Curtis 's avatar


136 points

Great vid, thanks!

At 14:05, in the KQs hand on A95s LJ v BB, you mention that KQ prefers the smaller sizing because it retains it's equity better. What do you mean by this concept? Are you essentially stating that when you bet small, you will have more equity on future streets versus their continue range? Whereas if you bet large, KQ will have a difficult time versus the BB continue range on future streets?

June 4, 2021 | 2:01 a.m.

Thanks for the response!

I guess under typical ICM considerations we sometimes see these TT hands not performing as well shoving because of the blockers. But in a spot where you have very few, if any, 3BET/folds, then TT will be outperforming the blocker shoves (A5s/A4s), etc.

May 31, 2021 | 2:53 p.m.

Interesting, thanks for sharing!

May 31, 2021 | 2:35 p.m.

At 3:52 where the hand versus Amadi begins, I was wondering what your range is for 3BET/call? You mention that TT doesn't have a decision but at first glance I felt it looked marginal with TT for Amadi. That's why I'm curious what you 3bet/call and if you ever 3bet/fold (I assume not).

I know it's a bounty MTT, but Amadi's bounty isn't large so are you 3-bet calling much wider than 99+, AJs+, AQo? Versus this range, TT isn't performing amazing, but if you start going with 88, more suited AX, etc. then it seems good. Perhaps I'm way off and you're 3bet/calling all suited broadways, many suited Ax, 77+, AJo+?

What do you think?

Thank you!


May 26, 2021 | 8:58 p.m.

Thanks for the video!

The T43s board on 16:13 is interesting. You mention points around how the 4/3 connect quite well with a lot of their hands, including offsuit combos. Is there also a consideration that they lack many of the offsuit 1 pair combos on this kind of board. A heuristic I've noticed is that on these 943/T43, 853, etc where there is no flopped straight, we tend to want to have a bigger sizing on the flop, at least with a part of our range.

Just seeing this board makes me feel even though they may have nut advantage with all 44/33 and 43s, we have a big equity advantage with the over pairs, strong Tx, etc. that I would tend to bet range and mix in some big bets. Do you think the massive equity advantage may lead to betting range here?

May 12, 2021 | 10:21 p.m.

More please :)

March 1, 2021 | 3:24 a.m.

For hand 1, do you think it's worth considering that Linus will be using multiple sizings on the flop. For example, perhaps a b150 sizing is appropriate on this kind of board and the types of hands that want to take this sizing include strong 9x and over pairs like TT/JJ. I assume JTo would also get in this kind of range but the fact that he chose b80 instead of b150 may suggest he knows he is lacking for certain bluff catchers on the river (specifically JJ/TT). Therefore, he dips down into other bluff catchers? Just a thought.

Feb. 18, 2021 | 1:50 a.m.

These are the best videos, thank you for the value!

Feb. 7, 2021 | 1:01 a.m.

Jan. 26, 2021 | 4:10 a.m.

Just so I understand better, what is the logic or theory behind flatting at 60bb effective versus HJ? Not saying they are correct but for most preflop charts I've studied, I don't see a flatting frequency BTN v HJ with 60bb and only start to see flatting when versus EP/MP. I suppose this does mean the EV is very close versus HJ so both options work. I understand it more in the ICM environment when there is an incentive to not bloat the pot for reasons you mentioned.

Thanks again!

Jan. 9, 2021 | 8:58 p.m.

Thanks, great vid!

In the KK hand at around the 48min mark, how are you deciding on which bluffs are best? Are you aiming to bluff hands like QJs/JTs that block their best perceived pocket pairs? Does AK with no flush card make sense or not really because we don't expect them to have AA/KK ever. I know it's a very unique spot but just curious as to your thought process on deciding which combos work best as bluffs.

Jan. 9, 2021 | 8:45 p.m.

