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7 points

Looks like the solver constructs its betting range on this flop around strong value hands such as overpairs and checks its mediocre hands, that's why the flop bet is so big. You typically wanna use smaller size when you have a lot of mediocre hands in your betting range.

As for the rest of the hand, I suspect the bet-size here is driven more by the goal of getting all-in by the river via two geometrically similar bet-sizes, i.e. you bet around 1/3 pot on the turn to leave yourself about a 1/3 pot shove on the river.

Oct. 5, 2024 | 8:52 p.m.

32:00 "2,5% times six, someone is going to have a top hand 15% of the time" - although in this particular case the correct % is close to what you said, this is absolutely not how the probabality works.

Hint: if you were talking about 17% range instead of 2,5%, would that the probability of someone having a hand in that range is 102%? :))

Oct. 1, 2017 | 10:37 a.m.

Hey Nuno, interesting video! I am HU a newb and I was happy to see that I would play a lot of those spots in a very similair fashion.

12:43 - K7o - isn't this hand simply too good on A94o to fold even vs a 2/3 bet? It feels to me like we are folding way too much here. Are we calling worse hands that have better potential on later streets? Like, are we calling K2-K5o over K7? How about hands like T8dd?

18:55 - J8 - I prefer checking over betting. We do have some SD value and have an easy x/call. I think we have plenty of bluffs to choose from like non-spade J, 9x and random undercards with a spade. We just might be overbluffing here, especially since we'd 3-bet pre- a lot of the combos that make up the value range Where am I making a mistake in my reasoning?

Sept. 8, 2017 | 8:43 a.m.

hey Felipe, very interesting video to say the least!

I would like to ask you about the hand no. 3, you are saying there that a hand like A5ss is great here for a check-raising range because we are not blocking QJ/KQ/KJ hands that he is gonna stab a lot there and fold to a check raise. Well, since we are ahead of all these hands + having him on dirty outs with our FD + having a redraw if he pairs up on the turn, isn't A5ss in this spot a hand with which we would prefer for the villain to continue (either call down or check-shove turn for instance) and NOT fold him out on the flop?


Aug. 28, 2014 | 5:22 p.m.

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