4 points
Hi everyone, I have a hand that I played the other night in a $1500 NL home game which I am seeking your thoughts on:
Playing 7 handed, and the relevant individuals in the hand are UTG +1 and the button. Reads are limited on the players, however, UTG+1 has shown a tendency to open wide from all positions, and then play passively post-flop. Button appears to be a relatively tight player pre, however, I have seen two instances in the last few minutes where button called a 3-bettor pre, and then jammed over the pre-flop raisers c-bet on the flop (approximately 8-9x jam considering the stack sizes). Don't know how much my opponents are paying attention to my image, however, I have been at the table for about 30 minutes and have 3-bet from the blinds a few times already and followed through on the flop. I probably look loose aggressive to an individual that I have limited history with (which is the case here). The action and stack sizes are below:
UTG +1 ($2,000): Opens $45
Button ($1,600): 3-bets to $180
SB - (Hero with AhKd - $2,200): 4-bets to $475
UTG +1 folds and button calls.
Flop: 9s6dAs
Hero c-bets half pot ($475), and button calls - pot is approx. $2k
Turn: 8c
Hero goes all in and villain calls.
Want some thoughts on how I played this hand. Other individuals that I have played with in this game in the past have shown a tendency to call down with draws and weak top pair holdings, fyi. Also, considering the pre-flop action, I put the button on a pre-flop range of the following when he called my 4-bet: AKs, AKo, QQ, JJ, AQs, AQo, AJs, AJo, 10s, 99. Since my 4 bet is on the smaller side, villain is probably calling with a wider portion of his range (thus that is why I included a relatively wide 4 bet call range).
Flop thoughts: The flop eliminates all suited combos in our opponents assigned range. Therefore, we should not be afraid of too many draws on the flop. We are either way ahead or way behind, and more often than not way ahead. In hindsight, I like a flop check for the reasons stated above. We are more likely to get a call on a blank turn from QQ, JJ, 10s. Also, we could probably get value from all AQ AJ combos on the turn and river, assuming blanks roll off.
Turn thoughts: The 8c seems like a brick to me, and does not change anything. As played, I figured there was plenty of value to be obtained from weaker aces, which is a heavy component of his range. Therefore, I jammed.
How would you play this based on the info provided, and what did villain have?
Villain did not muck. I'll reveal what he had once we get a few more responses.
Also, in terms of sizing, I am assuming you are referring to pre-flop? What would you 4-bet to here? My line of thinking is that in this game in particular, opponents fold often to 4-bets pre for the simple fact that it is scary (regardless of the size). Therefore, by sizing down, I can bluff more profitably. Maybe I can take a more exploitable approach and size up my value hands and size down my 4 bet bluffs.
Nov. 16, 2017 | 2:37 a.m.