At around 23:55, you mention that AKo is a mix between 3bet and call in theory at these stack depths. Are you referring to when in an ICM situation only? I recognize there is some ICM pressure on you with it being final 2 tables but won't it not be too significant that we don't want to 3-bet this combo most of the time? Also, there is a lot of future EV in winning a large pot here for you rather than going to the final table as a mid stack. Do you think this is a consideration or argument to 3-bet 100% here?

Jan. 6, 2021 | 2:17 a.m.

Great points, thanks for the response. It would be interesting to see where the density of villain's range actually is. Since the board is monotone, I think a lot their range may be suited AX, under pairs to the Ten, and suited connectors. Yes they have a lot of the gut shots and QJ combos, and then value but would be interesting to see if this makes up majority of range or not.

Nov. 29, 2020 | 2 a.m.

Hey, thanks for the video.

For the hand at 41:39 with AK on KTTr HJ v BTN 60bb eff, don't we want to have a significant betting range? You mention we mostly want to check this board and specifically with AK. This seems like a board that hits the HJ range much better. HJ will have all the broadway combos, including offsuit Tx at full frequency whereas BTN won't. I would have thought AK wants to bet very often with some large sizing as well.

Do you think this is maybe another spot to increase your EV?



Nov. 27, 2020 | 11:54 a.m.

Also, would you be willing to share a screenshot of how you setup the sims in HRC? Specifically, the money bubble hand referenced at 18:44.

Thank you!

Nov. 10, 2020 | 8:09 p.m.

Great video, thanks!

For the TT shove hand on the bubble at 18:44 approximately, it would be very interesting to see/understand the difference in shoving here versus a non-PKO MTT. It would take a few factors into account such as both players ranges but mostly it would be interesting to see how the 2x min-cash versus the 1x min-cash influences our shove range.

On another note, how important do you think future game EV is PKO MTTs? For example, shoving and winning a flip that allows you to win more bounties in the future.

Nov. 10, 2020 | 8:08 p.m.

Great video.

I've found the product to be a very useful learning tool. I have it connected to my own PIO scripts. It makes it an ever more useful tool when you can see the entire range strategy for any spot you're playing.

Would be very interesting to see you play with some of your own scripts/complimented with being able to dive into the PIO sim post hand.

Oct. 31, 2020 | 6:30 p.m.

Hi Daniel,

At 15:30, I was curious as to what you meant by having a "polarity advantage"? What exactly does it mean and how can it be leveraged in the AK4r spot? Is it the idea that we have some really high equity hands and really low equity hands, which allows us to create this large bet IP?

Thank you!

Oct. 28, 2020 | 1:06 p.m.

Love this content and it's also my favourite type of video that you do. Would love to see part 2 with the additional boards. Another idea would be looking at some boards at 30bb effective with similar positions. Would be interesting to see the EV losses of missing big bets (even if the big sizing is smaller in a relative sense).

Aug. 29, 2020 | 3:16 p.m.

Thanks for the video!

Regarding the last hand where we can shove any two versus a 30bb stack when there are so many other short stacks, how do you factor in the idea that you won't jam everything. For example, you will raise your premiums so do you have a bluff raise range too? Or are you just raising premiums and jamming everything else?

Of course if we take out TT+, AJs, etc. the EV of our weakest jams will decrease but I imagine it's still profitable to shove everything in this spot. I'm just wondering how you construct your raise/fold range (assuming villain even has 3-bet jams).



July 31, 2020 | 1:52 p.m.

Hey Sam, thanks for the video!

Regarding the A5o 4bet shove hand, I don't believe you discussed much about how you think the BB's 3bet range will change now that the SB is at 10bb. There is more ICM pressure on the BB compared to previous hands when the BB was 3betting you quite aggressive. I guess my question is, how do you think the BB's 3bet range has changed given the SB has 10bb versus the SB having 50bb in previous hands? And how does this influence our decision to 4bet jam or not?


July 18, 2020 | 3:03 p.m.

