0 points
I think that 9Ts is in villains callingrange, because he seems a bit fishy looking at his stacksize and stats. Because villain is stealing 43% and folds 66% he stil has a 12% range if we asume villain will 4bet QQ+ AK, and AQs, and 9Ts fits well in that range.
Because we didn't bet the flop we can't exclude flushes from his range? I'm not sure if villain would x/r those on the river though.
July 10, 2013 | 2:34 p.m.
IPoker, $0.10/$0.20 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 PlayersPoker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.
SB: $20.40 (102 bb)
Hero (BB): $20.20 (101 bb)
UTG: $20 (100 bb) stats 29/27/21 VPIP/PFR/3Bet 24% open UTG FT3B 57 over 323 hands
MP: $49.24 (246.2 bb) stats 15/15/4 VPIP/PFR/3Bet so far 0% 3Bet vs UTG over 52 hands
CO: $20.53 (102.7 bb)
BTN: $20 (100 bb)
Hero is BB with QsQd
UTG raises to $0.60
MP raises to $1.80
3 folds
What do we do here? I think that if I 4Bet here I end up vs a range of AK and KK+, but calling makes my hand a bit face-up?
PS: I tried to import this hand from HM2, but the site doesn't support HH from Ipoker I think. I tried several formats, but none worked.
July 8, 2013 | 6:39 p.m.
Yeah, same here aswell.
What do you mean by "win the party"? Winning or losing a hand is irrelevant. You "win the party" by making the best decision.
A busted draw is not going to call your shove, so there is no value in shoving I think for that matter. If you think, that by shoving, villain will fold an overpair your shove is probably correct, but tbh I don't think villain will fold an overpair here.
July 13, 2013 | 12:29 p.m.