SHIPHOP's avatar


19 points

HI Phil, I am coming from a live full ring plo backgroup, for spots like second nut flush or second nut straight, I often take a check/ call line when it's multiway. At 31mins, you have 35 for second nut straight, when you bet turn and river two streets, should you always have a plan for facing a raise on the river?

Nov. 22, 2017 | 4:16 a.m.

In a live full ring(10 handed) low stake PLO game, usually, every pot is multi-way.
On dry board like K82r, I think KK should be check most of the times, but 88 should be bet heavy, because there is a high percentage of chance that other players might turn a bigger set on Q-9 turn, and you rarely can cooler someone's entire stack with 88, but you can do that with kk.

What do you guys think, should i treat 88 and KK as the same hand on this board?

Sept. 3, 2017 | 11:52 p.m.

Comment | SHIPHOP commented on PLO Quiz #5

In reality, all the hands should be mix

Sept. 2, 2017 | 5:27 a.m.

I was thinking the same thing. Tom chambers did and interesting vid with T976ds on A82r worth a look if you haven't seen it.

June 21, 2017 | 7:39 a.m.

Add me pls! +44 7541 534086

June 11, 2017 | 4:31 a.m.

Your right It's not worth PLO players being a member every month.

Feb. 18, 2017 | 2:58 a.m.

More PLO please. Besides phil there hasn't been any highstakes PLO videos. Get jeans89 back!

Feb. 18, 2017 | 2:57 a.m.

thanks for your quick and informative reply

Jan. 18, 2017 | 10:58 a.m.

Hi Zach,
Do you think restricting your cbet size to 60% pot instead of a smaller size made Pio want to check more hands?

Wouldn't it be better to cbet 100% with a much smaller sizing (i.e. 25%)?


Jan. 14, 2017 | 1:53 a.m.

Hero should never have AAxx as it would contain the Ad which will bet flop or turn 99.9% of the time either for value or to bluff with the NFB.

Dec. 7, 2016 | 6:07 a.m.

agreed pre flop isn't great. CO isn't even 100bbs deep either making it a worse call and makes the chance utg 4bs even higher. Flop is fine but maybe some merit to x/c when villain is deeper and if only has aces incase turn repeats.

Nov. 17, 2016 | 4:59 p.m.

4% 3b for villain is pretty tight. do the results differ much compared to 6% or 8%? (i don't have PJ otherwise I would look myself)

Nov. 17, 2016 | 4:55 p.m.

We aren't trying 'to make the nuts' with T98x combos I mentioned that hand because it is not a profitable x/c but still has outs vs Axxx and no showdown value.

QQT3 seems to high up in our range to want to x/r bluff with it.

Reasons to not x/r -

It doesn't need much protection from random stabs.
It has good showdown value.
We are repping a thin range post flop as we capped our range pre flop.
He's unlikely to fold better with the exception of bare KKxx (which mite not bet here).
He's likely to bet his air on this flop hence strengthening his delayed cbet range and weighting it towards monsters/showdown hands rather than air/bare straight draws.
Joni's stack is short enough that he will always get stacks when its some type of a cooler compared to if he was 100bbs effective so there is less incentive to bet all AAxx JJxx combos on the flop.
We have better x/r candidates like 9864cc with equity but no showdown value and 6544cc which benefit from his air folding and also has some equity vs his b/c range.
We have a fold button.

Reasons to x/r -

Villain checking this flop in general takes some nut combos out his range.

I can 100% get behind x/calling but x/raising seems unbalanced and a waste of this hand.


Nov. 17, 2016 | 4:49 p.m.

I did not mean my post to come across offensively or that I was fearing the nuts here a high percentage of the time. Just that his range seems stronger and our range was void of some full houses. I assumed the BB had a fairly good range advantage on this flop. Am I wrong in this asssumption? I believe a lot of ppl very liberally raise sb limps in the bb but I would still consider BB range to be stronger on this flop. In regards to considering combinatorics I'll be honest I know very little, but I would be very interested to hear what you have to say about it in this situation? Also, I was wondering why you think this hand is a good candidate to x/r? I would of thought something like JT9x, 998x and T98x would be better.

