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What video are you referring to at at 0:43?

April 4, 2021 | 7:36 a.m.

So I played around with it a bit and figured out how to do it. Still getting the same result. It cant be right to call this wide on the bubble when bb has half the stack we do?

June 12, 2020 | 11:56 p.m.

Ok, ive figured out that its given the equity vs that specific hand Im pushing with. That's not helping me. Is there a specific video I can watch to help me figure out Villians ICM equity with calling 99 in this situation? (ie I have an unknown hand)

June 12, 2020 | 11:48 p.m.

Hello Everyone

I recently purchased ICMizer because I thought it would be a great investment. I have not watched any training videos on it because it seems very simple to use. I just played an 9 handed sit n go on partypoker and I wanted to do an ICM analysis on a bubble call villian made I thought was quite bad. What Icmizer says Villian should call here is obviously way to wide given the situation. What can possibly going wrong here with the program? I am very confused. Everything looks fine to me I don't know what im missing.

(I cant get the Hand History to load it keeps saying invalid hand, why I don't know)

Hand History For Game 1592003556442o8epq02pkyp
100/200 Tourney Texas Holdem Game Table (NL) (SNG Tournament #273755091) (Buyin $18.56 + $1.44) - Fri Jun 12 19:12:22 EDT 2020
Table (273755091) Table #1 (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 4/9
Seat 1: Player1 (3543)
Seat 2: Player2 (1477)
Seat 4: Player3 (3456)
Seat 7: Hero (5024)
Player1 posts ante (25)
Player2 posts ante (25)
Player3 posts ante (25)
Hero posts ante (25)
Hero posts small blind (100)
Player1 posts big blind (200)
* Dealing down cards *
Dealt to Hero [ Ac, 3s ]
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Hero raises 4899 to 4999
Hero is all-In.
Player1 calls (3318)
Player1 is all-In.
* Dealing Flop * : [ 5d, 5h, Jd ]
* Dealing Turn * : [ Ks ]
* Dealing River * : [ Th ]
Creating Main Pot with 7136 with Player1
* Summary *
Main Pot: 7136
Board: [ 5d, 5h, Jd, Ks, Th ]
Player1 balance 7136, bet 3543, collected 7136, net +3593[ 9d, 9h ] [ two pairs, nines and fives -- Ks,9d,9h,5d,5h ]
Player2 balance 1452, lost 25 (folded)
Player3 balance 3431, lost 25 (folded)
Hero balance 1481, bet 5024, collected 1481, lost 3543[ Ac, 3s ] [ a pair of fives -- Ac,Ks,Jd,5d,5h ]


June 12, 2020 | 11:42 p.m.

She is the HJ. I am the CO. My bad.

Sept. 6, 2017 | 8:32 a.m.

Valid points. Espcially if the club straight card comes as it will obv devaste her.

Sept. 4, 2017 | 6:36 p.m.

Game is live 1/2 NLHE 10 players

EP player limps, HJ limps, i raise to 10 in the CO with 10cJc. Everyone folds to the CO who calls. She is playing about 300 -330 (i cant tell because she has her chips stacked in a non standard way) and i cover her.

The CO is a very bad player. Earlier she was the sb when i had the staddle and i tried to squeeze to 40 she called after another player called my squeeze when she only had about 120 and she ended up check calling allin on the flop with 33 and won. Another hand she called an allin on the flop with 88 when there were 2 overs to her and she hit her set on the turn to win that pot as well.

Pot is 25 and the flop is 10d Jd 4c.

CO donks into me for 20. I raise to 80. She thinks a few seconds and calls.

Pot is 185 and she has about 230 or so behind. Turn is a 7c. A great card for me if she has q9 or kq as it forfeits 2 of her outs. But obviously bad if she has 89.
Diamond draws are obviously a large part of her range as well. She checks to me. I think for about 30 seconds and push. She thinks a few seconds and folds.

How did i play this hand? After thinking about later i think i made a big mistake not raising larger on the flop. I think i should of raised to 120 instead of 80. That would of made it much more likely my turn push got called if she had a strong jack.

