RunItTwice345's avatar


12 points

ok ty. this was interesting with your possible riveroutcomes.  river you must be ahead 2.9:1 = 25.6%.  so only after a blank u can call.

then i like your bet turn, bc u can profitably call a shove.

Sept. 30, 2014 | 1:44 p.m.

vs : AJs,KJs,QTs+,J8s+,T8s,AhQh,KhQh,AhTh,KhTh,Ah9h,Kh9h,Qh9h,Qh8h,9h8h,9h7h,8h7h,AJo,KJo,QTo+,JTo

30.7%  . getting almost 3:1 on a turnshove: clear betcall then.

no way u can fold after the 2nd J.   

should he raise flop i guess u call and evaluate the turncard? 

have to reread your long post, to fully understand your math


Sept. 30, 2014 | 1:24 p.m.

i agree to all. imo betcall turn is superior to bet-fold.

Sept. 26, 2014 | 4:01 p.m.


i am at the 10min
mark. TT hand. at 10:49 u say you bet turn bc u can get away easier

1) this implicates
that u bet-fold turn?

semms kinda crazy and exploitable to me. especially vs an agro guy in a large pot? i am
not a fan of investing 1/2 of my whole stack into a hand, and then
give up. you have to be really sure he raises you with a J+.

i am not overly convinced by this turnbet but i understand your point, since he plays
lots of hands.

But imo he not just plays KQ,QT, so protection is not so important. (+ u block qt , t8 and kt
combos) so he valuetowns himself with his turnbet. i like a c-r
turnallin way more. if he has u beat, thats UL then. cant see an
agro guy taking a freecard with hands like KQ, QT.

also cant see u getting lots of value on the turnbet. guess your image is solid and
he know that u know he is agro. even c-bet without anything on this
flop vs him is kinda suicide. and with your turnbet he can play
perfectly then. folding his floats and weak draws. and 9x. and
continue with a J+.

on the other hand your turnbet is perceiving polarized. Because checkcall turn is

2) lets say he calls the turn. then pot is 220k and 118k left. so many rivers suck. Whats
your river plan then?

3) Whats the plan should he raise turn allin?

4) the flop: what was your plan if he raises your c-bet? should u fold, then i def
dont like c-betting. rather c-c .

ty again for answering my concerns


Sept. 26, 2014 | 3:57 p.m.

ok ty. 1) how do you proceed after a flop-raise? as said i'd not fold. and 2). i dont understand the todays standard smallish 3-bet oop. why give the ip-guy so good odds? imo just leads to ugly postflop decisions. especially with a small pot-stack-ratio.  this was also a question by me last time. seems like u did not interpret it as such one lol.  seems like u dont feel committed at any point, no matter how large the pot is compared to your stack

Sept. 22, 2014 | 2:16 p.m.

hi ty. sure but in a deep mtt with 40-50bb avg stack there are not really a lot of allins. well the regs are just better. so i have to improve somehow.  in the 36min mark: your 99  sb vs bu. it gets really awkward on the flop with 2.5:1 pot-stack-ratio. what if he dont folds on the flop? would be nice to explain (also in the videos)what you'd have done on the turn. bc i'd feel lost now in a huge pot now oop.  do u give up  now? or do u c-c turn to a small bet if no J, Q or A comes? a spade gives u a weak FD.  100k in pot with 135k left.  i think i'd checkraise allin turn on a nonspade , non-T, J, Q or A.  2nd king would be great ofc.    if he raises flop i'd never fold. lots of draws possible and why should he raise a K.  idk very difficult. personally i 3bet more pre, that i get more folds to avoid such tough situations. here he gets pre over 3:1. he'll call everything bc he can afford it. and playing oop with this pot-stackratio + 1-2 overcards on flop is really hard. what are your thoughts on that? hope that wasnt too much. ty

Sept. 19, 2014 | 6:07 p.m.

hi espen, ty for this series. i see u start the video with 100 left in the ftops. well it would be good to know how to even get this far / how u manage to chip up constantly. i barely manage to hold an avg stack. yesterday i played the ftops 6max 11$-R . avg stack was around 40-50bb. tough field overall. busted in 300th something /1150 players. there are strong regs which had 5x avg stack. idk how they do that, how they chip up so nicely ?!  i guess i wont cover your early hands, since its too much probably anyway.  maybe a fast replayer video with hands that u played where u won chips, to even get to this point with 100 left.  i cant imagine u will send me your full HH, would be too good to be true. ofc i am not sharing with anyone and we'll never meet online. since i play lowstakes and not solely mtt.  ty for your answer. 

