his monsters most of the time again. With that said it seems that villian should slowplay not always but at least 10-20% of the time, so bet/ bet line to has at least the same value as check back/ raise river line.
Tyler has a video with Tipton's formula for optimal bet size based on hand vs range equity. It must be what you are looking for.
April 20, 2017 | 1:03 p.m.