Great video, thank you!

Just a quick question. At 18:18, you choose 9.1bb as a squeeze size with AKo versus two players. Then at 19:24 you choose a 3bet size of 9bb v the 2.5bb open, when you are both quite deep. Can you provide some insight into the logic of both sizings? With the AKo hand, are you trying to leverage the other players stacks as they are at 55bb so there won't be many non-all in 4bets?

Thanks again.

July 17, 2020 | 1:36 p.m.

At 33:06, how often do you think villain checks A7/77/98s on the flop and turn combined? You mention how 87 type hands are good at blocking villain's value but don't we need to consider how often population will show up to the river with these kinds of hands? Perhaps at these stakes it happens much more often as players are better at protecting their range.

Instead, could we choose a hand like J8/J9 that blocks some of villain's most likely Ax that checks twice and then bets for value? What do you think of this approach instead?

Thanks again!

June 25, 2020 | 8:07 p.m.

Hey, great video!

For the JTs hand at 15:39 when you dive into the PIO simulation, I have a quick question/thought.

Do you think it would make more sense to check/call flop and check/jam turn if you think the player is bluff heavy? Why not get two bets on many turns and still force a ton of folds that will continue to bluff on the turn. You also have the added benefit of flush over flushing him by just calling. When you jam, I assume he will fold many of the low flush card combos. Of course, you're denying a ton of equity by jamming flop but just wondering how we can weigh this against the benefits of just calling. Just a thought I had and would like to hear what you think. Thanks!

June 25, 2020 | 7:28 p.m.

38:02, you show the range that bit2easy can jam and the range you can call which is KK/AA. What if we adjust the range so that Bit2Easy doesn't jam his premiums and he 3-bets them instead and then we can add some 3-bet bluffs. I assume this will really increase our call range? There would also be some future EV in calling/winning in that you're a slight chip leader and also can't be punished as much with bit2easy on your direct left moving forward.

What do you think of calling wider than KK/AA here given my thoughts above?

Thanks for the great content!

May 27, 2020 | 11:07 p.m.

There is an open from A8o with 22bb from HJ and you mention you think it's too loose given stack distribution, Can you please elaborate? At first glance, intuition says that A8o is a strong raise/fold candidate at this stack depth given blockers.

The last hand on QJ8m:
Do you think in practice the SB also won't find enough turn checks with value? Therefore, versus population the AQ value bet for two streets makes more sense since SB on average will be much more capped than PIO?

May 4, 2020 | 2:31 p.m.

Is there some strong merit to folding 33 if we assume we have no fold equity? I know you mention he is by far the shortest stack but if we consider the future game EV of Orp being in the big blind and small blind the next two hands then the likelihood of Orp busting bust go up quite a bit. Perhaps this makes folding 33 better?


April 16, 2020 | 2:51 a.m.

Thanks for the video! Love the approach of reviewing final tables with hole cards up. Other RIO pros have used this format and I think it's great for learning purposes.

April 12, 2020 | 4:52 a.m.

Hey, thanks for the content.

At 12:13, you mentioned the two short stacks are free from ICM implications except when playing against each other. I was under the impression they have strong ICM implications versus you and the other big stack because if they bust, the other player ladders. When playing against each other I though the risk premium was relatively low. Can you explain your comment more and what I'm missing? Thank you!

April 2, 2020 | 1:49 a.m.

Comment | Curtis commented on Pwndidi Plays a $5k

Great first video, thank you!

Just a quick question regarding the AJs hand at 38:23 SB v BB with 17bb. I love the thought process of trying to exploit the player who is playing far too aggressive, however you say the only/best option is to re-jam AJs here. Wouldn't there be many benefits to limp/call this hand? It keeps in villain's bluffs that we dominate and it plays well postflop, what are your thoughts on this? Would you be more likely to do it in a pure chEV environment?

Thanks again!

March 31, 2020 | 2:17 a.m.

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