Should I of bet less on the turn? I think my shove was good as shes showed she will call light earlier. But the problem is I thought the vast majority of her range was diamond and straight draws (I saw her lead into the field with an OESD earlier) and i wasent sure how much to bet to induce a mistake. So how much should i bet? Shes not going to call allin on a draw (except maybe kq or q9 suited) so that would make my allin incorrect.


Sept. 2, 2017 | 8:48 a.m.

Villian limps from utg+1 i raise to 15 from CO with 4d3d (i chose 15 because i knew he would play fit or fold heads up) everyone folds to villian who calls the extra 10

I have the effective stack of about 130 -140 after the raise
Flop ($33)

Kd 3s 8d

Villian checks. I bet 20 or 25 he calls

Turn 7c

His range here is AK -k10, 8x, and flush draws. (Set highly unlikely)

Hands i expect him to fold to a shove k10 -kj, all 8s (except 87 obv) and all flush draws. If i get called i expect to have 30% equity against his kings

Should i shove and try to get him to fold these hands of his range or take a free river and risk losing the pot to those hands or getting bluffed on the river to his missed flushes?

Ive counted 76 combos of 8s and kings i expect him to fold (all a8, 108, 98, 68, all k10, half kj, 2 combos of kq) and 41 combos he is continuing against a shove (all ak, all 88, 1 combo of 33, 10 combos of kq and 6 combos of kj, all 78) i count 5 flush draw combos he will fold (qj, qt, aj, a10, aq) he may continue with 910d or 67d.

Is this a reasonable estimate by me? Im new at this kind of anaylsis so someone helping me with the math from here would be appreciated!


May 27, 2017 | 10:28 p.m.

"your mindset is probably crushed and you might have actually become a losing player through all the doubt and distortions that your mind produces. At best you might be slight winner. Adding credit card interest on top of that is a recipe for disaster for 99% of players"

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. I dont feel confident at all and this has affected my mood greatly over the last couple of days. Im really not sure what to do. The videos on this site are not helping me (other then convincing me to NEVER play online as i obviously never have an edge on any player that exploits software and these videos) im reading ed miller books but i just dont know where im at and when to get back into it. Bottom line im feeling pretty shitty right now. I admit i did make some mistakes in the sessions (dont all players?) But i never made any critical mistakes that i got my entire stack in drawing dead like i witnessed a couple of players do.

Jan. 31, 2017 | 3:34 a.m.

The games are very loose aggressive where I live with lots of multi way pots. I should also of stated that the game has a mandatory $5 bring in as well.

Jan. 30, 2017 | 6:06 p.m.

Hi everyone.

I am new to RIO. I have been playing poker for over 10 years and I was actually doing it full time from 04 to 06 back when online poker was so much better. Now I am concentrating entirely on live games as the live 1/2 NLHE where I live is incredibly soft. I am working very hard to improve my game which is why I joined this site (unfortunately so far I am not finding most of the pro videos very helpful as they mostly target online play) I jumped back into the games this week after a fair amount of time off studying. I confidently bought in for the maximum ($500) however, I have had 2 incredibly bad sessions where even though I think I played quite well, The cards didn't go my way (almost every pot i won I stole and the rare times I hit a had like 2 pair or better I was beat). These 2 nightmare sessions cost me about $1800 and have put a serious dent in my roll. So now I am faced with the question of should I buy in short or suck it up and buyin for the max once I'm cooled off and ready. (I do have a $7000 visa to back me up if necessary but i really dont want to do that) I have built rolls from buying in for $100 in these games in the past. But i think that idea is kind of ludicrous unless you cash out when you hit a certain amount. So how would you approach the situation? I absolutely hate buying in for less then the maximum as these games are very soft and i like to play a lot of pots with these incredibly bad players. Should i cash out when i hit a certain amount to protect my roll? Any and all comments are appreciated.

P.S any recommended threads and/or videos for live poker (other then the crushing live no limit by garrett adelstein) would be appreciated as well.


Jan. 29, 2017 | 10:12 p.m.

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