Sept. 19, 2014 | 1:03 a.m.


1.5k/3k  No Limit Holdem 
7 Players 
Hand Conversion Powered by 
MTOPS Event #26 
UTG  37k 12bb 
UTG+1  65k 22bb 
MP  34k 11bb 
CO  20k 7bb 
BTN  66k 22bb 
SB  43k 14bb 
hero (BB)  26k 9bb 
Blinds: 1.5k/3k Ante 400 
Pre-Flop: (7.3k, 7 players) hero is BB Qs Js 
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to 6k, 2 folds, BTN calls 6k, SB calls 4.5k, hero calls 3k 
Flop: As Qc 8h (27k, 4 players) 
SB checks, hero checks, UTG+1 checks, BTN bets 9k, SB calls 9k, hero folds, UTG+1 folds 
Turn: Qd (45k, 2 players) 
SB checks, BTN checks 
River: 3c (45k, 2 players) 
SB bets 12k, BTN folds 
Final Pot: 45k 
SB wins 57k (net +29k) 
BTN lost 15k 
hero lost 6.4k 
UTG+1 lost 6.4k 

have no stats on openraiser. the BU played 33/26  52 hands.  both good regs

sb was a fishreg

i know totally misplayed. idk why i did not ship pre. guess thats the right play bc i am so short

on flop i am so short that i must decide if i wanna go with it. but 4way somebody has the Ace and i have 0 outs to continue imo. !?

beside that i dont know how to improve on mtt. mostly i come quite far.  to around 100 left. then there are mostly capable players left and somehow i get overrunned.

i watched dozens of runitonce vids, seems like it does not help me (although vids are great).

idk maybe i am lernresistant or i have 0 talent or brain. i try to improve but nothing seems to work.

sry for whining


May 30, 2014 | 8:59 p.m.

yeah why chk the turn after chk/raising?

May 11, 2014 | 9:29 p.m.

hi Phil,

you mentioned preflop a bit in this video, that it is not that important. But seeing some of your Big Blind defends really confuses me. For example: A952 at 11:03. and some other BB defends vs BU open by a solid player. dont you think we come in so many trouble spots and just pay off very bad too often when playing so many bad hands out of position in PLO? Could you in general recommend any preflop thresholds or is my preflop play only depending on my Postflop skill? so would you recommend to someone that doesnt play very well postflop is way better of by folding many more hands preflop? Im just thinking about a solid BB defend stat, only know you and Ben who defend so many blinds...


May 9, 2014 | 11:37 a.m.

could you post your HUD please? do you have some tips for a good plo-hud? what are the  3 stats  you find most important?

April 28, 2014 | 12:56 p.m.

I would love to see a plo 6max-concept video on how to find leaks in your HM2-database/ in general work with HM2 as a plo player!

April 19, 2014 | 10:35 a.m.

i play 200 zoom on stars!

Oct. 7, 2013 | 7:45 a.m.

hey sam, how do u 3bet 17% over 200hands? never seen any regular with a number that high.

Sept. 22, 2013 | 2:04 p.m.   (dont find a converter for rio)

hi.  2k left (1k = itm)

behind me all regulars who are capable of shoving wide (20%) if i minraise. and did so after my last minraise attemps.

for sure J9o is the absolut bottom of my range. i have effective 8bb. should  wait for a better spot?

i dont have cardrunners ev to find out if minraise-fold has more ev than shoving if they have about 20% re-shove range.

my buddy (who backed me for this mtt) said its about survival. i disagree: avg stack was 30k and its about chip accumulation imo.

the push is BE according to nash. but only if sb bu calls 15%. sb 18%. and bb 24% which is too high imo.

so its a small chip winner, but nothing huge

ty for your input. ps: my buddy is only interested in opinions from (big) winners.


Sept. 17, 2013 | 2:16 a.m.

Great as always!! Could you please make a video of you Highroller 2nd Chance chop? It would be great to see how you adapt your game to tournament play.

Sept. 16, 2013 | 11:24 a.m.

i find the vid totally annoying with yawning literally every minute -.-

Sept. 13, 2013 | 11:02 p.m.

In MTTs GTO is far less important, as you have a bigger player pool and many more unique situations with more variables than in CG. Playing a good, exploitative strategy in MTTs is way better than playing GTO.

Sept. 12, 2013 | 9:46 a.m.

what if i pay with an euro account? is there an exchange fee /additonal costs?

