0 points
SB: $10.57 (Hero)
BB: $22.33
UTG: $2.96
MP: $11.61
CO: $27.43
BB wins $19.21
Rake is $0.85
Nov. 17, 2019 | 6:26 p.m.
thiagohuang, you wrote: "How often at least 1 player match hand range AA? (given that you have this hand) And the answer is: 33.2%"
in this case Hero didn't have AAxx. So shouldn't the percentage be significantly higher than 33,2 % ??*
Nov. 15, 2019 | 5:57 p.m.
Thx for your views and your aspect of the dry board, which minimizes the probability of villain raising a pure draw in this spot.
Nov. 14, 2019 | 1:39 p.m.
I think you are basically right, although my small cbet could induce more bluffs/semi-bluffs with fold equity than a cbet in potsize for example.
I would add to your last sentence that any player strongly tends to raise a monster draw in a multi way pot..
Nov. 13, 2019 | 8:34 p.m.
SB: $11.05
BB: $15.07 (Hero)
UTG: $9.59
MP: $10.46
CO: $10.00
BB lost and shows a pair of Kings.
BN wins $22.87
Rake is $1.02
Thx for your thoughts.devwil, especially on the need of aggression in his spot.
You say: "Against a microstakes unknown, I think you generally just want to keep the pot small(er) with a strong non-nut hand like this and get to showdown."
I think from the Turn on I exactly did this. However the pot may had been smaller if Hero checks the flop, as there is a fair chance Villain checks behind the flop.
The clearest mistake is probably to raise this marginal hand preflop.out of position.
Villain showed As Jd 9d 6s
Nov. 20, 2019 | 6:15 a.m.