Samni's avatar


7 points

Comment | Samni commented on Push/Fold (Bubble sat)

I agree on shoving. You still have alot of fold equity and you can really hurt 2 out of 3 players' stacks! Pretty easy shove here, even if it's a satty bubble.

Feb. 7, 2017 | 1:28 p.m.

Comment | Samni commented on QQ 47BB

I don't think I'm folding here. As said in earlier messages, he'll often try to push you out of the pot with his reshove. He will have smaller pocket pairs ALOT of time here. Every once in a blue moon he's trapping with kings and aces but given how the hand is played, I guess he's more likely wanting to iso the shorty shove, than to have a monster. If he had kings or aces and he limped them utg, i'd be much more worried when he flatted the shorty shove tbh but I'd still have a hard time folding QQ here. I'd need a pretty strong read that his limpshove is really strong to give up QQ.
Also ICM is no factor and you need to final these tourneys to make some money so 100% go for that top 5 spot.

Jan. 2, 2017 | 12:31 a.m.

I'm following this one, i think you can go either way with 3betcalling or 3betshoving but 30bb stacks in single raised pots are not really my strong suit.

Dec. 19, 2016 | 1:49 p.m.

First video I watch since I'm subscribed to RIO and it's already paying off! Thanks!

Sept. 29, 2016 | 10:11 a.m.

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