3 points
If we bet the river we have to fold to a raise, but there is so much that we still are ahead of, and if we are not valuebetting here we are betting a to thin range imo.
Aug. 3, 2016 | 3:42 p.m.
What about partypoker? There fields are supersoft.
Aug. 3, 2016 | 3:37 p.m.
MP: 325,474
UTG+1: 155,194
MP+1: 87,587
MP+2: 125,578
CO: 147,846
BN: 111,444
SB: 54,194
BB: 190,164 (Hero)
Aug. 2, 2016 | 12:48 p.m.
Very few players in 180m atleast in the turbos are playing after ICM nearly all is playing CHIPEV. Which i Believe is wrong, but to answer your question as the pay jumps aren't as big. As in for an example a redtourney FT where the ICM plays a much bigger part as there are bigger pay jumps.
But to answer your question I would most likely use a combined range between ICM and CHIPEV.
July 30, 2016 | 12:49 a.m.
Pf I think we can 3b this hand, but both calling and 3b is fine imo. Would also bet the turn to simply get a free sd at the river. And just a thought people dosen't like folding TP especially when it comes in on the river. And wouldn't you bet all your combo draws on the turn most likely? This bluff makes no sense at all imo.
Oct. 26, 2015 | 4:39 p.m.
People as those limits dosen't value bet thin enough, so just keep the betting for yourself. It's pretty obvious he got a bluffcatcher so therefore I would bet the river big, with my entire range.
Oct. 26, 2015 | 2:26 p.m.
How much value can we actually extract if we hit our flush on the river, I bet not that much as all worse flushes just have at best a bluffcatcher so that Would be my reasoning for folding the turn. I don't see that much value by calling the turn imo.
Oct. 26, 2015 | 2:22 p.m.
I would say that either sng or cash game is the way to go with such a bankroll. The 180 m is pretty tough as there are alot of regs grinding those, especially the 8$ turbo 180m and above. I dosen't know how the lower limits are though.
Oct. 24, 2015 | 1:39 a.m.
I kinda like the idea of flatting in pos and actually play my hand with a bigger SPR. Maybe my game idea is outdated.
Sept. 17, 2015 | 10:15 p.m.
Sure we don't need to be right that often, but honestly how often do you believe he bets under half pot with something worse.
I am not certain about this but I would probably either go c/c or c/R with my entire range in this spot, as this flop pretty much smashes villains calling range.
Sept. 17, 2015 | 8:55 p.m.
As played I would fold this turn, he won't barrel this card "light" He will only barrel hands that got you crushed on that turn. He would most likely just take the freecard if he had something like a gutter etc. And I agree that this play is just burning money. What do you hope for OTR?
Great video idd! I am not a regular PLO player. But this video gave me alot of insight, maybe it would be +EV to deposit to svs and play some PLO CG. Thx mate looking forward for the next video.
Aug. 16, 2016 | 6:38 p.m.