Nov. 17, 2016 | 5:43 a.m.

Hi, Just wanted to add a few thoughts. We cant have many boats as we don't have AAxx or good JJxx while villain can and could slow play some of these on the flop. I don't see a great reason to attack this board texture/situation unless his delayed cbet range is unbalanced towards air. We do have a good amount of showdown so like Joni said he wouldn't mind calling with this hand sometimes. I would also be interested to hear what Joni thinks about this spot and villains range?

Nov. 17, 2016 | 1:24 a.m.

thanks for the vid im looking forward to your next video! I do have a couple of questions.(any1 is welcome to give their thoughts though)

  1. You folded QJ98ss utg @33min but opened 7654ddd utg later on in the video was this intentional or do you consider 7654 to be a better hand to open utg?

  2. You defended the BB with QJ85ddd vs co limp and bu iso @45min. But x/folded vs a cbet on 832r. is leading an option on this board texture? would this hand be okay for a merged x/r? seems like we nearly always have more sets than BU and maybe CO. do regs at 2/5 just not fold AA or KK on 832r to make a x/r a viable option? is x/c even an option or do you think CO will jam too often and our hand is to weak to continue vs BU?

Nov. 11, 2016 | 3:57 p.m.

This series has been super interesting and you are covering a lot of hands with some great thoughts and a quick but very good pace throughout the video.
6 tables is okay but I think calling them table 1,2,3 ect would be better than top bottom ect

Nov. 1, 2016 | 4:08 p.m.

Oct. 26, 2016 | 4:55 p.m.

Comment | SHIPHOP commented on Range v range on flop

I'm folding this hand pre in nearly all situations. I'm Surprised people are saying they're happy playing this hand as long as the blinds are tight. IMO Villain would have to be a huge spot and blinds virtually non existent for me to play this.

Oct. 13, 2016 | 2:52 a.m.

His cbetting range would have to be very strong for a flop jam to be bad. Flatting doesn't seems great as any card we hit on the turn will likely slow villain Down. (with the exception of a 4) unless he has made a bigger flush or has good blockers. (May have to make some Tricky call downs) and I doubt we cld get 2 streets of value on spade turns and brick rivers when checked to.

I Like the advice on betting bigger to Punish his x/c range on turn.

Sept. 10, 2016 | 3:51 p.m.

I Don't play Hu, but from what I've heard -

  1. 90 - 100% unless you have a limping strategy
  2. Very close to 100%
  3. Probably gii most the time after 4bing and facing 5b. Can maybe fold at specific stack sizes with Some KKxx, AKxx and good reads on villains 5b frequencies.

You can bet wider thinner ect hu compared to HJ vs CO hu pots for example as ranges are weaker. I feel like someone with lots of 6max PLO experience should be able to answer these questions. So in a way the questions don't make sense.

Any PLO hu vid on here is good. Robin released a good 1 on blockers recently.


Sept. 10, 2016 | 3:40 p.m.

4 ways I'm checking this without a 9 blocker. Then mixing between betting and checking when I have a blocker to the str8. Turn super easy bet/gii

Sept. 10, 2016 | 11:37 a.m.

This single suited version seems on the loose side to me.

Sept. 10, 2016 | 11:32 a.m.

Could be they are adjusting to ppl defending the BB wider. Raising pot from both BU and CO probably can't be much worse than 2.5x or 3x and could well be better. It does maximise fold equity, make the pot bigger when BB flats and we should have a slight range advantage with pos. Only time it's bad I think is if BB is just folding or 3betting a lot and we can get away with 2.5x raises.

Sept. 10, 2016 | 11:31 a.m.