Aug. 20, 2013 | 4:52 p.m.

i would love to see the same for plo! 6max preferably

Aug. 10, 2013 | 10:29 a.m.

Fistpumpshove vs 99% of villains. Everybody behind us would have to be a maniac in order to make this 1 unprofitable. Also BB should not call too wide b/c he will be crippled if he looses.

Aug. 4, 2013 | 9:23 a.m.


first I have to say that you are by far my favorite MTT-Video producer on RIO. It is really good content and you explain your thoughts very well. However I have already had some moments in you previous videos in shortstack situations where I thought that your ranges are kinda off and this was once again the case here.

18:00 The reshoving ranges you give them are way too tight imo. Should rather be sth like: (43,47% EQ vs. that range)

 22+, A2s+, K7s+, Q8s+, J9s+,67s+, A8o+, K9o+, Q9o, JTo+

That is still relatively tight esp. given how wide you open (ofc these guys might not know that). The ranges should also differ between the players left to act, with the SB range probably being the widest, as he should think he has the most FE from the three. BB is a reg who will definitely shove at least as wide as the range above. He'll maybe flat some of these hands, but he could also flat stuff like 86s, Q4s.

21.24 Folding to the BB is a mistake as well if he is reshoving wide enough. VS:

22+, Ax5x+, Kx9x+, QxTx+, Tx9x+, AxTy+, KxJy+, QxJy+, JxTy  

you have 48% equity. He might flat some of these, but he might also reshove 67s or A7o so the percentages should be somewhere close to right.

23.50 Pretty much the same as written above. Although your equity vs the range from above is worse with A9o, you are 1 position later, BB is shorter, so probably less flatting and he can be shoving wider. Vs. BU it is close I guess, but if he is reggish I'd definitely call.

24.27 Now you can not be serious about folding to BB here with AJo and 24 BB behind. VS:

77+, AT+, KxQx+ 

you have 44% equity, which makes it an easy odds call. Guy is a reg so he will be shoving somewhere near these lines. 

25.35 Again it is close and I guess a shove is the best play here, as you fold out quite some hands BU will shove that you're ahead of (Broadways, SCs).

I understand that you want to reduce variance and play out your edge, but you seem to kind of be overdoing it a little bit. R/f as much as you suggest makes you extremely exploitable. Yes, most villains here are unknowns so balance is not really important, but even if that is the case you just give up +cEV spots that should be +$EV spots as well, already considering edge.

As to your videos, please keep up the good work. Live videos would be nice or you could record a live session and then dub the commentary later on. 


Aug. 4, 2013 | 9:18 a.m.

Comment | RunItTwice345 commented on First PLO8 Post


Aug. 1, 2013 | 12:57 a.m.

idk the test is pretty much meaningless. obviously 1.50 for phil galfond is too fast to follow. especially for a complex game like plo and 2 tabling.  but for reviews (1-table) and slow speakers i could easily follow 1.7 speed and even faster. so plz put in 1.7 and 2.0 for fast watchers^^  

when does this feature come in place?

July 11, 2013 | 1:14 p.m.

1.25 is no real difference.  i expected there will be a scrollbar to watch like 1.7-2.0 speed at 1-tabling commentary and 1.3-1.6 at 4tabling. and 2) to choose speed by scroll faster and slower depending on the complexitiy of situations. PG has so much valuable to say, and its even hard to follow his thoughts at 1.0 ;-) but some others i'd love to watch them 2.0 tbh, otherwise i'd fall asleep (no offense^^).  glad finally this feature comes, although choosing just 1 speed is really disappointing for me. i am sorry

July 6, 2013 | 4:29 p.m.

And, as much as I like your comment on my hand, if you would mind going more straight ahead with what you want to say it would be great, I'm not a beginner when it comes to poker or analysing of hands, I've been a professional analyser myself for over 2 years now, and I actually find your post more confusing then helping because finding what you're looking for is rather becoming searching a needle in a haysack. Anyways, thanks for your input and I would appreciate if you keep commenting, just going more straight ahead with your message.

July 2, 2013 | 9:58 a.m.

I'm not sure if you're aware that the AF is going with the VPIP, so a 25 VPIP guy with 3,1 AF is way more passive than a 75 VPIP guy with 3,1 AF

July 2, 2013 | 9:53 a.m.

