5 points
Dear Antonio Miranda ,
Is there a reason why you gave 125% for the solver? I might not be up to date, but I saw a lot of 150% turn overbet solutions. Did you compared the to in solvers? Or why did you choosed 125%?
Thanks a lot!
Sept. 29, 2021 | 2:18 a.m.
Thx Georg for the quick answer, really great vid btw :)
Cant he have 65,64,63,54,53,73, with some additional EQ? Or he would almost always cbet these type of hands?
Feb. 14, 2017 | 9:38 a.m.
26 min Q497ds on left. Why is it a stanard calldown? Is it a standard flat pre? WHy? 74 doesnt seems really strong
Feb. 13, 2017 | 8:23 a.m.
Oh okay :) In the hungarian community almost everyone know who i am, and know that im trusty :)
If you want to donate directly to the Foundation:
Name: Jobb Veled a Világ Alapítvány
IBAN: HU71 1171 4013 2000 1481 0000 0000
Dec. 23, 2016 | 7:47 p.m.
Why you dont like this? :)
Dec. 23, 2016 | 3:29 p.m.
Dear All,
I am SenseiMadrid (but for some reason in my passport Gábor Szabó is printed :) ) I became Supernova Elite in the French PokerStars in 2014 and 2015 (this year I only did 800 K, because unfortunately the status was cancelled) and I am a member and one of the trainers of the ProPokerBacking group. In my private life I continuously search for opportunities to help other people and I regularly donate for charity. That is how I got in contact with The World is Better with You Foundation, where I met so many selfless people who serve the development of young people honestly, with the greatest love and professional expertise.
The Happiness Lessons Program is unique in Hungary as it was admitted to public education as a civil society initiative without governmental support. The program is a huge success and there are more than 50 000 children in Hungary participate in the Happiness Lessons with the involvement of 3000 teachers. In Hungary and in five neighbouring countries in the areas where Hungarians live 173 institutions won the Happy School title, where 16,402 children were involved in the program and more institutes all classes were included. The program and the professional background are provided and financed by The World is Better with You Foundation.
Based on the experiences of the previous year in 2015 the Happiness Lesson books and workbooks were prepared. So far more than 2000 books were gifted to institutions, but unfortunately we cannot provide the workbooks for all the children.
We are asking you to support The World is Better with You Foundation to ensure that the workbooks can get to as many children as possible, particularly to institutions in the disadvantaged regions, to institutions educating children with learning disabilities and to children’s homes. Our research and findings so far prove that the program has beneficial effect both on the development of children and the well-being of their environment.
More information, thousands of testimonials about the program and videos here: www.boldogsagora.hu
Happy School Network: www.boldogiskola.hu
The patron of the program is Professor Dr Emőke Bagdy, the most renowned psychologist of the country. The Positive Psychology Research Group of ELTE University headed by Professor Attila Oláh is our professional partner. The world famous happiness researcher, Sonja Lyubomirsky also positively talked about our Program.
Our goal is to ensure that the cheerful and fun tasks, games and
exercises of the Happiness Lessons gradually unfold the serenity and love of life.
This way our children can walk the path to adulthood
with faith in future and courage to become people who are capable of
Professor Dr. Emőke Bagdy. Patron of the Happiness Lessons
Donations are gratefully accepted until 6th January on the following platforms:
-PokerStars: SenseiMadrid
(Budapest, Hungary, no avatar)
-Skrill/Moneybookers (USD):94szabogabor@gmail.com
-Neteller, or for bank transfers please send and e-mail to 94szabogabor@gmail.com !
The information above is only for reference purposes, you can send any amount. Even the smallest sum of money matters and will go towards a great cause!
Wishing you Peaceful, Happy and Blessed Holidays
The World is Better with You Foundation
Welcome here!
I would love to see some Heads Up content or Theory videos from you!
Or some breakdowns on where there is some room to exploit good players today :)
Dec. 29, 2023 | 12:22 p.m.