Yeah I'm not convinced ppl are only flatting big draws here vs a Cbet. Jamming with these hands for fold equity seems like a common and reasonable play. Once you check I think folding is the best play x/calling feels like burning money. Cbetting flop has merits and you will get some folds. If you do get called potting brick/good turns (not many I know) seems like a reasonable strategy. JNandez did a good video called 'flop strategy as aggressor' he had some good ideas on using some hud stats like fold to Cbet, raise vs Cbet and call vs Cbet In 3b pots to figure out how to exploit your oppenent. Ie if this villain is folding a lot to cbets this hand could become a mandatory Cbet. Just like you said your pre flop 3b was!

Sept. 10, 2016 | 11:08 a.m.

Comment | SHIPHOP commented on 10kr/20kr HU PLO

thanks for the video. there are some really good thoughts on blockers. In the KJT8r hand with the NFB raising turn feels much better imo. Do you raise in this spot sometimes? id guess your much more likely to bluff raise turn when your NFB has no showdown. Do you have much of a flop raise frequency with the NFB?

Sept. 8, 2016 | 5:36 p.m.

Post | SHIPHOP posted in PLO: Live 5/10/20 PLO

9 handed - hero (CO) 7.3k viewed as decent winning player with TAG tendencies. villain (BU) - 6.8k, good lag can be a little spewy sometimes. will also 3b fairly wide.

hero dealt AcKsTc4h in co. folds to LJ bad reg (2.2k) opens to 60. HJ folds, hero flats. Villain (BU) 3bs to 260 all blinds fold. bad reg and hero flat.

flop Qc4c2d - $815 pot

bad reg checks. hero??

do any of you feel strongly towards checking or leading in this spot? also thoughts on x/r or c/c vs villains cbet here with a spr of 8?

Checking will allow us to gain info from the bad reg as villian will likely be cbetting frequently in this spot. being oop with an spr of 8 vs a cbet I think my x/c range will be very NFD heavy with some Qxxx with some infrequent QQxx and rare 22xx and 44xx. I think villain should be able to play pretty well vs that range in pos. I will also have some rare 345x, 356x and A53x without clubs

x/r has merits but seems a bit spewy this deep.

I choose to lead 600. We should have more than enough equity here to bet call it off vs the bad reg's range here for the rest of his $1940 stack and can put pressure on a lot on the villains 1 pair hands with the bad reg left to act. we may get a little bit of deception value on clubs as I feel villain would expect me to x/c a lot of my FDS in this spot.

Villain flats 600, bad reg folds. villains range here should contain some Qxxx, nearly all FDs, AAxx, KKxx both with or without clubs and slow played QQxx and somewhat unlikely 44xx and 22xx

Qc4c2d turn 9d - $2015 pot - spr 2.95 - eff stack $5940

I'm really unsure about this spot. If we barrel turn I think I get a lot folds from his unimproved hands, but a lot of his Qxxx, AAxx KKxx will often pick up equity on this turn. Also if we get jammed on I'm unsure if we can profitably call off depending on our turn sizing. i think x/jamming turn is spewy vs his turn betting range as I think it will be a very strong range that wants to bet here. I think a x/c line protects our equity the best but if we face a large turn bet from a likely strong range its not an easy call as im not sure how good our implied odds will be on clubs and rivers that make us 2 pair my be tricky to play. Any thoughts on turn strategy in this spot would be greatly appreciated??


Sept. 7, 2016 | 8:08 a.m.

I think 75% - 80% pot saves money but achieves the same thing.

Sept. 7, 2016 | 6:28 a.m.

at the 3.20 mark you fold TT65ds was just wondering what DS pair hands you would flat vs an UTG opening range in these positions? I know the raiser and the players behind have a big impact on the decision but as a standard I have been flatting JJ65ds and 7765ds but folding worse than that. Do you ever 3b 8876ds type hands in later positions?

ps. great video!

Aug. 25, 2016 | 3:51 a.m.

I see AAxx a lot here and not blocking an ace I would fold

Aug. 10, 2016 | 4:48 p.m.

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