Hand History | RunItTwice345 posted in PLO: 200 PLO, 200bb deep against lagfish
CO: Jon Doe: $0
BN: Player4: $697.64
SB: Hero: $398.20
BB: Player6: $260.80
HJ: Player7 ( $328.00 USD: $0
In this hand we are up against a fish with stats VPIP: 63, PFR: 42, 3B: 24, AF: 3,1, Hands: 385 who opens every button and is not folding to 3bets whatsoever. He also might be a genious super-lag but I doubt so.
Preflop ($4.00) (4 Players)
Hero was dealt Q K K 5
Jon Doe folds, Player4 raises to $4, Hero raises to $12, Player6 folds, Player4 calls $10
We got dealt premium Kings in the SB, he opens the BU (he mixes up between potting, 3xing and minraising, got no read so far what each means), we happily 3bet against an 100% range there and get called as expected.
Flop ($30.00) Q Q 9 (2 Players)
Hero bets $20, Player4 raises to $50
we flop quite fine here , trips with good kicker on a board where we block the good draws, I decided to cbet and face a smallish raise from him. He has raised 1/4 cbets before that hand, so not quite sure what to make out of it and not sure how to continue most profitably, but I think call or smallish 3bet is the play here.

July 2, 2013 | 6:23 a.m.

BN: Jon Doe: $0
SB: Player4: $1397.25
BB: Player5: $471.25
UTG: Player6: $925
HJ: Player7: $658.50
CO: Hero -: $480
In this hand we are up against a reg with stats VPIP: 26, PFR: 16, 3B: 8, AF: 3,4, Hands: 287 who is defending so far about 50% of his BBs against a BU steal. We are playing effectively for his stack here, so about 95bb deep.
Preflop ($10.00) (5 Players)
Jon Doe was dealt T 7 J 7
Player6 folds, Player7 folds, Jon Doe raises to $15, Player4 folds, Player5 calls $10
We find JT77ss otb and make a standard open, he decides to defend. So far nothing special.
Flop ($35.00) T 8 J (2 Players)
Player5 bets $25, Jon Doe calls $25
We get quite a wet board where we flop top2 and the idiotgutter, he decides to donkbet this flop, I have stats on him doing this in 32% of time (19samples). I see no other play but calling and deciding on the turn.
Turn ($85.00) 3 (2 Players)
Player5 bets $70, Jon Doe raises to $194
Turn is a great blank, he continues betting. Now, as I've been paying attention in Phil's videos, I decided to make something we named the "Galfond-raise", after his video series about raising turns, which I highly recommend to watch if you haven't done so yet. I think it accomplishes a few things, we put him in a really tough spot with a lot of hands in his range, beginning with nutflushdraw/blocker over to hands like KQT which he might have decided to lead, up to hands as even JT9 or blank JT and even sets, of which we block the most, fortunately not the bottom ones, which he is more likely to fold than JJ here. Again, not sure how much profit it will show, but I think I can credibly rep a lot and make him fold either lot lot of equity or even the best hand here.

July 2, 2013 | 6:01 a.m.

Hand History | RunItTwice345 posted in PLO: 5/5 6max, bluffspot vs poster
CO: Jon Doe: $0
BN: Player2: $368.70
SB: Player3: $290.35
BB: Player7: $1061.50
UTG: Hero: $1029.50
HJ: Player9 -: $500
CO had come new to the table with a 100bb stack and posted the BB in the CO, I wasn't sure what to make out of it since I saw him earlier opensitting some 5/5 games and had no reads or history with him so far.
Preflop ($10.00) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt 9 T 8 J
Hero raises to $20, Jon Doe calls $15, Player2 folds, Player3 folds, Player7 calls $15
We open a great hand to 4bb, I was even considering potting since everybody else on the table was also a fish (40-65 vpip 5-6handed), we get flatted by the poster as well as by the BB who we are about 200bb deep against.
Flop ($60.00) 3 8 A (3 Players)
Player7 checks, Hero bets $40, Jon Doe raises to $100, Player7 folds, Hero raises to $160
We get a decent board, flopping middlepair and backdoor everything, I cbet 2/3 pot which I think is fine here and we get 2,5x raised by the poster. BB folds and we face a decission. There are no draws out expcept for 542* hands , even against those we are doing fine I think. I don't see him having AA** ever as I think he would 3bet his post always with such a hand, so we are left with 88 (1combo), 33 and all the 2pairs. As I think I can leverage his stack with a smallish 3bet (as here to 200, not 160 as shown) and he's to fold a decent portion of his 2pairs and even if called we got plenty of turns that are giving us plenty of equity, I thought of this as a good bluffspot for me, yet not sure what you guys think about it and how profitable this play might end up being

July 2, 2013 | 5:42 a.m.

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