SRJ16's avatar


0 points

Hi Leo,

Want to start off by saying that I've watched most of your videos and enjoyed and learnt from the vast majority.

The inevitable, BUT... I feel that the last few weeks it seems more of a chore for you to produce one of these, often doing fairly short videos and just waiting for the time to approach 45 mins so you can stop. I also feel that its more of a commentary recently as opposed to an analysis of the hands we can see on the screen. I appreciate that I'm sure its difficult having to talk to yourself, remembering different aspects of the game and approaches to talk about as you go through hands. Just an observation I've made.

Anyway, I certainly don't want to sound overly moany on my first post!

+1 to the suggestion that Nom de Guerre made above about transitioning from 6-max PLO to heads up or vice a versa.

Another suggestion for topics: Doing a series on the 'normal' tables (40BB-100BB) on Pokerstars. I, like you, prefer the deep-ante tables, however I'm sure there are many who would appreciate one (as well as the fact that there isn't always enough games going on the mid-stakes, deep tables). Dealing with short-stacker's, how you adjust opening ranges etc?


May 20, 2013 | 2:13 a.m.

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