SNGgrind15's avatar


9 points

Very much enjoyed the video great job as always! That ATcc was pretty funny. Brave by opponent trying to call out your hand. Agree I would probably fold flop so that is his first error in the read. But the biggest surely must be thinking we would ever dream of checking back and not bluffing turn with TT?

Dec. 11, 2022 | 9:07 p.m.

Hey Phil, great video as always!
I have a question about the hand at the 34:30 mark. You bet pot after c-betting flop when the flush comes in on the turn. This is a situation I run into often and I find very interesting. When the PFR continues for full pot here I feel its safe to assume nut flush or nut blocker (Maybe King high flush or King blocker?). Given this, I feel the pot on turn pretty much means the pot on the river will come in almost always (Some board pairs changes this on different run outs then the one here obviously). Is it just me or does that in a way change your pot odds on the turn? Just got this strange idea while watching that we are pretty much calling 32+96 to win 256. I realize this is not the whole truth, but is this something that should change our frequencies at all?
Either way, in these spots I find myself calling sets (value bet board pairs) and preferring to call nut low flushes with 2 pair (bluff/value bet board pairs) and frequently just folding turn with hands sometimes even as strong as second nut flush with nothing else.
This is disregarding the part of our range with 3 hearts. When this is the case I usually just call down, but it happens fairly rarely so I don't feel it can be depended on for a huge part of our defending range.
Do you think my exploit way of playing this hand vs turn pot from PFR seems reasonable? And do you think just bombing pot in your shoes with say KJT2, 22 or Q72x could be an interesting counter exploit?

Part of the reason you will always be my favorite poker instructor is how much time and in depth thoughts you bring to even the smallest of hands while you play. I would love to hear a little about how you would approach this situation from both sides.


Aug. 19, 2018 | 11:43 a.m.

Hey Ben. Another fantastic video :)

I was wondering about the QTss hand. On the river you say you expect him to call with all Tx and he can have a lot of them. Despite this you make a massive CR on the river. Wouldnt this get a bit tricky for your bluffing range?

In my mind the reason to make that size would be to put tons of presure on even a hand as strong as Tx. If I did expect Tx to always call I would make a much smaller CR to target the non Tx'es with my bluffs.

Just wondering what your thoughts are around this, and why I am wrong :)

Dec. 11, 2013 | 8:16 a.m.

Hey Ben, lovely to have you on the site. Looking forward to some fantastic videos from you. I do however wonder about the 98hh. Firstly why are you making it 240 rather then say 180-200? Secondly I tried to do the math and its a pretty easy call given your sizing if he jams giving him a range of AA/KK AK/KQ, Am I totally off here or what?

Aug. 22, 2013 | 10:50 p.m.

Dont you think that 9962 flop 3bet is a bit too obvious? I just feel like your opponent has to be pretty low level to check raise bluff repping nothing, then give it up that easy when your repping very narrow and in his mind probably flatting some monsters sometimes too. This is the type move i used to do like 3-4 years ago, but nowadays this is how i think about it, maybe im just overthinking it?

March 29, 2013 | 1:25 p.m.

You really think a good player against another good player look at that not all in but really all in as strenght? I would always see it as trying to look stronger while being commited. And are you really folding when he jams? Gotta be + EV to call it off at that point + added benefit of getting real stack if u get lucky? Huge fan of you, but that hand was wierd :p

Jan. 11, 2013 | 2:44 p.m.

Post | SNGgrind15 posted in Chatter: payment types
Hi all, is it only possible to pay via card? Can we make it possible for paypal payment please?

Dec. 30, 2012 | 8:54 p.m.

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